Imo (the Wisdom prerequisite is to represent the mental calmness to take 10 even in a dangerous situation)Here's one I'm not sure should be epic or divine (tho I'm leaning toward the latter)
Exellency (epic or divine)
Prerequisites: 25 or 40 ranks in a skill
Benefit: You can take 10 on any d20 roll (including attack rolls and saving throws). You can do this even if you're in combat or another stressful situation that would normally prohibit it.
Exellency [Epic]
Prerequisites: Wis 30, 25 character level.Benefit: You can take 10 on any skill check. You can do this even if you're in combat or another stressful situation that would normally prohibit it or even if the is not possible normally to take 10 in a given skill (like Knowledge).
Greater Exellency [Divine]
Prerequisites: Excellency, Wis 40, 40 character level.Benefit: Instead of rolling a d20, you can choose to automatically roll a 10 as a result. If you take 10, the result cannot be a critical hit (even if your critical threat is 10-20 or better).