Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.

Here's one I'm not sure should be epic or divine (tho I'm leaning toward the latter)

Exellency (epic or divine)
Prerequisites: 25 or 40 ranks in a skill
Benefit: You can take 10 on any d20 roll (including attack rolls and saving throws). You can do this even if you're in combat or another stressful situation that would normally prohibit it.
Imo (the Wisdom prerequisite is to represent the mental calmness to take 10 even in a dangerous situation)

Exellency [Epic]

Prerequisites: Wis 30, 25 character level.
Benefit: You can take 10 on any skill check. You can do this even if you're in combat or another stressful situation that would normally prohibit it or even if the is not possible normally to take 10 in a given skill (like Knowledge).

Greater Exellency [Divine]

Prerequisites: Excellency, Wis 40, 40 character level.
Benefit: Instead of rolling a d20, you can choose to automatically roll a 10 as a result. If you take 10, the result cannot be a critical hit (even if your critical threat is 10-20 or better).

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Does this seem more like divine or cosmic?

Mortal Terror (Divine or Cosmic) (ex)
Prerequisites: 40 or 70 ranks in intimidate
BenefitL When you make an intimidate check to Demoralize someone, you can make it so that if they fail their save they die of fright. Even on a successful save, they are still shaken for the normal duration.

Does this seem more like divine or cosmic?

Mortal Terror (Divine or Cosmic) (ex)
Prerequisites: 40 or 70 ranks in intimidate
BenefitL When you make an intimidate check to Demoralize someone, you can make it so that if they fail their save they die of fright. Even on a successful save, they are still shaken for the normal duration.
Imo, what do you think of this version?

Divine Terror [Divine]

Prerequisites: Intimidate 40 ranks, intimidate unchained.
Benefit: When you make an intimidate check to demoralize, the creature must make a Will save with a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 your ranks in Intimidate + your Charisma modifier + your DR. If they fail, they die of fright. You can choose to not activate this ability. Even on a successful save, they still suffer the effect of intimidate (including the unchained version). Creatures with a divine rank equal or higher of yours are immune to this effect. Once a creature succeed his save, is immune to further use of your Divine Terror ability for 24 hours. This is a death, fear, mind-affecting effect.
Special: If you have the Intimidating Prowess feat you can use your Strength instead of your Charisma for calculate the save DC.

Cosmic Terror [Cosmic]

Prerequisites: Intimidate 80 ranks, Divine Terror.
Benefit: Creatures that succeed their save are no longer immune for 24 hours.

Imo, what do you think of this version?

Divine Terror [Divine]

Prerequisites: Intimidate 40 ranks, intimidate unchained.
Benefit: When you make an intimidate check to demoralize, the creature must make a Will save with a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 your ranks in Intimidate + your Charisma modifier + your DR. If they fail, they die of fright. You can choose to not activate this ability. Even on a successful save, they still suffer the effect of intimidate (including the unchained version). Creatures with a divine rank equal or higher of yours are immune to this effect. Once a creature succeed his save, is immune to further use of your Divine Terror ability for 24 hours. This is a death, fear, mind-affecting effect.
Special: If you have the Intimidating Prowess feat you can use your Strength instead of your Charisma for calculate the save DC.

Cosmic Terror [Cosmic]

Prerequisites: Intimidate 80 ranks, Divine Terror.
Benefit: Creatures that succeed their save are no longer immune for 24 hours.

Imo, what do you think of this version?

Divine Terror [Divine]

Prerequisites: Intimidate 40 ranks, intimidate unchained.
Benefit: When you make an intimidate check to demoralize, the creature must make a Will save with a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 your ranks in Intimidate + your Charisma modifier + your DR. If they fail, they die of fright. You can choose to not activate this ability. Even on a successful save, they still suffer the effect of intimidate (including the unchained version). Creatures with a divine rank equal or higher of yours are immune to this effect. Once a creature succeed his save, is immune to further use of your Divine Terror ability for 24 hours. This is a death, fear, mind-affecting effect.
Special: If you have the Intimidating Prowess feat you can use your Strength instead of your Charisma for calculate the save DC.

Cosmic Terror [Cosmic]

Prerequisites: Intimidate 80 ranks, Divine Terror.
Benefit: Creatures that succeed their save are no longer immune for 24 hours.
I honestly would make the first one an epic feat. There are already feats (subepic) that enable similar shenanigans in a couple of different books.
The second one I would make divine since Alter Reality is cosmic and far far deadlier. Even the epic feat Music of The Gods trumps immunities, albeit at a -10 modifier.
It could even be argued that one could simply make both of them epic feats. Terror and Greater Terror maybe?

Epic Mercy [Epic]

Prerequisites: Cha 26, Ultimate Mercy, Greater Mercy, lay on hands, mercy class feature.
Benefit: You only consume 7 uses of lay on hands when using Ultimate Mercy and now replicate resurrection instead of raise dead.

Divine Mercy [Divine]

Prerequisites: Cha 40, Epic Mercy, Ultimate Mercy, Greater Mercy, lay on hands, mercy class feature.
Benefit: You only consume 4 uses of lay on hands when using Ultimate Mercy and now replicate true resurrection instead of resurrection. You no longer suffer a negative level if you do not provide the material. If you do not touch the dead body, the creatures return to life adjacent to you but without any of its equipment.

Author of Divinity [Cosmic ability]
You can imbue lesser creatures with godhood at a whim.
Prerequisite: Cha 70
Benefit: Your granting of Resonance is 100% efficient. In other words, when you transfer quintessence to another creature, the subject gains the full amount of quintessence you sacrifice, rather than 10%.
I honestly like this quite a bit. I can understand the other commenters concern as to this being a cosmic power, but I think it makes sense as a cosmic ability. After all Chronos was the father of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades and Chronos seems like an Old One to me.

Epic Mercy [Epic]

Prerequisites: Cha 26, Ultimate Mercy, Greater Mercy, lay on hands, mercy class feature.
Benefit: You only consume 7 uses of lay on hands when using Ultimate Mercy and now replicate resurrection instead of raise dead.

Divine Mercy [Divine]

Prerequisites: Cha 40, Epic Mercy, Ultimate Mercy, Greater Mercy, lay on hands, mercy class feature.
Benefit: You only consume 4 uses of lay on hands when using Ultimate Mercy and now replicate true resurrection instead of resurrection. You no longer suffer a negative level if you do not provide the material. If you do not touch the dead body, the creatures return to life adjacent to you but without any of its equipment.
I think this is pretty badass honestly.

Divine Inspirate [Divine]

Prerequisites: Cha 40, inspire courage bardic performance.
Benefit: The inspire courage bonus applies to all saving throws and damage dealt, including damage from spells and other abilities used by the used and his allies.

Cosmic Inspirate [Cosmic]

Prerequisites: Cha 70, Divine Inspirate.
Benefit: The inspire courage bonus is multiplied x 1/4 the deity DR.

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