Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.



Divine Channel Energy (Su) [Divine]

Your divine power increase the power of your channel energy.
Prerequisites: Channel Energy class feature.
Benefit: Your channel energy gains the following benefits.
  • The dice of your channel energy increase to d12.​
  • The area of effect increase to 120 ft. or 30 ft. x your Divine Rank, whichever give a major result.​
  • A number of times per day equal to your Divine Rank the dice fo your channel energy are maximized (you must choose to maximize before rolling the damage).​
  • You count as a sacred simbol of your deity for using channel energy.​
  • You can exclude any number of perceived creatures from the effect of your channel energy.​

Cosmic Channel Energy (Su) [Cosmic]

Your cosmic power increase the power of your channel energy.
Prerequisites: Divine Channel Energy.
Benefit: Your channel energy gains the following benefits.
  • The dice of your channel energy increase to 1d20 per level (instead of 1 every odd level).​
  • The area of effect increase to 120 ft. x your Divine Rank or your Divine Aura, whichever give a major result.​
  • The dice fo your channel energy are always maximized.​
  • Your channel energy destroy all opponents magical barriers in the area as if divine damage.​

Transcendental Channel Energy (Su) [Transcendental]

Your transcendental power increase the power of your channel energy.
Prerequisites: Cosmic Channel Energy.
Benefit: Your channel energy gains the following benefits.
  • The dice of your channel energy increase to d100.​
  • You can use channel energy at will.​
  • The area of effect increase to a range equal to your line of sight (which stack with Cosmic Consciousness).​
  • If used for heal, your channel energy remove all the negative conditions on affected creatures.​
  • If used for harm, your channel energy stun affected creatures for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier on a failed save (every round they can make a new save at the start of their turn for remove the effect in advance). This ignore the racial immunity to stun of the undead type.
  • The result of your channel energy is multiplied per your hp multiplier (minimum x8).​

Omnific Channel Energy (Su) [Omnific]

Your omnific power increase the power of your channel energy.
Prerequisites: Transcendental Channel Energy.
Benefit: Your channel energy gains the following benefits.
  • The dice of your channel energy increase to d1,000.
  • The result of your channel energy is multiplied per your hp (this replace the multiplier of Transcendental Channel Energy).​

Metempiric Channel Energy (Su) [Metempiric]

Your metempiric power increase the power of your channel energy.
Prerequisites: Omnific Channel Energy.
Benefit: Your channel energy gains the following benefits.

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I think Metemperic Channel Energy should affect the entire Pleroma/Multiverse you're in, although you could exclude people from being affected if you want. I know that's pretty insane, but it IS a metempiric ability.


The pleroma is infinite though. Can you really see an infinite distance there (even as a high lord)?
I let your cosmic consciousness increase to the multiverse (pleroma+the universes; not the Omniverse which is the combination of all the multiverses) in which you are actually in when you becone a Supernal


Divine Competency (Divine) (Ex)
Benefit: When you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll or saving throw, it's not treated as an automatic failure, but instead calculated normally. You can, of course, still fail the roll if the result is too low

Basically it gives the gods an ability they get automatically in the original Deities and Demigods.


Divine Competency (Divine) (Ex)
Benefit: When you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll or saving throw, it's not treated as an automatic failure, but instead calculated normally. You can, of course, still fail the roll if the result is too low

Basically it gives the gods an ability they get automatically in the original Deities and Demigods.
For me is ok

Divine Competency (Divine) (Ex)
Benefit: When you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll or saving throw, it's not treated as an automatic failure, but instead calculated normally. You can, of course, still fail the roll if the result is too low

Basically it gives the gods an ability they get automatically in the original Deities and Demigods.
I would be interested in a complete revision of the basic Deities and Demigods divine template that combines the best features of the basic Deities and Demigods template and the various divine templates of Ascension.

As it is, they're very similar in many ways, but each has features the other does not possess. Like how Avatars work for example. In Deities and Demigods, they're cost free, completely under your control, and can be remade as necessary. However, the number you can have at any one time is limited.

While, the Ascension Avatars are not cost free, not necessarily completely under your control, and can't be remade very easily. However, the number you can have at any one time is theoretically unlimited if you happen to optimize for quintessence focused pun pun style builds or have a kind DM that permits background empire building, etc. as a way to expand the setting.

Additionally, the basic Deities and Demigods template has various portfolio, sensory, and godly realm related abilities not possessed by the Ascension templates (likely because Krusty ran out of both time and space as some of his earliest posts seem to suggest).


I would be interested in a complete revision of the basic Deities and Demigods divine template that combines the best features of the basic Deities and Demigods template and the various divine templates of Ascension.

As it is, they're very similar in many ways, but each has features the other does not possess. Like how Avatars work for example. In Deities and Demigods, they're cost free, completely under your control, and can be remade as necessary. However, the number you can have at any one time is limited.

While, the Ascension Avatars are not cost free, not necessarily completely under your control, and can't be remade very easily. However, the number you can have at any one time is theoretically unlimited if you happen to optimize for quintessence focused pun pun style builds or have a kind DM that permits background empire building, etc. as a way to expand the setting.

Additionally, the basic Deities and Demigods template has various portfolio, sensory, and godly realm related abilities not possessed by the Ascension templates (likely because Krusty ran out of both time and space as some of his earliest posts seem to suggest).
Does it seem good as a divine ability tho? Even if you want to make it an ability all immortals+ get for free it could still be useful as an esoteric for disciples and prophets (like with divine toughness)

Does it seem good as a divine ability tho? Even if you want to make it an ability all immortals+ get for free it could still be useful as an esoteric for disciples and prophets (like with divine toughness)
It's definitely good for a divine ability or esoteric.
As the current divine templates are, I'd personally not make it free for divinities. (I could be mistaken but someone named Mercucio may have actually made a similar ability in the before time, long, long, ago.) Their CR and LA are fairly set in stone.

I have been considering creating a "Primordial Divinity" template of sorts to add back in some of those features Ascension removed or neglected to add to divinities (due to time constraints, etc.).

Things like free (no cost) Avatars (or Aspects) (up to a certain maximum...additional ones having a cost as normal), built-in portfolio-related sensory abilities, etc. ...or, perhaps, some sort of no cost errata template.

I'm uncertain how Krusty would have covered such things if he'd had enough time. At best I have this from some of his responses to my questions in the past, which helped tremendously.

  • Divine Bonus (Ex):The divine bonus also applies to damage rolls.
  • Divine Senses (Ex): Add., divinities gain the following:
• Divinities also gain Blindsight, clairaudience/claivoyance (always active), and Telepathy within the range of their divine auras and godly realms.
• A divinity can hear the prayers of its worshippers.
• A divinity can choose to see through the eyes of a Petitioner, but doesn't do so automatically - it must choose to do so and while doing so can't itself see.
• A divinity can sense disturbances to its realm (alterations, etc.).

Voidrunner's Codex

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