Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.


Here's one someone proposed a LONG time ago, but we couldn't agree on whether it should be epic or divine. Here's my version:

Hollow Toughness (epic) (ex:)
Prerequisites: no con score, cha 25
Benefit: You use your charisma modifier for determining your bonus hp and fortitude save bonus, rather than constitution.

I made it only epic since some sub-epic monsters in late 3.5 have something really similar, tho feel free to make it divine if that sounds better.

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Here's one someone proposed a LONG time ago, but we couldn't agree on whether it should be epic or divine. Here's my version:

Hollow Toughness (epic) (ex:)
Prerequisites: no con score, cha 25
Benefit: You use your charisma modifier for determining your bonus hp and fortitude save bonus, rather than constitution.

I made it only epic since some sub-epic monsters in late 3.5 have something really similar, tho feel free to make it divine if that sounds better.
Imo epic is good


I've always been surprised that no one had made the Trickery portfolio.

Trickery Portfolio

Aspects: Cheat, Deception, Guile, Hoax, Lie

Opposed Portfolio: Strength

Examples: Asmodeus (D&D), Eris (Greek), Loki (Norse)

Favored Animal: Any animal with the ability to mimicry

Favored Class: Bard, Rogue

Favored Place: Theater

Favored Sacrifice: A work that meticulously records real events

Favored Time: Solar Eclipse

Favored Weapon: Dagger

Portfolio Trial: Fool an entire city (non-epic) or an entire nation (epic)

Prerequisites: You must be able to lie

Symbol: A mask

Typical Quote: “It's all a game of smoke and mirrors”.


Granted Power: You can deceive truth-detecting magic. A creature using this sort of magic against you must succeed on a caster level check against a DC of 15 + your’s HD + your Divine Rank to succeed (as if you are under the effect of a glibness spell); failure means the magic doesn’t detect your’s lies or force you to speak only the truth. This ability does not give you the glibness spell’s bonus on Bluff checks. When a creature is using detect thoughts or similar magic to read your mind, you decides what surface thoughts your opponent detects, and your true surface thoughts remain private. This ability does not protect against mental attacks or mind-reading that delves deeper than surface thoughts.

1 Disguise Self: Changes your appearance.

2 Invisibility: Subject invisible 1 min./level or until it attacks.

3 Nondetection: Hides subject from divination, scrying.

4 Enchantment Foil: Trick opponents who try to cast enchantments on you.

5 False Vision: Fools scrying with an illusion.

6 Mislead: Turns you invisible and creates illusory double.

7 Polymorph Any Object: Changes any subject into anything else.

8 Mind Blank: Subject is protected from mental/emotional magic and scrying.

9 Impenetrable Veil: Enchant a target so it is nearly impossible to detect by both magical and mundane means, granting it multiple benefits.


You create a realm where everything can be a deception and illusions are superimposed on reality.

Hazards: There are no intrinsic hazards in such realms, however, people unfamiliar with the type of environment have difficulty finding their way around. Those venturing in these realms must make a Survival check every hour (DC 20 + divine rank of the immortal’s + 1d20) or get lost. True seeing offer no protection and instead give a +8 to this check.

Inhabitants: Natural trickster like fey and kitsune will be attracted to these realms.

Trickery Template (Single Portfolio)​

Appearance: The immortal appears normal.

Behavior: The immortal rarely speak directly without lies unless with its close friends.

Trickery Template (Double Portfolio)​

Appearance: The immortal appears normal.

Behavior: The immortal will never speak directly without lies unless with its close friends, but can tell half-truths and double meanings open to multiple interpretation.

(Single) Trickery Portfolio
Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Mirror Game (Ex)(Weakness)
Sheep’s Strength (Ex)
Use any trickery domain spell as spell-like ability
Competence penalty to on all rolls equal to your divine rank for 1 day when one discovers your deception before it’s completed

Competence penalty to strength equal to your divine rank

Always Active
Surprise (Ex)​
You count your HD as rogue level for the purpose of overcome the uncanny dodge ability​
Always Active​
Joker (Ex)​
Competence bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class equal to your divine rank after successfully feint a creature with at least ½ your HD for 24 hours​
Always Active​
Trickery Summon (Su)​
Those summoned gain Cha. bonus equal to your divine rank​
A Great Joke (Su)​
You can feint non-humanoid or creatures of animal Intelligence without penalty​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Divine Energy [Effect] (Su)​
Punish enemies with divine energy​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Divine Energy Mastery (Su)​
Punish enemies with divine energy​
Greater Deity​
Laughing (Ex)​
You gain regeneration equal to half your HD for a number of minutes equal to your divine rank after successfully feint a creature with at least ½ your HD​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Apostasy (Ex)
Cosmic Imperfection (Strength)
You have transcended alignment
One artifact in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
Always Active
Always Active
Old One​
Oblique Strike (Su)​
Strike one opponent to damage another within your divine aura​
Always Active​

(Double) Trickery Portfolio
Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Mirror Game (Ex)(Weakness)
Sheep’s Strength (Ex)
Use two trickery domain spell as spell-likeability
Competence penalty to on all rolls equal to double your divine rank for 1 week when one discovers your deception before it’s completed

Competence penalty to strength equal to double your divine rank

Always Active
The Big Surprise (Ex)​
You count your HD as x1.5 higher and as rogue levels for the purpose of overcome the uncanny dodge and sixth sense abilities​
Always Active​
Joker (Ex)​
Competence bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class equal to double your divine rank after successfully feint a creature with at least ½ your HD for 24 hours​
Always Active​
Trickery Summon (Su)​
Those summoned gain Cha. bonus equal to double your divine rank​
The Supreme Joke (Su)​
You can feint non-humanoid, creatures of animal Intelligence, and mindless creatures without penalty​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Divine Energy [Effect] (Su) (x2 HD)​
Punish enemies with divine energy​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Divine Energy Mastery (Su) (x2 HD)​
Punish enemies with divine energy​
Greater Deity​
Laughing Till the End (Ex)​
You gain regeneration equal to your HD for a number of minutes equal to your divine rank after successfully feint a creature with at least ½ your HD​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Unearthly Skill Focus (Bluff) (Ex)
Cosmic Imperfection (Strength)
You gain a +360 bonus to Bluff
Two artifact in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
Always Active
Always Active
Old One​
Specular (Su)​
Enemies suffer the same damage they inflict upon you​
Always Active​
First One​
Ultimate Skill Mastery (Bluff) (Ex)​
You never fail Bluff and none can tell if you tell the truth or less​
Always Active​


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Dimensional Wormhole (Su) [Transcendental]

You can briefly open a wormhole to the other "dimension".
Prerequisites: Dex 130, Dimensional Heaven (Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.).
Benefit: As a standard action you can open the barrier between the normal space and the reality of Dimensional Heaven, creating a temporary portal with your same size adjacent to you (base size, without increase or reduction with effects like Divine Immensity), allowing you and any other creature or object to travel to the "dimension" or to return to the normal space while its open. The portal remains open for a number of rounds equal to your DR before it close, leaving any creature or object that has crossed the portal in the reality they were at the time of closure: unlike Dimensional Heaven that is temporary, this allow to truly travel to the other "dimension" or to return to the normal space. You can close a portal you open in advance as a standard action. As usual, you cannot interract to the other "dimension" while in the usual space and vicerversa without using the portal to enter it or using Dimensional Heaven. You can also craft permanent portals for travel between Dimensional Heaven and the normal space.

A portal is created using the nucleus of a Dimension (like Elemental Planes or Outer Planes). Crafting a portal requires a successful DC 1200 Spellcraft check. CL 1200th; Craft Wondrous Item, Dimensional Wormhole, gate, plane shift, reverse gravity, wish. Price 5,817,000,000 gp

A portal has your same size (base size, without increase or reduction with effects like Divine Immensity), hardness 1,000 and 1,000,000 hp. You can double the size of the portal for every 100,000,000 gp extra you spend during the construction (remember that a double double, is a triple in this case).


Does this seem reasonable?

Lord Of Pain: (cosmic) (ex)
Prerequisites: con 70, Pain portfolio
Benefit: You gain the atata template. Unlike a normal atata, you don't lose your spell-like abilities or suffer an intelligence or wisdom reduction .Your alignment is unchanged You can still use manufactured weapons, you can still use all skills that aren't listen or spot, and you don't have the usual 20 percent miss chance.
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Does this seem reasonable?

Lord Of Pain: (cosmic) (ex)
Prerequisites: Pain portfolio
Benefit: You gain the atata template. Unlike a normal atata, you don't lose your spell-like abilities or suffer an int reduction.
Specify that:
Your alignment is unchanged
You can still use manufacted weapons
Temporal displacement don't not give you the 20% miss chance
You can still use all skills that are not Lister or Spot
Even Wis is not reduced
In this case is a cosmic


Here's a sub-epic feat and an epic one

Superior Spell (Metamagic) (su)
Prerequisites: spellcraft 15 ranks
Benefit: Spells with an HD limit on what target they can affect have said HD limit increased by 50 percent. Additionally, spells with an HP limit (such as the power word spells) have said HP limit increased by 50 percent.
Special: Superior Spells take up a slot two levels higher than the actual spell level

Superior Superior Spell :p (Metamagic) (Epic) (su)
Prerequisites: Superior Spell, spellcraft 25 ranks
Benefit: As Superior Spell, except the HD an HP limits are doubled
Special: Superior Superior spells take up a slot four levels higher than the actual spell level. You can use this in conjunction with Superior Spell, but only if you have the Metamagic Freedom feat.


Lord Of Corruption (Divine) (ex)
Prerequisites: Any Evil Alignment
Benefit: You gain the corrupted creature template, which is found on page 186 of the Book Of Vile Darkness.

Voidrunner's Codex

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