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[D&D 4e] "The Startling"

Lord Sessadore

Mmk, so you're saying that the 5 that have posted backgrounds and stats aren't necessarily in? ;)

I'll add a character background here in a bit, I just need to put it together ;)

EDIT: and here he is. :)
I'm shooting for warden, though two-blade ranger or fighter have potential as well.
I'm also unsure of the weapon ... might go with a spear for the reach, instead. A spear might fit a hunter a bit better than an axe, as well...

EDIT 2: updated background and some mechanics, at SP's request. Decided to go with the axe.

Darian Skurdson
Race: Human
Background: Explorer/Guide
Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven (background bonus)

Str 18 (+2 racial)
Con 12
Dex 12
Int 10
Wis 16
Cha 8

Skills: Nature, Perception
Feats: Toughness, Weapon Proficiency (battleaxe) (human bonus)
MC Feat: probably Defender of the Wild [multiclass Warden]
- 1/enc, free action: mark all adjacent enemies until end of Darian's next turn.

Darian grew up in a small village named Moss Creek under the care of his father, his mother having died giving birth to the boy. His father, Arelus, was the best hunter in the area, generally known for his success in always bringing back some game from the forest that the village bordered. The man was especially famous in the area for once taking down a wild boar almost single-handedly, the other hunters present being too frightened to do much to the beast, and for a number of exceptional deer and elk kills.

Arelus took his son with him on his hunts often during his younger years. As they sought their prey in the woods, he taught Darian the ways of the woods and the animals, how to move and how to identify different animals and plants, and also teaching him a healthy respect for nature. "The forest gives us our sustenance, but often in nature the predator becomes the prey. You must always be alert, and aware that the woods may take your life to feed itself, just as we take the lives of animals to feed ourselves," his father would often say. "This is the way of nature."

Though Arelus was renowned as a hunter, most of the village didn't spend much time with him unless they needed an animal caught. The villagers called him an "odd duck"; he was quiet around others, and seemed slightly ill-at-ease in town, and these traits put most people off. Darian never noticed, and in fact seemed to follow almost exactly in his father's footsteps. As such, Darian didn't have any friends in Moss Creek, and so he greatly treasured his father's company. He learned much on their hunts together, and Darian would not have traded them for anything.

However, just before Darian came of age, his father went on another boar hunt. Though the boar was killed, Arelus recieved a vicious wound from the beast that got infected and ended up crippling the man permanently. With his father unable to hunt anymore, it became Darian's duty to provide for his father and himself. While he wasn't yet as good a hunter as his father, their frequent expeditions in the woods gave him a near instinctual knowledge of them. He took to guiding other local hunters as a means of income, helping them find their game and avoid natural dangers. Darian used another skill when guiding these hunts, one that his father taught him; when confronting potentially dangerous game, Darian would distract it long enough for the other hunters to take the animal down. Though usually quiet and reserved, he showed particular skill in this.

Even when he wasn't "working", Darian often wandered the woods alone. The more time he spent in the woods, the more he felt drawn to them, almost as though the earth and the trees were calling to him. And instead of frightening the boy, these feelings simply seemed natural, as though that was the way things were always meant to be. He feels no particular connection to the village, the only tie keeping him there was his crippled father. Were it not for him, Darian likely would have simply wandered away from Moss Creek into the woods and not come back, never thinking to look back at the village. However, while his father still lived, he always returned home. As his father cared for him when he was young, so he would care for his father now; this was the cycle of nature, Darian felt.

Item: his father's sturdy woodsman's axe (mechanically a battleaxe). Arelus passed it on to his son soon after becoming crippled, saying it would be a useful tool in the woods, as well as a reminder to respect the woods as they deserve.[/sblock]
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First Post
I may also take 6 players, that way if we lose 1 player (as seems to happen in PbP) we won't be stuck... this campaign probably won't lend itself to bringing in a replacement in the middle.


Anyway, hafrogman let me now if you're good with the changes, and you're in.
Sounds doable. I'll make some adjustments to the story line and shift a few details around. I'll probably keep the writing mostly intact, and just have it be the story his father told him about the sword.

Lord Sessadore

Aarg, I had a big post all typed up, then ENWorld ate it. I'll try to reproduce it.

Well, I've put together a bit of a character and added him to my last post. I'm not sure I'm quite satisfied with the backstory ... I might revisit it and flesh it out a bit more, but I'll keep the story the same. In the process of writing him up, though, I thought of a few questions.

First, do I get the human bonus feat and skill to start? Second, does the warden multiclass 1/encounter marking thing count as an encounter power for the purposes of your requirements? ;)

Third, how do you want to deal with superior weapons? Would you prefer we not start with superior weapons? And how would you want to deal with someone whose "item" is a non-superior weapon, but who decides to upgrade later? For example, say Insight wanted Tanist to get a bastard sword later on, but he picked a longsword as his "item" ...

One possible solution that I thought I'd suggest is that superior weapon proficiency represents greater skill with the normal version of the weapon, as opposed to proficiency with a functionally superior weapon. In other words, you get the stats of the superior weapon when wielding the 'normal' version.

For example, using Tanist again, taking Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword) would allow him to deal 1d10 damage with a longsword, instead of 1d8. Likewise, someone with execution axe proficiency using a greataxe does 1d12 brutal 2 damage. Same thing for waraxe/battleaxe, craghammer/warhammer, etc...

Another possibility is that it's part of the weapon's 'evolution' - when the character takes the feat, you could say the weapon becomes deadlier or what have you, becoming a superior weapon.



He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Heh, apparently you got so great interest that I'll remove my submission. Hadn't even had chance to look at backgrounds yet :D


I aim to misbehave
Returning with my submission now that we’ve got a better idea on what’s in or out. :)


Elven, Disciple of Divine Wrath, Seducer, Melee Training (Wis), Item: charm worn around his neck . . . a gift from a friend.

Warrick was subject in extremes, dangerous for so young an elf. At times, the young elf was gregarious and happy, playing and flirting with his friends, wooing his instructors and others at a whim. Most everyone was taken in by his charm, wisdom, and openness. Then . . . at times, Warrick turns dark and brooding . . . only for a few minutes, and no one really knew why. Jas, a friend of his, once mentioned that Warrick often held a charm that was around his neck whenever he got to brooding . . . something he got from a friend, is all that Warrick would explain on the subject.

The young elf wasn’t strong growing up, but he had the agility and wisdom of his family, what was left of it. His mother, Avora, was a teacher and only remaining family. Warrick’s father and elder sister were lost to them, never returning from a border battle with some encroaching ogres a short time ago. Warrick's strength seemed to come from his maturity, that and a solid sense of reading people.

[sblock=At a Glance]Warrick
Race: Elven
Scales of War Background: Seducer
Multiclass: Disciple of Divine Wrath
- encounter power: Omen of Enmity
Feat: Melee training (Wis)
Item: charm around neck

Ability Scores
Str: 10 (base 10, 2pts – starting 8)
Con: 12 (base 10, 2 pts)
Dex: 16 (base 14, 5 pts, +2 race)
Int: 12 (base 12, 2 pts)
Wis: 18 (base 16, 9 pts, +2 race)
Cha: 12 (base 12, 2 pts)


Sounds doable. I'll make some adjustments to the story line and shift a few details around. I'll probably keep the writing mostly intact, and just have it be the story his father told him about the sword.
Khepra is updated. A side effect of the nesting stories is that my background has now become incredibly verbose, but that's what happens when an idea runs away with me.

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