Queer Venger
Dungeon Master is my Daddy
5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Player's Handbook
Ive played 1e & 2e. Both of these editions encapsulated what D&D is for me. While I loved these 2 editions there was always room for improvement. I was not a big fan of THACO for one. I did not love the art and layout of these 2 books. But what I loved was the creativity, the emphasis on story and on role playing (vs. roll playing). The DM had control of her world, not the players. The players were the heroes, not the NPCs. Well, fast forward 10 years and I played 4e, which was an utter and total disappointment. Gone were all the things I loved about D&D. In fact, I decided to give 4e a real college try. I played for about half a year with a great group of guys whom Ive known for better part of my life, and for the first time I walked away from D&D. Fast forward 4 years and here we are. I played this game at demos around FLGS and cons and I was blown away! In short, because others are providing more concise reviews, I loved many elements of 5e. I did not have to play a tactical miniatures game anymore, in fact, I did not need mini's and battlematts (although these are great tools and I still use them). I did not need endless supplements with byzantine character options to play (and which costs $$$). I did not need to sacrifice role playing for roll playing. And most importantly, emphasis was not on combat, but on adventuring and stories. The DM now has control of her game, not the players. And that, in short is what D&D should be and what 5e has delivered.
Ive played 1e & 2e. Both of these editions encapsulated what D&D is for me. While I loved these 2 editions there was always room for improvement. I was not a big fan of THACO for one. I did not love the art and layout of these 2 books. But what I loved was the creativity, the emphasis on story and on role playing (vs. roll playing). The DM had control of her world, not the players. The players were the heroes, not the NPCs. Well, fast forward 10 years and I played 4e, which was an utter and total disappointment. Gone were all the things I loved about D&D. In fact, I decided to give 4e a real college try. I played for about half a year with a great group of guys whom Ive known for better part of my life, and for the first time I walked away from D&D. Fast forward 4 years and here we are. I played this game at demos around FLGS and cons and I was blown away! In short, because others are providing more concise reviews, I loved many elements of 5e. I did not have to play a tactical miniatures game anymore, in fact, I did not need mini's and battlematts (although these are great tools and I still use them). I did not need endless supplements with byzantine character options to play (and which costs $$$). I did not need to sacrifice role playing for roll playing. And most importantly, emphasis was not on combat, but on adventuring and stories. The DM now has control of her game, not the players. And that, in short is what D&D should be and what 5e has delivered.