Dark Fairytale IC

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Because no one else was trying and generally Nature rolls are informational. I didn't try to "nature" anything.
OOC: Kaleth i Shildoor have +4, one of them should try it. @Azurewraith, you could roll for us in cases where there is no obvious action for us to make and describe making the roll. Kinda "passive" knowledge you just narrate to save time (days!) off the adventure. At least, you have my leave to use my stats for things I cannot read from the description or where our actions (and not our knowledge) influence the path depending on the roll - I would object if we find a door and you just decide to roll for disarming traps :)


The nature roll comes back as down is warm, you would assume from the volcano so heading deeper wouldn't be advisable.

Shimmying across the ledge proves easy enough but is slow going given the confined quarters the pipe slowly comes into vision as the crevasse widens and behind it is a something that like a giant snail, but with tentacles? Unlike anything anyone has ever seen.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
No rush per se. PbP is slow by default so any optimization is good. Things die down if they last too long. And sometimes just waiting for a roll can take the momentum away. This is a fast game, it was just old -hand knee jerk reaction


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"What is that thing!?" wonders the sorcerer before his story-telling habit kicks in
"I know! It has tentacles, it must be a traveling base for the illithids! If we're lucky, the brain is there alone...or even not there alone. And this...thing...is actually neutral and just looking for someone to give it instructions. It contains endless troves of treasure and knowledge. Including detailed instructions how to build or grow others of its kind"
At the last sentence, even he cannot hold back a smile and he shakes his head. "Even in the fairy tales, that would be too much! But let us see if we can glimpse something without getting our brains eaten in the process."

Arcana; History: 1D20+5 = [4]+5 = 9
1D20+2 = [14]+2 = 16


The tentacles on the ship appear to move ever so slightly almost as if swaying in a breeze. Unfortunately information on mindflayers is rare and patchy at best but nothing has ever been even left as a foot note in various books has ever mentioned giant snails with tentacles.
GM: Just to clarify the tentacles that are moving are the smaller set protruding from the side, they sort of look like oars, not the long twisted one at the front

Voidrunner's Codex

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