Dark Fairytale IC


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: This sounds like a nightmare fight for a psionic :) Just like it was in 3E+ for rogues. I was thinking about Mold Earth (difficult terrain) and Ray of frost (-10' move)...but if it is fully inside, it's too late. So...fire!

"Dwarves! Get siege engines! Now! Wind up the ballistas! We need to slow this thing! I can make it even slower, but we need the space"


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After the ineffectiveness of the first volly of attacks, the second proves to be much more effective the rays of heat cause the air to shimmer as all but one cause the strange creation some pain, likewise the javelin arcs through the air wreathed in lightning causes the Golem to spasm, emboldened by the assault Colember throws his own attacks into the mix infusing his blade with holy energy that causes the Golem some pain
Kaleth focuses his mind in order to restrain the creature sucesfull halting it's advance.

The Golem attempts to break free from the invisible restraints holding it within place but for all his excellent mime work he is still trapped inside the box.

GM: The Golem is now grappled as such his speed is 0. Round 3.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Leonan thinks about the problem of how to stop the monstrosity...and his face brightens as the creation stops completely.

"Get some ropes around it and keep it immobile whatever you have to do. And keep out of the cloud. Keep it inside!"

With that mysterious comment, he whips out a small mirror and after a merest moment of admiring himself, he throws it behind the golem where it splinters into a myriad of pieces. The pieces don't lay quietly but zoom around in a deadly dance of cutting shards which bite into the creatures hide.

OOC: The effect is 20' cube so we should be able to attack it from three squares. But I would advise just holding it inside :) or even push it deeper, but still immobilized. Duration is concentration 10 min

Action: Break Mirror of insect plague behind the golem

Move: as needed to get good line of sight and be as far from it as possible

Piercingdamage to the golem: 4D10 = [7, 7, 9, 4] = 27 - nicely over the average CON save DC 15 for half

Piercing damage to the golem: 4D10 = [1, 1, 2, 4] = 8 - but then ofcourse WAAAY under it (this is lower than half the average :( which is 22 ) - this damage happens at the end of creatures turn


Just as a series of dwarf guards arrive they are quickly sent away again to find some ropes to bind the creature. Shildor's javelin strikes the Golem embedding itself in the shoulder before magically reappearing in the goliaths hand. As the mirror smashes the shards become a series of tiny glass insects that rush towards their target swarming creating a cloud of sharp pointy death. Kaleth focus his mind on maintaining the restraint while adding a extra little squeeze in a attempt to crush the Golem. Colember steps back away from the cloud and readies him self incase the creature breaks loose.

The Golem pushes against it's invisible restraints in a attempt to break free, its efforts are sucesfull as it surges forward towards the paladin who springs into action attempting to wrestle with the creature who sucesfull gets a hold on the Golem halting its advance. As the Golem leaves the cloud the insects surge around him leaving several small cuts.

GM: Next round, the Golem is currently 5ft in front of the cloud and is starting to show small signs of wear.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Leonan rushes forward trying to separate the golem and the paladin. He bends forward and screams! Thunderous wave rolls away from him, the distortion visible in the air. As it hits the golem, it swirls in all the colors of the rainbow as the probability wave hits it.

At the same time, Leonan frowns and cringes as he loses control of his magic. Wild magic causes colors to erupt around him too and he looks around expectantly (and fearfully) for the effect to materialize.

But the danger is always present with his casting. He calls upon the residual magic of his casting to cast another spell. Ray of frost shoots toward the beast in an attempt to further slow its movement. The ray bends a bit as it enters the zone of bent reality and it focuses strongly into the chest of the monster.

OOC: @Azurewraith, I'm at work, so no access to the wild surge book. Feel free to check/modify/apply :) I'm also using Tides of chaos, feel free to roll second time if you think appropriate

Move: 10' in front of the golem
Thunderwave damage: 2D8 = [3, 6] = 9 CON save DC 15 (roll with
Bend Luck penalty: 1D4 = [4] = 4
), push 10' back
Surge control roll: 1D20+4-2 = [1]+4-2 = 3 - CRIT FAIL
Surge roll: 1D10000 = [2416] = 2416

Ray of frost (quickened, tides of chaos); cold damage: 1D20+7 = [13]+7 = 20
1D20+7 = [11]+7 = 18
1D8 = [8] = 8

- wow, max damage and max penalty to saves :) I'm on a roll :D
The golem is slowed by 10' TSNT
Last edited:


GM: You where using a custom surge source, I don't have access to it.
Leonan rushes forward trying to separate the golem and the paladin. He bends forward and screams! Thunderous wave rolls away from him, the distortion visible in the air. As it hits the golem, it swirls in all the colors of the rainbow as the probability wave hits it.

At the same time, Leonan frowns and cringes as he loses control of his magic. Wild magic causes colors to erupt around him too and he looks around expectantly (and fearfully) for the effect to materialize.

But the danger is always present with his casting. He calls upon the residual magic of his casting to cast another spell. Ray of frost shoots toward the beast in an attempt to further slow its movement. The ray bends a bit as it enters the zone of bent reality and it focuses strongly into the chest of the monster.

OOC: @Azurewraith, I'm at work, so no access to the wild surge book. Feel free to check/modify/apply :) I'm also using Tides of chaos, feel free to roll second time if you think appropriate

Move: 10' in front of the golem
Thunderwave damage: 2D8 = [3, 6] = 9 CON save DC 15 (roll with
Bend Luck penalty: 1D4 = [4] = 4
), push 10' back
Surge control roll: 1D20+4-2 = [1]+4-2 = 3 - CRIT FAIL
Surge roll: 1D10000 = [2416] = 2416

Ray of frost (quickened, tides of chaos); cold damage: 1D20+7 = [13]+7 = 20
1D20+7 = [11]+7 = 18
1D8 = [8] = 8

- wow, max damage and max penalty to saves :) I'm on a roll :D
The golem is slowed by 10' TSNT

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