Dark Fairytale IC


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
GM: that's a fair point that isn't covered so I'll say it's applied last as I don't want to be to mean.
You're mean, the demon didn't attack the golem ;)
Seriously, hp are fine neven if 12/36, just as long as it for a for everyone equally.
But I need to make an impossible concentration check to keep up the cloud. Good night

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GM: The Golem was in a cloud of death! The Golem was separated from the grapple by the thunder wave it is currently sitting in the middle of the death cloud.

Kaleth watches as the swarm around the golem collapses. He glances towards the demon that was just unleashed prepared to try and stop it when Shildoor rushes after the thing. Trusting in his companion and knowing the golem is still a threat he turns his attention back towards the door.

Kaleth raises his hand and telekenetic force slams into the golem.

We need those guards to assist. I'm not sure how much longer we can hold the thing.

OOC: Using 5 pp and using the push power against the golem. It must make a DC 16 Str save or take Push power against the golem: 5d8 19 force damage and be pushed 25 ft. On save it takes half damage and is not pushed.


Shildor's flail fails to catch the snakes erratic slithering movements as it heads towards the door, Kaleth blasts the Golem with psyonic force that pushes it backwards a few inches as the Golem resists the brunt of the impact. Colember fails to connect with the Golem his blade not piercing the hide as the Golem retaliates scoring two hits with its giant fists on the paladin almost knocking him to the ground.

The footsteps of the guard can be heard in the distance their arrival imminent.

GM: Next round your up folks.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Leonan staggers away from melee making some space between himself and the golem. He focuses his power and creates multiple fiery beams...but his hands are still shaking from the demon arrival and the cut he received. Most of them fly wildly through the general space of the golem scorching the walls behind it.


Voidrunner's Codex

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