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[Delta Green] Operas and Avatars: Burn


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The door to the car is pulled shut and it drives off. Katrina is able to walk up an embankment to a frontage road. She seems to be in a low-end residential area and can see a gas station just down the road about 200 yards away.

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Guest 11456

Katrina Sue Yoppeigh : Female Computer Programmer

She starts heading toward the gas station. Once there, she dials 9-1-1. "This is Katrina Sue Yoppeigh. I have just escaped from people who I believed were the police but were acting weird. I am presently at a gas station near a highway. I do not know anything else about where I am. I am a bit freaked by the whole situation. I wrestled a gun from one of my captures. I have it with me. What do I do?" She awaits instructions from the 9-1-1 operator.


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A male 911 Operator says "Are you injuried?" No "Where are you now?" You give the address. "Stay on the phone and the police will be there in a few minutes." There is a moment of silence and some clicking sounds. A new female voice comes over the phone. "Miss Yoppeigh, a police cruiser has been dispached to your location. They should be there at any momemt. How exactly were these policmen acting weird? Can you discribe them? The vechile that they were in?"


Guest 11456

Katrina Sue Yoppeigh : Female Computer Programmer

She does her best to describe the men and their car. "They were supposed to take me to my apartment to get a CD, which they did. But then they were supposed to return me to my job at Babel Systems. They instead were taking me in the opposite direction. When I asked why, the one in the backseat with me told me they didn't want any trouble. He pulled out a case with two syringes inside. They had a yellow colored liquid inside. He tried to inject me with one, but I fought and him. In the struggle I was able to grab his gun. That's when they let me out and drove off. The man claimed I needed the shot because of some sort of toxin I had been exposed to. But his story didn't add up."


First Post
After about 5 minutes of talking to the lady on the phone, two police cars with lights and sirens on pull up to the gas station. The police jump out of their cars and pull out their side arms. They train their weapons on the gas station where you are standing by the phone. One policeman uses a megaphone, "Drop your weapon and come out with your hands on your head!"

The gas station attendant hearing that looks at you with a shocked look on his face and then drops to the floor behind the counter.


Guest 11456

Katrina Sue Yoppeigh : Female Computer Programmer

At first she is not sure what is happening. But then she does as she is asked and drops the weapon on the floor. Then she interlocks her fingers together on the top of her head and walks slowly toward the police. She does this with a confused look on her face. She is not sure why they are treating her like this.


First Post
The police rush up with guns drawn and aimed at you as you walk out. They quickly do a search and then handcuff you. They read you your rights and put you in the back of a police cruiser. By this time 2 more police cars and the car that contained the two men who you just escaped from arrive at the scene. The two men get out of the car and begin talking with the police.


Guest 11456

Katrina Sue Yoppeigh : Female Computer Programmer

Obviously confused by what has transpired, she tries to listen in on the conversation between the men. She looks around at her surroundings, not sure what is going to happen next.


First Post
You are unable to hear them as you are in the back of the police car. After they talk, the men get back into their car and drive off. Two policemen get into the car and drive you to the police station. You are then booked, fingerprinted, and made to change into a orange jumpsuit and cloth slippers and placed in a jail cell.

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Guest 11456

Katrina Sue Yoppeigh : Female Computer Programmer

Totally confused at this point she is at her wits end. She is quite tired from her ordeal and stretches out on the hard bunk. After relaxing for a few minutes she is asleep.

OOC: What was she charged with? Does she get her one phone call?

Voidrunner's Codex

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