• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



Ah! Many people already interested. God. Let's see the guestions:
how ridged is the rank system going to be, are we looking at a hard core military type situation or something less restrictive?
NO restrictions in that area, just don't try to bully the captain around and you'll be fine.
And will the majority of the game be abourd ship, or will we see a lot of explore strange islands, adventures in port(avioding athorities and stuff), or more of the strictly attacking other ships type of thing?
Most of the time will propably be spent on ship but not merely attacking other ships, I'll try to arrange some IC trouble and maybe other dangers....
There will also be times when you're at port and on secret islands. There you might bump into demons celestials and almost anything. Beware....:D
Quick question: Alignment? Any restrictions/recommendations?
Well, you propably shouldn't play a paladin but I will allow all alignments (and paladins). But I also expect everybody to play by the alignment they choose, this includes (True) Neutral. A neutral character should try to stay away from making any decisions towards good/evil and/or law/chaos furthering causes. If anybody acts out of alignment, I will change it without telling.

I'll also clarify the Profession requirement a little: it's there to show that you're atleast a little experienced pirates. If your character has just joined the ship, he will propably not have many ranks and not deemed 'trustworthy' enough to get part of the loot. You WILL get paid at some point, just not in the beginning.
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Let's see, who do I have already:
-Sir Oasis
-Other Guy
-Sollir maybe

Yea, come on in. Six is optimal but I will accept up to 10 players.
GWolf, could you change the Thread title to Pirate Game preparations?
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Thank you! :D Its always nice to hear some flatters, especially if they're meant for me. Keep them coming and send me your character. Even if you haven't finished him/her, give me the basic information so I can start really planning the encounters.

Oh! I almost forgot: if you are a divine caster, prepare some very good prayers. I'm going to change the core rules a little here to test this. You don't have to memorize your spells but you must pray from the deity, if the deity doesn't deem the situation (or you) worthy of the spell he will not grant it (or might grant a lesser version). The number of prayers per day is not absolute, you might be granted less or more according to the numbers at table 3-6: the cleric. The table shows just aproximations and how strong (high level) prayers you can be granted.

If any of you is strongly against this idea, please post so here and we will not try it.

Also: do you want to play in an already established setting or should I make up my own?
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If you are familiar with the rules i for one would love the chance to finally play in forgotten realms, although it's really up to you.

I like the cleric spells idea, i was thinking about going that route, and thius may make it all the more interesting. Will the same apply to druids rangers and paladins?


FR is where I have almost exclusively played so I'm quite familiar with it, not an expert but familiar.

Yes, the same applies to ALL divine casters, including cleric, druid, paladin, ranger, blackguard and any PrC that has it's own spell advancement and states that those powers come from a deity/belief/whatever (are divine). I'm not so sure about the adept though.
First I thought I would also expand the same rules for ALL divine gifts but decided that it would be too hard, mostly on the paladins (divine grace, paladin's mount, remove disease, spells etc.)

This will also apply to monsters that cast spells "as and Xth level (any of the classes mentioned)" but not on monsters that cast spells from the cleric spell list (i.e. dragons).
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First Post
I've written up my character (stat wise), but I haven't finished the background/history yet. I've got quite a bit of it worked out, but I still need to iron some stuff out so that it's internally consistant (Ah, logic....what a cruel mistress you are!).

I have a quick question: Starting money? What are we allowed to buy?

My character is written up on a pdf form. Can I send it to you that way, or do you wan me to do up a statblock?

I also vote for Forgotten Realms. I think it's easier for a messageboard game if you use an existing campaign.

If we do use FR, do we get all the extra starting crap?

Alternate Divine Magic doesn't normally appeal to me...but I'm willing to give it a shot if everyone else wants to. Variety is the spice....I guess.



First Post
If I may...

If I may I would like to keep at 6 players for now, we could always pick up more latter, is that ok with everyone?

i got no problem with that, although i think as DM dalamar would get final say. He seems like an easy going guy though, so i dought ther's a problem either way.

Voidrunner's Codex

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