Dragonlance Dragonlance Philosophy thread

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No, YOU GUYS are trying to say that a major company should use a game to condemn the teachings of several major world religions as OBJECTIVELY EVIL.

The line is there and inescapable: If something is OBJECTIVELY evil in a game, it is also OBJECTIVELY evil in real life. That's what OBJECTIVELY means.
give up on real world religions please... this is a game board about a game of pretend elves and dragons, not real world religion.

then what do you want to talk about OTHER then 5e reframing of Dragonlance? cause that is what I am talking about
I'm sorry, but I simply do not believe you. Everything you have said leads me to believe that you want to use Dragonlance as an excuse to attack religious belief. I do not believe you are incapable of understanding that the one automatically follows from the other.

After all, if it where only a game, why would you care so much?!

I'm sorry, but I simply do not believe you. Everything you have said leads me to believe that you want to use Dragonlance as an excuse to attack religious belief. I do not believe you are incapable of understanding that the one automatically follows from the other.

After all, if it where only a game, why would you care so much?!
This is now a personal attack. I didn't bring up real religon YOU did. YOU made this weird then accused me of attacking someone's religious beliefs.
THIS HAS TO BE A JOKE... like, no one here wants to talk about religion, we want to talk about the GAME of Dragonlance published by WotC to 5e.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
give up on real world religions please... this is a game board about a game of pretend elves and dragons, not real world religion.
Nor is it about real history, nor does it include moral issues of real impact. So what's the big deal about a cataclysm in its history that sets up the current situation?

Nor is it about real history, nor does it include moral issues of real impact. So what's the big deal about a cataclysm in its history that sets up the current situation?
all I want to do is talk about a game.
I want to talk about (what I think) is a simple fix to a game product from 30+ years ago.


However, I dont think the conversation can really be handled on this forum, and its generated enough ill will over the last few days

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