Dwimmermount IC:


The second passageway leads down another corridor much like the one that Brother Jimi saw. After looking for a moment you think you might see the glimmer of light around a bend to the left. Someone, or something has a torch down there.

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Jimmy Disco T

First Post
"Hold up a moment" Jimi whispers to the group, "Torchlight... something, or someone, is up ahead. Klyman, you're the stealthiest and nimblest of us all - why don't you go and take a look?"

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"I'll take that as a 'no' then," grumbles Midgrim, carefully laying the coins back into their sack so they don't clink. (Although, how ANYBODY could have slept through that kobold battle and the following search is beyond him...)

He readies his axe and wooden shield anyways, ready for trouble.


Klyman Sylar

Klyman softly says to Midgrim, "I don't understand why the gold is worth more in your hands than it is in ours. Surely it is still worth the premium of triple face value no matter who owns it?"

Then he will flatten himself against a wall, "become one" with the wall [not in the biological sense, silly] and creep forward using all the stealth at his command, a hand on the hilt of his dagger that rests loosely in its sheath.


Carefully edging down the hall you see a half dozen Kobolds occupying the room. The seem to be guards, but it would appear that they are most concerned with guarding the passage to the east and preventing anything from entering the cave complex that you are in. In other words, they are looking the wrong way. Two of them stand watch at the eastern passage, while four are lounging around a brazier poking at bits of food on sticks and playing dice for a small horde of copper coins and other valueless baubles.

In progress map.png

OOC: Regarding the fact that your battle did not provoke a response. One thing you have noticed since you have entered Dwimmermount is that there are periodic crashing and banging sounds, occasional screams, and weird echos that reverberate through the halls. You suspect that anything living in here would have long since gotten to the point that they simply ignore them.


Klyman Sylar

Klyman silently motions back to the others, holding up a finger for each kobold and then, turning his hand parrallell to the floor, indicating the approximate height of the scaly vermin.
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Jimmy Disco T

First Post
Jimi nods, and says quietly to the Dwarves and mage, "So, six of the little beasts. We would be outnumbered. Perhaps we need a strategy..." he thinks for a moment. "Perhaps we could draw their attention and funnel them into a narrow passageway, where they can't bring their full numbers to bear."

Pausing for a moment, he thinks back to their recent explorations.

"Or... that passageway, in the other room - I saw what might have been webs. If we have a spider's nest on one hand, and a gang of kobolds on the other... could we bait them into fighting each other for us?"

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
But Midgrim shakes his bearded head, "Me and my brother ain't running inta any kobold nest in front of any giant spiders... Yee give it a try."

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