Captain Barakas hears the twang of a crossbow, and the grunts as swordsman thrust blades into flesh. Not wishing to be left out he hurries around the corner and his two companions standing there to come face to face with a zombie in a bear suit, a fresh crossbow quarrel deep in its chest. Its arms are strecthed out it tries to growl but its lack of proper working lungs makes it sound more like a gruggle, than a growl. The tiefling laughs at the folly of the thing.
The Jester tries to cartwheel to the side and nearly tumbles over, its legs not liking the added momentum to the weight they can barely support. A thunderous boom echoes throughout the cavern complex as the dark shadow energy surrounding the zombie explodes like a thunderhead. It tries lashing out at Cyan as the dragonborn's blades cut deep gouges in the monsters back and shoulders, but its atks are feeble as the last of its un-life leaves its body.
And lastly Talin watches as the ballerina puts both her skinless arms over her head and tries to tip-toe towards the shadow rogue. As it approaches it lurches as if dancing and brings both hands down in a double axe-handle towards the rogues head. He manages to get his head out of the way but is clipped on the shoulder instead.
INIT Order:
AC:18, HP: 11/11, HD: 1/1(1d8), 1/1(1d6), WotS: 1/1, Spells: 3/0/0
AC:16, HP: 18/18, HD: 1/1(1d8+1), 1/1(1d10+1), SW: 1/1, BW: 1/1
AC:14 HP: 17/17, HD: 2/2(1d8+2), Channel Divinity: 1/1, Spells: 3/0/0
AC:16, HP: 15/15, HD 1/1(1d8+2), 1/1(1d6+2), Evil Eye: 1/1, Spells: 1/0/0
AC:16, HP: 12/17, HD 2/2(1d8+2), Channel Divinity: 1/1, Spells: 3/0/0
AC: 8
Jester [roll0] thunder dmg
1) 16/22 HP Bear intimidate [roll1], atk: Barakas [roll2]
2) 00/22 HP Jester,
dead acrobatics [roll3], atk:Cyan [roll4] no atk, no dmg
3) 22/22 HP Ballerina perform [roll5], atk:Talin [roll6][/sblock]
