D&D 5E Fizban's Treasury Dragons Ranked By Challenge Rating

WotC has been sending out previews of Fizban's Treasury of Dragons, due out next month, to folks on Twitter. Amongst those are art pieces and other items. By Challenge Rating the dragons in the book are: Ancient crystal (19) Ancient topaz (20) Ancient emerald (21) Ancient moonstone (21) Ancient sapphire (22) Elder brain dragon (22) Ancient amethyst (23) Ancient dragon turtle (24) Gem...

WotC has been sending out previews of Fizban's Treasury of Dragons, due out next month, to folks on Twitter. Amongst those are art pieces and other items.


By Challenge Rating the dragons in the book are:
  • Ancient crystal (19)
  • Ancient topaz (20)
  • Ancient emerald (21)
  • Ancient moonstone (21)
  • Ancient sapphire (22)
  • Elder brain dragon (22)
  • Ancient amethyst (23)
  • Ancient dragon turtle (24)
  • Gem greatwyrm (26)
  • Chromatic greatwyrm (27)
  • Metallic greatwyrm (28)
  • Apects of Bahamut and Tiamat (30)
Interestingly, it appears that the great wyrm category is divided into three -- gem, chromatic, metallic -- rather than by each dragon type.

There's also an alphabetical list of all 20 dragon types in the book:
  • Amethyst
  • Black
  • Blue
  • Brass
  • Bronze
  • Copper
  • Crystal
  • Deep
  • Dragon turtle
  • Emerald
  • Faerie
  • Gold
  • Green
  • Moonstone
  • Red
  • Sapphire
  • Shadow
  • Silver
  • Topaz
  • White

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5e Freelancer
Even before that we had Tiefling variants in the SCAG, between the SCAG and MToFs Tieflings now have more variation then any other D&D race, even Elves.
Hmmm. . . now I'm wondering if there's a subrace of Tieflings specific to Moloch, and maybe even one for Bel when he was Archduke. That could be interesting. (I think Moloch Tieflings would get Thorn Whip, Witch Bolt, and Alter Self, while Bel would get probably get Fire Bolt, Burning Hands, and Scorching Ray.)


That's not really a fix, since originally tieflings simply had any fiendish blood in them--devils, demons, yugoloths, geherelths, whatever you wanted. I'm sure you could claim your tiefling was descended from a barghest or vaporighu if you really wanted to, in 2e.

SCAG I believe also had Demonic Tieflings, and we have winged tieflings.

Personally, the shared origin made sense for Nentir Vale, and it doesn't have to exist beyond that.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
Removing negative modifiers is a flaw. (Subjective)
Then they should have been left there.

Clearly many, since in your estimation that is what propelled them to 'stardom'.

If thats a problem, boy do I have some news for you regarding new race design.

Nothing needed to be added, but they could have easily retained the proper Tiefling, and even included the Aasimar which oddly enough doesnt NEED to look like a glowing, Wings sprouted, Halo on head, Angel.
and what makes it properly other than subjective opinion? anything more backing it up as I hate that the answer to a debate is the unreconcilable position.
I do not mind them making endless races if settings were willing to be interestingly restrictive so not just the classics maybe a setting where the classics are not even allowed.
I doubt that. The look is standardized in 5e as well. It has to be something else in addition to that, or both editions would be getting the same hate.
the difference in game mechanics most likely?

Hmmm. . . now I'm wondering if there's a subrace of Tieflings specific to Moloch, and maybe even one for Bel when he was Archduke. That could be interesting. (I think Moloch Tieflings would get Thorn Whip, Witch Bolt, and Alter Self, while Bel would get probably get Fire Bolt, Burning Hands, and Scorching Ray.)

I think the Tieflings from MToF were as much attached to a layer of Hell as the Princes of Hell, so Bel's Tiefling would be the same as Zariel's. I had a pet theory that if Zariel ultimately gets redeemed, it will turn Zarielian Tieflings tied to her specifically into Aasimar.

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