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Forgotten Heroes IC


"I know who I am. But there is a point where my memory cuts out in a haze of blue smoke. I seem to remember a little more than most of you. I remembered that Skitha brought drinks, though she has the strongest connection. I think we have known each other the longest or perhaps I knew you best. Other than that I just remember your names and vague recollections."

"I am called by some the Traveller. I am a wizard and I have walked many worlds. I know the gods of many peoples but I do not recognize the name Johan. I have employed and worked with dwarves, orcs, lizardmen and others in the past but have not seen ones like Zerki, Lugka, Dunestrider, or Eglath. I have been plagued in the past with rifts in space and time by the aftereffects of corruption of a world's magic that I helped restore but this blue smoke has a different feel entirely. Similarly when I was summoned from one world to the next or caught in a wild magic surge it was not the same. However somehow we were together and there was blue smoke then that field. We need to figure out what we were doing and what happened to us."

He turns and looks at Sir Seifer. "I do know a little bit of heraldry, let me see your sigil."

ooc knowledge nobility +10 for things like the significance of if it is a cocatrice rampant, or secondary symbols representing family position, etc. even if the specific house would not be known to Voadam.

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Eglath Goliath Fighter 5

"The smoke seems to form a barrier in my memory, I can't seem to remember much beyond it." He hefts the enormous glowing long axe. "This I remember. I am a warrior and perhaps even a hero, but not to my own people. That I cannot fathom." He taps his chest, "I remember the faces of many foes, men, orks, ogres, and other things I can't even name." He ponders a moment and wispers, "lostfate..." and then is silent.


First Post
Grokkun - Dwarven Cleric of Johan.

Slowly opening his eyes after being reassured that his bond with Johan is still strong, Grokkun smiles. "I am Grokkun, as I am sure you will remember. I serve Johan, the god of.... Oh!" With an astonished expression, Grokkun sits down and stares out in the air.

I remember the name of who I serve, but not what cause....

I havn't got that Portfolio you told me about; info about Johan the Diety.


First Post
Lily regards Voadam sourly.

"Well lah-dee-dah," she grumps. "Too bad we're not all 'travellers' or whatnot so this would just be a little inconvenience. But most of us can't even remember who we are, or what we can or can't do...so you'll forgive us if we're a bit...concerned."

She leans back against the side wall of the cart and frowns. "I do remember that bluish smoke you're talking about though... Everytime I try to remember something about my life, all I get is that fog. I thought it was just me."


Eglath Goliath Fighter 5

Watching the apeman's shape change, Eglath has a moment of doubt and fear. Could I be something else entirely and not even know it? To Lily he says, "No the smoke clouds my mind too." He ponders the others words for a while. Hmm, a journal, that might not be a bad idea, maybe I should keep one. I have some coins, perhaps I could buy something in town.

Amazing Triangle

First Post
Near sunset Dirk pulls his wagon and his entrpid crew into Althora.
"Wlep afta hearing whats y'all been saying I thinks it only right to set y'enz up witha place to stay. Least I can do. My brother Drackus owns the local inn, The Rocky Tooth Tavern," Dirk beams with a bit of pride, "Hows abouts I get y'all a room for say a silver a peice? After thats I knows he got a Adventure's Registry for local job help, maybe youz can give that a try to see if ya can remember more."

Dirk walks you to his brothers place. After a brief arguement and some mention of a swimming hole incident, Drackus gives in and gives you 3 rooms for a silver each.

You each wake up to a cute young girl, about the age of 13, knocking on your doors who tells you your breakfast is ready.

When you get around to eating it is a feast of a breakfast. Best silver you ever spent as far as you can recall.
OOC: As there are 10 of you it is like 3 or 4 to a room, from there it is all yours again

Skitha has been in the tavern part of the pub already for hours. After a vivid dream in which she realized that the perferct way to build the ultimate spiked chain was to weld together gnomes in spiked full-plate, each holding a normal spiked chain, she awoke with only three hours sleep feeling perfectly refreshed, and sober which situation she went to remedy at once.

"Hey, Watch this!" Skitha says to the incoming other adventurers, holding up an entire barrel of ale. She chugs the whole thing in around half a minute, then shatters the barrel with a squeeze of her hand. "Ale good. Ale make Skitha strong. Skitha like ale."


First Post
Lily sleeps uneasily that night, never quite awakening, but tossing and turning, and muttering things in foreign tongues. When she awakens, she claims not to remember any of it, though something hangs over her that morning...keeping her silent and moody all the way through breakfast. Though that may just be how she is too.

Skitha's antics in particular seem to irk her. She regards the shattered stein and the inebriated woman and growls, "From the intense feelings of disgust and annoyance watching you is provoking in me, I think I can rule out any chance of me being a heavy drinker."

"In fact...I'll just have water," she adds to the bartender.

Then she looks at the others.

"So here we are. What now?"


Eglath Goliath Fighter

Eglath finds a bare stretch of floor in one of the rooms and lays out his bedroll, not trusting human sized furniture to hold him. Carefully removing his armor and oiling and otherwise maintaining it and his weapons carries him well into the evening. He sleeps fitfully his mind filled with strange dreams of events that may or may not be his past. Scenes of other Goliaths taunting him are particularly disturbing and he wakes at dawn damp with sweat and aching all over. He proceeds out of the inn in just a loin cloth and finds a rain barrel to wash himself. His back is covered with a large birthmark and his chest is scarred as if the skin had been abraded away. His stony gray hide covers rippling muscle. He goes back upstairs and returns shortly wearing a much lighter suit of studded leather instead of the massive metal he wore yesterday. Leaning his huge axe in a convenient corner he proceeds to eat a breakfast of such proportions that at should have cost a platinum rather than a silver. He joins Skitha in a mug of ale, but also has water with Lily. Between generous mouthfuls he responds. "I'm game for anything. Sitting around trying to think about what happened isn't my style. Let's find something productive to do."
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Voidrunner's Codex

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