Steeliest of the dragons
...Might as well keep going... need to keep avoiding/procrastinating from laundry and packing for holiday travel...
WEAPONS - Bladed
Axe, battle: d10, two-handed, heavy
Axe, hand: d8
Scimitar: d6, light
Sword, long: d8, d10 if used two-handed
Sword, short: d6, light
WEAPONS - Bludgeoning
Hammer: d6, blunt, thrown, range up to 20'
Hammer, war: d10, two-handed, heavy
Flail: d8, reach +5', heavy
Mace: d6
Morningstar: d8
Weapons - Simple
Unarmed: d4, blunt
Club/cudgel/torch: d6, blunt
Dagger: d4, light, thrown, range up to 20'
Sickle: d4, light
Staff: d6, d8 if two-handed, blunt, reach +5'
Weapons - Ranged
Bow, short: arrows, d6, range up to 50'
Bow, long: arrows, d6. range up to 100'
Crossbow, light: bolts, d8 fires last in round, range up to 50'
Sling: stones, d4. range up to 30'
Thrown Darts/Blades: d4, up to 3 per round, range up to 20'
Weapons - Reach
Net: no damage but ensnared on successful hit, reach +10' or thrown range up to 30'
Halberd: d10, two-handed, reach +10'
Lance: d8, 2d10 if used from horseback, reach +10'
Spear: d6, d8 if two-handed, thrown or reach +5', range up to 50'
Whip: d4, can grapple on successful hit, reach +10'
Leather: +2 AC, light
Scale: +3 AC, medium
Chain: +4 AC, medium
Plate: +5 AC, heavy
Shield: +2 AC
WEAPONS - Bladed
Axe, battle: d10, two-handed, heavy
Axe, hand: d8
Scimitar: d6, light
Sword, long: d8, d10 if used two-handed
Sword, short: d6, light
WEAPONS - Bludgeoning
Hammer: d6, blunt, thrown, range up to 20'
Hammer, war: d10, two-handed, heavy
Flail: d8, reach +5', heavy
Mace: d6
Morningstar: d8
Weapons - Simple
Unarmed: d4, blunt
Club/cudgel/torch: d6, blunt
Dagger: d4, light, thrown, range up to 20'
Sickle: d4, light
Staff: d6, d8 if two-handed, blunt, reach +5'
Weapons - Ranged
Bow, short: arrows, d6, range up to 50'
Bow, long: arrows, d6. range up to 100'
Crossbow, light: bolts, d8 fires last in round, range up to 50'
Sling: stones, d4. range up to 30'
Thrown Darts/Blades: d4, up to 3 per round, range up to 20'
Weapons - Reach
Net: no damage but ensnared on successful hit, reach +10' or thrown range up to 30'
Halberd: d10, two-handed, reach +10'
Lance: d8, 2d10 if used from horseback, reach +10'
Spear: d6, d8 if two-handed, thrown or reach +5', range up to 50'
Whip: d4, can grapple on successful hit, reach +10'
Leather: +2 AC, light
Scale: +3 AC, medium
Chain: +4 AC, medium
Plate: +5 AC, heavy
Shield: +2 AC