D&D General Going back to Basic(s). A thought experiment.

...Might as well keep going... need to keep avoiding/procrastinating from laundry and packing for holiday travel...

WEAPONS - Bladed
Axe, battle:
d10, two-handed, heavy
Axe, hand: d8
Scimitar: d6, light
Sword, long: d8, d10 if used two-handed
Sword, short: d6, light

WEAPONS - Bludgeoning
d6, blunt, thrown, range up to 20'
Hammer, war: d10, two-handed, heavy
Flail: d8, reach +5', heavy
Mace: d6
Morningstar: d8

Weapons - Simple
d4, blunt
d6, blunt
Dagger: d4, light, thrown, range up to 20'
Sickle: d4, light
Staff: d6, d8 if two-handed, blunt, reach +5'

Weapons - Ranged
Bow, short:
arrows, d6, range up to 50'
Bow, long: arrows, d6. range up to 100'
Crossbow, light: bolts, d8 fires last in round, range up to 50'
Sling: stones, d4. range up to 30'
Thrown Darts/Blades: d4, up to 3 per round, range up to 20'

Weapons - Reach
no damage but ensnared on successful hit, reach +10' or thrown range up to 30'
Halberd: d10, two-handed, reach +10'
d8, 2d10 if used from horseback, reach +10'
d6, d8 if two-handed, thrown or reach +5', range up to 50'
Whip: d4, can grapple on successful hit, reach +10'

+2 AC, light
Scale: +3 AC, medium
Chain: +4 AC, medium
Plate: +5 AC, heavy
Shield: +2 AC

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On weapons & armor, for this speculative version I'd probably just do it by die and leave the players to naming it, thusly:

Light (Dagger, Club, Handaxe, etc.; can be used in off-hand) - 1d4 damage
Medium (Mace, Shortsword, Battleaxe, etc.; can be used in one hand) - 1d6 damage
Versatile (Spear, Longsword, Quarterstaff, Battleaxe, etc.; can be used one or two-handed) - 1d8 damage one-handed/1d10 damage two-handed
Heavy (Two-handed Sword, Greataxe, Polearm; must be used in two hands) - 1d12 damage

Light (Leather, Studded leather) AC 12
Medium (Hide, Chain Shirt, Breastplate) AC 14
Heavy (Chain mail, Scale) AC 16
Full (Plate mail) AC 18

Every GM should try writing a one-page RPG at some point! I wrote one for a friend called "Nine Whiskers in Juarez" about feisty felines on the frontier. It's ridiculous, probably crap, can't wait to run it.

When I'm not running 5e or 1e (or, very occasionally, some other game), I usually run one-page games that I've designed myself for the session.

Once you start making them, it can be addictive!

On weapons & armor, for this speculative version I'd probably just do it by die and leave the players to naming it, thusly:

Light (Dagger, Club, Handaxe, etc.; can be used in off-hand) - 1d4 damage
Medium (Mace, Shortsword, Battleaxe, etc.; can be used in one hand) - 1d6 damage
Versatile (Spear, Longsword, Quarterstaff, Battleaxe, etc.; can be used one or two-handed) - 1d8 damage one-handed/1d10 damage two-handed
Heavy (Two-handed Sword, Greataxe, Polearm; must be used in two hands) - 1d12 damage

Light (Leather, Studded leather) AC 12
Medium (Hide, Chain Shirt, Breastplate) AC 14
Heavy (Chain mail, Scale) AC 16
Full (Plate mail) AC 18

I’d go with all weapons doing D6 then
Light - +1 Initiative, -1 disadvantage on Attack
Medium -
Heavy - +1 Damage, double on a Crit. Requires 2-hands

So, early in 5e's life, we jumped back in to 'official' D&D from Castle's & Crusades. We played "Basic 5e" from the core download documents: Core 4 classes (Fighter [Champion], Cleric [Life], Wizard [Evoc], Rogue [Thief]) and Core 4 races (human, elf, dwarf, and halfling). No Feats. Yes on Backgrounds. We kept skill proficiency, but considered using the alternate non-proficiency rules in the DMG. It worked surprisingly well.

When we 'ported in Feats, we had an impromptu ranger (a Champion Fighter, with Outlander Background, and the Magic Initiate Feat [Druid]) and Paladin (Champion Fighter, Acolyte Background, and the Magic Initiate Feat [Cleric]).

I'd say a Basic Set, with the Core Four races, Core Four classes, Backgrounds, and rules for levels up to 5 or 10 would be perfectly do-able.

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