Not that is what we’re talking about (I think?) but short history on this:
- The Nazis sneak attacked Norway in 1940.
- The Royal family fled to the UK, and via Sweden to the US. (There’s a PBS series about this and the Crown Princess’s friendship with FDR called “Atlantic Crossing”.)
- The Norwegian military, British, French, and Polish forces fought the Nazis, but lost. The Allies evacuated. Some Norwegians didn’t surrender but went to mountains. Some escaped to the UK or Sweden. (When living in England, I even saw a Lassie movie where Timmy is a RAF flyer, Lassie sneaks on his plane, and Lassie and the Resistance help Timmy escape the Nazis. I swear I didn’t imagine it!)
- The British equipped Norwegian forces including a Commando unit that parachuted into Norway to stop the Nazi hydrogen bomb project. They sunk a ferry with civilians on board to stop a deuterium shipment that put the Nazis behind. (Books and movies have been written about this. One short book is “Skis against the Atom”.)
- The US raised an all Norwegian-American, Norwegian speaking Army unit in Minnesota, who landed on D-Day. Single ethnicity units were relatively rare.
On the other hand:
- The Nazis thought the Norwegians would side with them, and installed a collaboratorist regime led by Quisling. His name became (even in English) a term for a sellout who t betrays his country.
- I think about 7000 Norwegians joined the Waffen SS.