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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
The One That Got Away

The One That Got Away!

Vale said:
Quickly, Vale turns to Edward, looking at what is obviously a confused face, and is direct with him, “I know they are a ways up the way, but do you recognize the white horse or its rider?”

Edward To Vale (In Common): "Never seen him before."

Vale said:
After asking the question, Vale looks about, behind him, to the sides, gruffly addressing Edward, “Edward, how far is the temple? We need to hurry and solve this Denby quandary now.”

Edward To Vale (In Common): "See that alleyway about 50 feet in front of us? If we take it, it's another 30 feet or so over to the next street, then it will be across from us, big as life. The streets are 30 feet wide. So total distance from here is 110 feet, give or take 10 feet."

The other party members (everyone but Sylvar) continue to proceed at a casual pace down the street, headed for the alleyway. Sylvar remains up ahead, trailing the "Green Man."

Green Man's sense motive check:

Base DC: 15 (Challenging: "Get the feeling you're being followed.")
Environment: Noisy, busy street: +2 DC (17)

Green Man is paranoid after recent events: +2 Circumstance Bonus to roll.

Result: 30 (Success.)

Green Man's spot check:

Base DC: 5 (Easy: "Notice two Dogs and an Elf with a Naginata following you.")
Environment: Noisy, busy street: +2 DC (7)
Distance: Sylvar made up half the difference between himself and Lathir (75 feet.) 75+30 = 105 feet behind the horse. +1 per 15 feet distance = +7 DC (14)

Green Man is paranoid after recent events: +2 Circumstance Bonus to roll.

Result: 21 (Success.)

Much to everyone's surprise, the Green Man suddenly looks back over his shoulder! Seeing Sylvar and the 2 dogs, his eyes grow wide, and panicked! He spurs his horse to a fast gallop, and begins racing toward the South Gate!

Horse: Fort Save (DC 15) for Fright: Result = 11 (Fail.)
The horse is startled by the Green Man's sudden spur to action, and lets go of its bowels as it gallops away. Vale, it seems you got your wish. :)

Kasnik: Sense Motive: Base DC 5 (Easy: "This guy looks like he'll run you over if you don't get out of his way!")
Unusual Situation: Second-guessing your first instinct: "Surely he plans to stop?" +2 DC (7)

DM Proxy Roll: No need, minimum skill roll meets DC 7.

Welcome To Caltaran!


You're on your way to Dyvers, for reasons that remain your own; you're coming from the west, having recently stopped in the city of Verbobonc. The village of Caltaran is only a day's ride from Dyvers, so it is here that you plan to feed and water your horse, and rest a bit yourself. You reach Caltaran, to find that there are no side gates (East / West gates), only North and South. So you casually point your horse toward the South Gate. You nose your way past some shepherds trying to collect their scattered herd, and glide through the South Gate into town. There is a lone guard here, carrying a longsword and a shortbow, wearing mis-matched pieces of leather armor. He looks more like a scout than a guard. He waves you forward, but doesn't stop you. Noting your full-plate armor and your barded horse, and your lance, he simply says:

"Temple's in the middle of town, one street over from the main street. Cuthbert Avenue. Enjoy your stay in Caltaran, my lord."

Sighing with relief, you silently say a word of prayer to Valarian, thanking her for the wisdom to wear your visor closed today, and for the assumptions made by people to whom armor is a badge of social rank.

You are casually meandering through the gate on your horse, not really sure of where you're going, when suddenly, there is a commotion, and people begin fleeing from the middle of the street, making way for a charging white horse! The horse is being ridden by a man in forest green, and is headed straight for you, and shows no signs of stopping!

It occurs to you that you could easily move out of the way, to let the man by; or you could stop him. Seeing his disregard for the fleeing citizenry, it does not take a genius to realize that he might be fleeing from local law enforcement.

If you choose to stop him, roll initiative on the OOC Facebook thread. If you choose to let him by, you may simply state your intention to do so, no rolls required.

[KASNIK: What do you do?]
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First Post
Kasnik: *Caught in the moment, torn between hiding his identity just a bit longer and protecting the fleeing citizens from this man with no regard for anyone, his instincts quickly kick in."

Whispering to myself, "Valarian, protect me."

I quickly grasp the reins of my steed, drive my heels into the horses side, and let loose a yell to send my horse into full gallop. I hold my lance tight and aim straight for the man's shoulder (non-lethal, but punishing) and keep my eye's fixed on his body with my legs and hands ready to adjust for any movement to react to any changes in direction.

I let loose a booming yell, "Stop! Or I will stop you!" while charging directly at him.

OOC - My initiative roll is a 5, posted on the rolz.org room
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

Housekeeping For The DM:

Characters in immediate combat range:

1. Sylvar
2. Gus
3. Lathir
4. Kasnik

Initiative order so far:

1. Sylvar (24)
2. Gus (20)
3. Lathir (17)
Gate Guard (11)
5. Man in Green (9)
6. Kasnik (5)

EVERYONE can roll initiative, but if you're not one of the four characters above, you have 200 feet worth of catch-up running to do!

Everyone who is participating should go to the Dice Room and roll initiative, and then post the results on the OOC thread. I will then collect them, and organize them here.

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
As the man is clearly closing on a mounted knight who is shouting at him, Lathir/dog picks up the pace to a full run but is headed for the entrance to the alley to his right, almost the immediate right of the mounted quarry. As the man should close with the knight by the time Lathir/dog reaches the alley, if the man passes the knight and continues on, Lathir/dog will continue his pursuit of the man. If the man is halted, Lathir/dog will enter the alley and return to human form to re-enter the street.

OOC: Initiative: d20 - 1 = 18 - 1 = 17
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Sylvar B.

Sylvar takes a Thunderstone out of his pocket. Sylvar says under his breathe, "Thor son of Odin, place your power into this Thunderstone, let it fly true and strike my target. Notice my actions this day, if I should perish send the Valkyrie for my soul. When he finishes he hurls the Thunderstone, aiming for a spot directly under where the horse should be when the Thunderstone lands.

Roll to-hit.
1d20+ BAB + Dex.
Trying to hit AC: [Base 5] + [Horse in the way +4] + [Range Increment +2] = AC: 11.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

Sylvar's Roll: 8 (+7) = 15. That hits AC 11, and then some. Good shot.
The horse and rider are the only targets with the stone's area of effect.
Horse Fort save: 18 (Not Deafened)
Horse Will save: 11 (Fail: -2 to Ride Checks for 10 rounds)
Rider Fort save: 10 (Fail: Deafened for 1 hour; -4 Init rolls, 20% mis-cast, plus normal deaf affects.)
Rider Ride check: 17 (Success; does not fall off of horse.)
Rider Ride check: 16 (Fail: Horse will continue to charge Kasnik, despite it's rider's wishes to the contrary.)

Sylvar's Thunderstone lands exactly beneath the horse, exploding with a resounding BANG! The horse panics and bucks in mid-stride, but the rider keeps his seat in the saddle. The rider screams in pain, as the noise of the stone slams into his eardrums. The frightened horse then picks up the pace, continuing straight ahead at break-neck speed, blinded by fear and a mis-directed instinct for flight in the most direct route possible.

[GUS: It's your turn. What do you do?]

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Gus races to the horse's side, barking agressively in his booming, St. Cuthbert, big-ol'-dog voice; he is careful to avoid being trampled, and looks to be "herding" the horse.

Panicked horse = +2 to DC
DC (Will save) to resist herding = 12 (base) +2 = DC 14.
Result = 8 (Fail.)
DC 17 Ride check to avoid being thrown from sudden turn.
Result = 16 (Fail.)
Speed at full gallop (60 x 3) =180 feet. Horse was slowing (-60 feet) = speed when thrown: 120 feet.
Falling damage = 12d6. Reflex save DC 13+2=15 for none.
Result = 18 (No damage.)

GM: Initiative order so far:

1. Dewydd (25) [Will arrive in Round 4]
2. Sylvar (24)
3. Gus (20)
4. Lathir (17)
5. Gate Guard (11)
6. Man in Green (9)
7. Kasnik (5)

The horse's instincts take over, and Gus is able to turn the horse. The man is unable to stay in the saddle this time, and goes flying out of the saddle at a very high speed...

To your amazement, the man uses the momentum of the fall to launch himself even higher into the air, turning a mid-air twist, and landing safely on his feet!

The map below shows actual positions of everyone at the 19th phase of initiative (just after Gus' turn.) The arrows indicate probable direction of travel, based on previous movement path.


[Lathir: It's your turn.]

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Seeing the disregard the man has for the citizenry, I come to the conclusion that he must be guilty of a crime. While I have little chance of catching him on foot if he gets past the mounted warrior, I will still run as fast as I can in that direction, hoping to be of some use.

OOC: Running in full plate armor at 60' per round.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Posting at Lathir's Request

Into The Alleyway!
(Posting At Lathir's Request)

Lathir The Golden Retriever moves past the man in mid-leap, taking up a position at the mouth of the alleyway; Lathir growls and barks at the man, trying to discourage him from coming down the alleyway.

GM: Lathir readies an action; if the man tries to enter the alleyway, Lathir will attack him and try to trip him.

Gate Gaurd to The Man in Green (In Common): "Stop right there, or you'll sprout feathers!" The guard aims his bow at the man in a menacing fashion.

GM: Gate Guard readies an action. His bow is pointed at the Man in Green.

The Man in Green is lightning quick; he draws a dagger and throws it at the gate guard in the blink of an eye, before reversing direction, and running back up the street, and turning the corner. At the same time he throws the dagger, the gate guard fires his bow.

Guard's Arrow vs. AC 18: 13, Miss.
Man's Thrown Dagger vs. AC 14: 24. Hit. Damage: 5 pts.
Guard Save vs. Poison (DC 13): 22 (Save.)

The guard fires his bow, and simultaneously winces in pain, as the dagger clips his arm, in an un-protected spot where his hodge-podge leather didn't adequately cover. He looks staggered for an instant, and then seemingly shakes it off. The arrow and the dagger were both so fast, they literally crossed each other in mid-flight. The guard's arrow misses its mark, as the Man in Green flees around the corner of a building.

Here are the final positions of everyone (including the panicked horse, which has fled in the direction indicated.)


[Kasnik: It's your turn.]


First Post

Kasnik roars down the street towards the man in green with his lance being carried in his right hand. Seeing the dagger fly, he knows the danger that this man is causing and must be stopped. Kasnik moves to the northwest corner of the building where the man dashed down. Upon reaching the corner and he immediately thrusts his lance into him.

OOC - Attack roll on green man. Total attack bonus is +10 with damage being 2d6+7. Result from Rolz = 23 on attack. Damage result from Rolz = 13.
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