Heart of Artifice Temporary--Kharas Alone

Kharas, feeling the Clank is heavily damage and can go down any time, decide to become more offensive, and strike another good blow.

[SBLOCK]AC back to 20, hit 21 for 15 damage[/SBLOCK]

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Kharas, before Elysia suggest it, have already his hand on teh key and turn it. He then try to remove it. "If someone want to repair it, he won't be able to crank it on the spot. If I have to come back here, he won't try to kill me... terrorist agent, me? He'll need a new dictionnary because his definition of terrorist is not the same as mine."

"We wait..." tells Kharas. "The portal to my world open every few hours. It has appeared it for me and seems to open again after a few hours, so it should open sometimes." Kharas start to inspect the place where he did appears and see if nothing can indicate him when it should appear next.

*Kharas isn't sure where it will appear next. As they are waiting, there is a shimmering in the air nearby, and an invisible flying creature appears. It addresses Kharas telepathically with the Baron's voice:*

"Kharas, I spirited the device away to Fantasia. I trust the High Lady implicitly, but I only hope this will not put her in danger as well. This is a recorded message--do not try to respond. Fare well, Kharas."

"Let's stay vigilent, we neeed not to miss that doorway... I can't tell at which frequency it appear and I don't want to wait more here, those kids can be in danger." tells Kharas.

"Okey dokey then," Elysia looks around carefully.

*After several hours of waiting, suddenly the gateway appears exactly where it dumped Kharas in the back wall.*

"Look! Look! There it is!"

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