D&D 5E Honor Among Thieves Character Stats

D&D Beyond has published the official game statistics for various characters from the upcoming D&D: Honor Among Thieves movie.

The collection includes stats for Doric, Edgin Darvis, Forge Fitzwilliam, Holga Kilgore, Simon Aumar, Sofina, and Xenk Yendar.



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No this is the worst thing. And all other editions did better by not making them use the same rules.
AD&D has NPCs and PCs using the same rules, hence the need to differentiate Non-Players Characters from Player Characters. In fact certain characters bounce back and forth between PC and NPC, both IME and in what I've read of Gygax's table.

5E even has NPC-only subclasses like Oathbreaker and Death Cleric. That doesn't mean you can't let players play them anyway, but what you cannot do is argue that 5E NPCs are not allowed to have class levels. (Generic you, not you MonsterEnvy specifically.)

However. What you don't need to do in AD&D or any other game is show your work for NPCs. I've never played 3E except via CRPG, but from what I remember of ToEE there are long feat chains to acquire certain traits. As a DM you can skip to the end and just write down the end result. The same thing applies to monster equipment: you don't need to figure out how much their plate armor cost or who they bought it from or how long it took to forge. If it doesn't matter, just say they have plate armor, done.

You can even do this for PCs in order to get new players into the game faster. "Okay, you're a fighter with plate armor and a sword. You've been living as a hermit in the woods for the past 5 years, trying to figure out where to act on your secret knowledge, that your country, Ulm, and its arch-enemy Hinnom are secretly both ruled by the same cabal of mind flayers. You know some other stuff like languages but we can figure that out at an appropriate moment during play--just ask me, 'hey, do I know that language?' For now everyone is waiting for us--let's start play!"

Agree. As a DM, I hate that spell lists are removed from spellcasters. Hate it with a passion. It hugely dumbs down their tactical options and makes them way less interesting to run and challenging to fight. The worst offender of this new breed of stat block is the new version of Vecna, who is now barely a wizard and more a teleporting stabby guy.

This is simplification gone too far, for me.

He’s Vecna. Whatever plot level magic or special ritual I need him to have, he’ll have. That’s not something I need spelled out in a stat block.
At least he has a decently nasty Counter Spell thing.
But I can agree with some arguments that states he should have at wills of a number of spells.

I saw somebody on reddit say that he should probably also have the "Concentrate on two spells at once thing" that the one Dragon npc from the Ravnica book has.

I saw somebody on reddit say that he should probably also have the "Concentrate on two spells at once thing" that the one Dragon npc from the Ravnica book has.
Simon in the movie appears to have this as well. He can concentrate on Telekinesis while also casting a crummy version of Blur.

Amusing note: whoever wrote up WotC's version of Doric gave her only 5 wildshapes per day, whereas in the movie she does 7 wildshapes in 2 minutes during her escape sequence: insect, rat, (revert to human), rat, bird, cat, (revert to human), terror bird, deer.

Simon in the movie appears to have this as well. He can concentrate on Telekinesis while also casting a crummy version of Blur.

Amusing note: whoever wrote up WotC's version of Doric gave her only 5 wildshapes per day, whereas in the movie she does 7 wildshapes in 2 minutes during her escape sequence.

They also gave her spells (which she doesn't use in the movie). If you imagine that she used her spell slots for polymorph, in addition to the wildshapes - it all works out.

Or, you know, it's a movie.

Ive only read the prequel book but I don't get Forge as NE like at all. If anything he's CG like the rest. Though calling any of them "Good" is a stretch.

Like Robin Hood is the iconic CG. He robbed from the rich to give to the poor. Edgin and crew steal from the rich to give to themselves. I would say that's more CN. He cares about himself and his family, that's it.

Maybe the film will clarify some stuff. I plan to see it soon.

I wish PC druids had this action

Multiattack. Doric makes two Shaped Claw or Sling attacks. She can replace one attack with a use of Spellcasting.

Shaped Claw. Melee Spell Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage

I used primal savagry cantrip a few times to do something like this

Ive only read the prequel book but I don't get Forge as NE like at all. If anything he's CG like the rest. Though calling any of them "Good" is a stretch.

Like Robin Hood is the iconic CG. He robbed from the rich to give to the poor. Edgin and crew steal from the rich to give to themselves. I would say that's more CN. He cares about himself and his family, that's it.

Maybe the film will clarify some stuff. I plan to see it soon.

Mild spoilers -

Forge 100% lives up to a NE alignment in the film.

Mild spoilers -

Forge 100% lives up to a NE alignment in the film.
Yeah i get that. But WHY? In the novel he literally put himself in harms way to protect another person. He is not Evil by any stretch as far as I could tell. I wouldn't even say he's greedy, though he does have big aspirations. He's just an older Edgin more or less.

I'm guessing something happened between the prequel and the movie to alter his alignment.

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