D&D Movie/TV Free 'Honor Among Thieves' Bundle Includes Characters & Magic Items From The Movie


Over at D&D Beyond you can check out the game details of the protagonists (plus major NPCs) of the D&D movie, along with the statistics of a number of magical items from the film.
  • Thieves Gallery -- this contains stats for Doric, Edgin, Forge, Holga, Simon, Sofina, and Xenk. These are NPC-style stat blocks, not full character sheets.
  • Legendary Magic Items -- stats for the helm of disjunction, hither-thither staff, helm of beckoning death, red wizard blade, and the tablet of reawakening.

In addition, WotC's Chris Perkins talks about the magic items in the video below.

Have any of you considered the items for your campaigns?

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Chaos bolt is at disadvantage in melee (it's a ranged attack), so in melee, Simon is worse.

Chaos bolt is ranged. If he uses it in melee, it's at disadvantage - that drops Simon's numbers significantly.

With the WotC stat blocks, the optimal strategy in that fight vs. the guards would be for Holga to tank and NOT Recklessly attack, while Simon hangs back to more than double the total damage output, like some kind of magical archer.

That doesn't match the movie.

She get's hit A LOT in the movie - they make a point of showing it. So she's clearly going reckless all the time.

I've seen the movie three times and the only wound I remember her taking happens offscreen, at the very end. She may or may not take a punch to the face at some point, but for the most part I remember her dodging and parrying and jiu-jitsuing everything. Obviously that's plot armor and a certain interpretation of HP, but it's not evidence in favor of Reckless.

How many hits do you remember her taking, when and where?
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It seems crazy OP, even for a legendary. The anti-resurrection magic is a sideshow; the real story is the insane damage it does: 1d4 (piercing)+3d12(necrotic) per hit, (23 average damage, before any other bonuses)! I don't care if you're the beefiest barbarian that ever lived, this dagger is your best in slot weapon!

A level 20 fighter with this blade, assuming duelist and 20 strength, is going to have an opening round, with action surge, of 8 attacks averaging 30 damage each. Without critical hits, which could be huge on this weapon. And is still using a shield.

That's dumb.

Thats a level 20 Fighter, why not have an awesome knifefighter who can quickly eviscerate the enemy?

after the movie I’m thinking that ALL high level magic should be artifact bases - so no True Res except via a Tablet of Reawakening

With the WotC stat blocks, the optimal strategy in that fight vs. the guards would be for Holga to tank and NOT Recklessly attack, while Simon hangs back to more than double the total damage output, like some kind of magical archer.

That doesn't match the movie.
Sure, the stat blocks, as presented have that problem.

Just like the stat block thunder damage from Edgin is out of left field. He's not shown as all that effective in a fight, much less as a sonic spewing death machine.

It would have been trivial to model, just leave off the "extra" damage, have Simon's chaos bolt be just an Eldridge blast, and let Holga Rage - then she's much more effective than the others. But that's not the route they went.

I've seen the movie three times and the only wound I remember her taking happens offscreen, at the very end. She may or may not take a punch to the face at some point, but for the most part I remember her dodging and parrying and jiu-jitsuing everything. Obviously that's plot armor and a certain interpretation of HP, but it's not evidence in favor of Reckless.

How many hits do you remember her taking, when and where?

You've seen it more than me (I just saw it Sunday) but from what I recall, she takes a punch or more(mostly to the face and then shrugs it off) in most fights. They do not show any wounds, but then It's the HP don't impede effectiveness until your at 0 model (as you said, she goes down to 0 off screen here). I'll have to keep better track when I take my son and his friends to the movie tomorrow.

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