D&D Movie/TV Free 'Honor Among Thieves' Bundle Includes Characters & Magic Items From The Movie

Over at D&D Beyond you can check out the game details of the protagonists (plus major NPCs) of the D&D movie, along with the statistics of a number of magical items from the film. Thieves Gallery -- this contains stats for Doric, Edgin, Forge, Holga, Simon, Sofina, and Xenk. These are NPC-style stat blocks, not full character sheets. Legendary Magic Items -- stats for the helm of disjunction...


Over at D&D Beyond you can check out the game details of the protagonists (plus major NPCs) of the D&D movie, along with the statistics of a number of magical items from the film.
  • Thieves Gallery -- this contains stats for Doric, Edgin, Forge, Holga, Simon, Sofina, and Xenk. These are NPC-style stat blocks, not full character sheets.
  • Legendary Magic Items -- stats for the helm of disjunction, hither-thither staff, helm of beckoning death, red wizard blade, and the tablet of reawakening.

In addition, WotC's Chris Perkins talks about the magic items in the video below.

Have any of you considered the items for your campaigns?

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Reeks of Jedi
NM Read it wrong

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Red Wizard Blade

Weapon (Dagger), Legendary

Forged by Red Wizards using a secret process known only to them, this grim steel dagger draws its power from the Negative Plane. When you hit a creature with a melee attack using this magic dagger, the target takes an extra 3d12 necrotic damage.

A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this weapon dies and can’t be raised from the dead except by a deity or by a creature using a tablet of reawakening to cast the true resurrection spell.

Aren't all Raise Dead/Resses basically you invoking a deity to bring your pal back to life? And are you telling me this Dagger is more powerful than a 9th level spell? True Ress. The end all be all of rasing the dead. You dont even need a body. The Dagger is so GREAT that you need a specific artifact to cast the SAME spell to work? Yeaaahh no.
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Magic Item Disjunction. Potions and scrolls in the area are destroyed. All other magic items in the area have their magical properties suppressed for 1 minute. Artifacts are unaffected by this property, as are magic items on your person.

So simply holding something somehow makes it immune to Disjunction? LLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 5th ed.

Yes, because the pulse originates from you. That's typical stuff - someone who casts burning hands isn't burnt since they are the originator.


NM Read it wrong

Edit instead:

Red Wizard Blade

Weapon (Dagger), Legendary

Forged by Red Wizards using a secret process known only to them, this grim steel dagger draws its power from the Negative Plane. When you hit a creature with a melee attack using this magic dagger, the target takes an extra 3d12 necrotic damage.

A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this weapon dies and can’t be raised from the dead except by a deity or by a creature using a tablet of reawakening to cast the true resurrection spell.

Aren't all Raise Dead/Resses basically you invoking a deity to bring your pal back to life? And are you telling me this Dagger is more powerful than a 9th level spell? True Ress. The end all be all of rasing the dead. You dont even need a body. The Dagger is so GREAT that you need a specific artifact to cast the SAME spell to work? Yeaaahh no.
Why not? For a common magical dagger that is OP, but this is a Legendary Item. Seems fine to me.


Why not? For a common magical dagger that is OP, but this is a Legendary Item. Seems fine to me.
It seems crazy OP, even for a legendary. The anti-resurrection magic is a sideshow; the real story is the insane damage it does: 1d4 (piercing)+3d12(necrotic) per hit, (23 average damage, before any other bonuses)! I don't care if you're the beefiest barbarian that ever lived, this dagger is your best in slot weapon!

A level 20 fighter with this blade, assuming duelist and 20 strength, is going to have an opening round, with action surge, of 8 attacks averaging 30 damage each. Without critical hits, which could be huge on this weapon. And is still using a shield.

That's dumb.


Reeks of Jedi
It seems crazy OP, even for a legendary. The anti-resurrection magic is a sideshow; the real story is the insane damage it does: 1d4 (piercing)+3d12(necrotic) per hit, (23 average damage, before any other bonuses)! I don't care if you're the beefiest barbarian that ever lived, this dagger is your best in slot weapon!

That's dumb.

It's obviously going to be used to slay one of the mains but luckily they will have/find the Resurrection Tablet to fix it.

Does the film even mention that Clerics exist? This just seems another way to use divine magic without having to mention those gods that might offend some real world zealots.
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It seems crazy OP, even for a legendary. The anti-resurrection magic is a sideshow; the real story is the insane damage it does: 1d4 (piercing)+3d12(necrotic) per hit, (23 average damage, before any other bonuses)! I don't care if you're the beefiest barbarian that ever lived, this dagger is your best in slot weapon!

A level 20 fighter with this blade, assuming duelist and 20 strength, is going to have an opening round, with action surge, of 8 attacks averaging 30 damage each. Without critical hits, which could be huge on this weapon. And is still using a shield.

That's dumb.
I disagree, I wish more legendary magic items worked this way. Then I wouldn't have to custom make so many magic items!


It's obviously going to be used to slay one of the mains but luckily they will have/find the Resurrection Tablet to fix it.

Does the film even mention that Clerics exist? This just seems another way to use divine magic with having to mention those gods that might offend some real world zealots.
Yes, they explain it in the film. I must admit it feels like explain just for D&D players though.

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