D&D (2024) How to answer the WOTC playtest survey....

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: they mislabeled the names of the response choices. Rather than Very Dissatisfied/Dissatisfied/Satisfied/Very Satisfied, they should have gone with something like Dissatisfied/Needs a Rewrite/Needs Minor Tweaks/Satisfied. That way, responders will know exactly what the option they choose means.

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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: they mislabeled the names of the response choices. Rather than Very Dissatisfied/Dissatisfied/Satisfied/Very Satisfied, they should have gone with something like Dissatisfied/Needs a Rewrite/Needs Minor Tweaks/Satisfied.
It’s more than mislabeling though, because that is not what the options represent, so you cannot just replace one description with another in your head and fill it out as if they are the same

You really can only go with Very Dissatisfied or Very Satisfied plus filling out the text box, depending on whether you want that feature dropped or want to see it as is / improved.

Anything else is a crapshoot because what you mean and how WotC interprets it are at best accidentally aligned

Think about the pressure here, knowing that there could be some hidden gem of an idea, drowned in thousands or comment that are just empty praise or dumb criticism. And you have to read all of it with care and understanding.

Most of us cant be bothered to read 2nd or 3rd page of multi page thread here...
Oh, it's a terrible gig, to be sure.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: they mislabeled the names of the response choices. Rather than Very Dissatisfied/Dissatisfied/Satisfied/Very Satisfied, they should have gone with something like Dissatisfied/Needs a Rewrite/Needs Minor Tweaks/Satisfied. That way, responders will know exactly what the option they choose means.
I would have preferred that.

It’s more than mislabeling though, because that is not what the options represent, so you cannot just replace one description with another in your head and fill it out as if they are the same.
Also, there's a damn good reason why "Needs a Rewrite/Needs Minor Tweaks" is not an option: the devs do not have unlimited time/development budgets, and the portion of the fanbase who fills out these surveys is not particularly recognizant of that. However much time has been spent rewriting and tweaking, there's always going to be some folks who want more time and more time until it meets their criteria for perfection.

This is why in grad school, they tell you "the best thesis is a finished thesis."

I haven't answered the last two surveys. I just don't have the energy or interest in doing the reading and taking the time to really thing through how I want to answer. In the first few, I would read the playtest material, read the conversations among more knowledgeable fan who put in the work to would try to answer based on what I felt would tweak 5e enough to make me feel like it was improved and worth buying revised rules for.

But now I've wrapped up a long 5e campaign and I'm playing a new game system. I'll check out the 2024 version and will buy it if I like it. If I don't, I still have a huge amount of 5e material that I haven't run yet. And there are many other systems I'm interested in trying.

I feel like I should still give my feedback. You don't get what you don't want and all that. But I guess that breaking out of my heavy DnD focus, it just doesn't matter that much to me and I should let those who care more respond. Not sure I'd be adding anything.

This is not a dig against WotC or DnD. I've gotten an incredible amount of enjoyment out of 5e, and plan to play it and maybe the 2024 version, but I find that discovering and backing cool new products on Kickstarter a more enjoyable use of my time than playtesting and answering surveys for a system I've already spent nearly a decade playing.

Also, there's a damn good reason why "Needs a Rewrite/Needs Minor Tweaks" is not an option: the devs do not have unlimited time/development budgets
I still would like it, because it is clearer what the person filling out the survey wants (throw out / improvement / keep). That is a long way from WotC having to do that just because someone said so, but at least it communicates clearly what the intent was, unlike the current situation.

I still would like it, because it is clearer what the person filling out the survey wants (throw out / improvement / keep). That is a long way from WotC having to do that just because someone said so, but at least it communicates clearly what the intent was, unlike the current situation.
Survey options that would be informative to me are:

• Very satisfied − this is awesome
• Satisfied
• I like the concept but the mechanics need work
• I dont care personally but if this is important to other players I am ok with that
• Unsatisfied − please dont do this

Survey options that would be informative to me are:

• Very satisfied − this is awesome
• Satisfied
• I like the concept but the mechanics need work
• I dont care personally but if this is important to other players I am ok with that
• Unsatisfied − please dont do this
Five points is kind of odd. If I were polling select people, I'd give five choices and a fill-in-the-blank. If I were polling the masses, I'd give three options:

  • Let's go!
  • Derr?
  • Sux.

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