D&D (2024) How Will They Fix Warlock Spellcasting Issues?

They could give the 10% what they want - let them cast all the spells, all the time. But have them call it something weak "minor arcane recouperation." This way, those players that always want more will get what they want, yet think somehow, they have gained the system through their cleverness. ;)

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As I said upthread, the “you cannot use this action while concentrating on a spell” rule I proposed was proposed to balance summoning spells.
Doesn't prevent you from sending in a stream of summons.

Edit; I guess it does help with buff -> recharge-> kick door in. So probably a good rule anyways.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Doesn't prevent you from sending in a stream of summons.

Edit; I guess it does help with buff -> recharge-> kick door in. So probably a good rule anyways.
I’m not sure I’d have a couple Dryads by themselves deplete many resources in the dungeon before getting killed. Second pair of dryads, and someone is sending scouts, and Ty strategy has served to lure the enemy out. Sweet. Excellent use of an ability. 10/10 no notes.

Not exactly game breaking.

Re: your edit: TY, I think it’s a pretty necessary clause if a “recovery spell slot” action were to be implemented.


I’m not sure I’d have a couple Dryads by themselves deplete many resources in the dungeon before getting killed. Second pair of dryads, and someone is sending scouts, and Ty strategy has served to lure the enemy out. Sweet. Excellent use of an ability. 10/10 no notes.

Not exactly game breaking.
I kind of think it is.

Consider summons can last an hour, and combined with gaze of two minds, you could be back in town blasting creatures in the dungeon.

Perhaps if there was a range limit on the summons, like there is for unseen servant, it wouldn’t be bad.

If you command the summon to perform a task that would move it out of the spells range, the spell ends.


Prince of Dorkness
I kind of think it is.

Consider summons can last an hour, and combined with gaze of two minds, you could be back in town blasting creatures in the dungeon.

Perhaps if there was a range limit on the summons, like there is for unseen servant, it wouldn’t be bad.

If you command the summon to perform a task that would move it out of the spells range, the spell ends.
Gaze of Two Minds only works on humanoids. I'm pretty sure there is nothing in the Conjure X or Summon Y spells that would be considered humanoid. Even fey creatures, like Dryads, are specifically listed as "fey," not "humanoid (fey)."


My take:

Slots equal to proficiency bonus+ CHA (or INT) modifier + 1 extra every 3 levels.

Partial recovery on a short rest, full recovery on a long rest.


Gaze of Two Minds only works on humanoids. I'm pretty sure there is nothing in the Conjure X or Summon Y spells that would be considered humanoid. Even fey creatures, like Dryads, are specifically listed as "fey," not "humanoid (fey)."
That's a pretty serious straw grasping in defense of something guaranteed to be a problem if a summonable creature ever comes through with a humanoid tag or gets changed to one. There's no downside to including a fix like the one @mellored mentioned and plenty of room for an obvious problem if left unfixed.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I kind of think it is.

Consider summons can last an hour, and combined with gaze of two minds, you could be back in town blasting creatures in the dungeon.
You couldn’t, as has been pointed out by @Gorck .
Perhaps if there was a range limit on the summons, like there is for unseen servant, it wouldn’t be bad.

If you command the summon to perform a task that would move it out of the spells range, the spell ends.
That would be a huge and needless nerf.

The spell (with my suggested clause) is tying up their spell slot until it’s done, and then will cost them another action, burning most of a turn in between ending the summon and casting something else.

It’s costly enough.


You could still stand in the dungeon doorway and spam summon lesser demons.

"The demons pursue and attack the nearest non-demons to the best of their ability."

Use arcane eye to make sure the creatures inside are viable targets, then send in the infinite demons. Get a zealot barbarian ally if you need more blood.

And I am certain I haven't thought thought all combinations where an infinite supply of hp and remote damage would be helpful.

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