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I must protest. The drow are not like that!

Von Ether

Voadam said:
You are right, the dark elves use their sleep poison so they can eat you alive or give you to their children to be eaten alive. They have been completely misrepresented as capturing people for use as slaves.
Except in Eberron, where in addition to being agressive, they probably have the habit of falling off ceilings and running under your bed (like a scorpion did in my bedroom once.)

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Hand of Evil

A little known fact from Wild West Tech on the History Channel, one of the reason black widows got its name was because it seemed to like living in outhouses and killed more men than women...they never said were on the body those guys were bitten... :p


First Post
Hey there everyone. It is good to be back. Thanks for the warm welcome back! :)

Here is another take on the my attempt at humor here: what if drow society modelled itself after the wolf spider?

Wolf spiders get very large (5 inches across), they run faster than centipedes, and they are extremely aggressive. They hunt and kill other spiders, including poisonous spiders like widows, among other prey.
Wolf spider bites are painful and sometimes quite nasty, but not as bad (I don't think) as widow bites. However, a wolf spider has powerful jaws, a powerful bite that can draw blood, and it will bite you repeatedly.

So, what if the drow modelled themselves after the wolf spider? What would surface dwellers have to contend with then?

(Obviously, once more, there is nothing humorous about black widow bites or other spider bites, in real life. I am not attempting to trivialize in any way the suffering or horror caused to people by spider bites in real life.)

Concerning dwarves ... I will get to dwarves later on (actually, dwarves are fascinating. Check out the dwarves of Krynn. You have Hylar, Daewar, Duergar, Klar, Zhakar, Neidar, Aghar, Smiths, and other kinds, with a very rich and interesting history. In Faerun we have numerous ancient dwarven realms, each with a history history. And in 3E, we have the Gold Dwarves, and dwarves as mages.)

Nobody has asked me what Haldendreevan means, yet I said that all High and Grey Elves (or, in Faerun, Moon and Gold Elves) are inherently Haldendreevan. Isn't anyone curious?
Or has the Evermeet Propaganda Machine lulled you into complacency? Don't let it! Elves are not what you think they are! Even more than the drow, you have been misled about the true nature of elves, and the truth should be known!


Edena_of_Neith said:
Nobody has asked me what Haldendreevan means, yet I said that all High and Grey Elves (or, in Faerun, Moon and Gold Elves) are inherently Haldendreevan. Isn't anyone curious?
You promised us a different thread :)! We're just patient :D!

As to drow and tarantulas: that comes pretty near to how they are portrayed, anyway ;).


Princess of Florin
Edena_of_Neith said:
Nobody has asked me what Haldendreevan means, yet I said that all High and Grey Elves (or, in Faerun, Moon and Gold Elves) are inherently Haldendreevan. Isn't anyone curious?

I was trying to be polite, but I'm dying to know. Tell us another story, Edena! :) Pretty please?

Lucky Number

First Post
I'm curious! What does it mean?

Voadam said:
Daddy long legs are actually six legged insects, not spiders, I believe.

Actually, there are three different creatures known as "daddy long legs". One is the harvestman, an unusually long-legged arachnid (not a spider, specifically); another is the crane fly, also known as a skeeter eater/mosquito eater/mosquito hawk; and the third is the cellar (house/vibrating/granddaddy long-legs) spider.

Wikipedia is your friend ;)


First Post
(humor) Answers to questions and comments! :)

To answer questions put to me (using my old IR format)


Numion posted:

Why do you do this, Edena?

From Edena:

Humor always made the game funner for me. And humor is funner to post, and to read. I post humor when I can: the Seriousness gets dumped on me all too quickly anyways! :)


mythusmage posted:

Drow are like black widow spiders.
Black widow spiders eat insects.
To the drow you are insects.
Do the math.

From Edena:

This is a classic case of that Elven Subterfuge and Chicanery. Don't listen to those Golden Pointed Earred Charlatans!
Black Widows - who are arachnids - eat only insects ((I believe.))
Thus, drow - being demihuman - do not eat other demihumans or humans. Perhaps they do eat humanoids, but I doubt it, since orc tastes pretty lousy.


astralpwka posted:

Now I can't wait to unleash a more passionate and reluctant drow upon my players!

"We're Black Widow Drow! Back off! You're looking for the Hobo Spider Drow, or maybe the Brown Recluse Drow... They're down that tunnel there..."

From Edena:

Actually, it's the Wolf Spider drow the adventurers have to fear. They ARE aggressive (sorta like elves, but that's another tale.) The peaceful drow of Lolth were never a threat (and are rarely seen by adventurers of any stripes, since they are very good at hiding, and they tend to hide themselves from pretty much everyone that comes by. They are EXTREMELY shy!
On the other hand, consider a nymph who was once a drow of Lolth. Now, you have unearthly beauty combined with unearthly passion, and then ...)


Dog_Moon2003 posted:

First of all, it's a fantasy world, so anything goes, even if it wouldn't normally make sense.

Secondly, I assume that perhaps the attitude of the spiders could be the result of training. Like a dog, for example. Depending on how you train it, it could be a mean, vicious animal or a nice, cuddly pet. I see no reason why a race focusing purely on spiders couldn't, after a few generations or so, turn the spiders into exactly what they want them to be for. Perhaps it's a sort of forced evolution, or perhaps its merely the result of very dedicated training since birth.

From Edena:

You have it backwards. The elves have deceived you. Yes, originally, the Illthyrri (I think that's how that's spelled) or black elves of the surface world, WERE violent and aggressive and killers like the elves were (and still are, today.)
After going underground, the illthyrri slowly turned to the worship of Lolth, Queen of Spiders, and that is when they began adopting their ways to that of the black widow. Over thousands of years, they evolved into the shy, gentle, loving people they are today.
So yes, there was training and evolution involved: it was the illthyrri who evolved (becoming the drow) and not the black widow spiders!


shilsen posted:

Drow are mammals.
Drow flip out and kill people.
And there you have it

From Edena:

Elven propaganda at work!
Just look at the mess the elves made (example: the High Moor. Or, the whole shattered nature of Faerun and other continents on Toril, since the elves shattered them making Evermeet!)
And because some rogue drow commit a few evil acts, they demonize the whole race. Typical elves!


Dog_Moon2003 posted:

You know, I think it would be cool if Drow were MARSUPIALS. I mean seriously, how many races do we have that are like that? Dnd needs more marsupials.

From Edena:

I agree with you. Well said, Dog_Moon.



Drow taste like chicken.
Lame, bishi chicken.

From Edena:

Those aggressive elves claim drow taste like veal cutlets. Appropriate, considering all those maniac elven bladesingers running around chopping and dicing like cooks from an Animal House film.


First Post
VirgilCaine said:
It's entomology. And damn your family is weird.

Thanks. And you'll get no argument from me. You can imagine what family reunions are like, "Hey, come look at this! I got it from Nigeria. Look close, it has nine legs and a tail!"


mythusmage said:
Folks, if drow are black widow spiders, then you are a fruit fly. A fat, juicy fruit fly. When's the last time you saw a black widow spider act shy and retiring around a fruit fly?

Sure, we can get that. But consider the looks on your players faces, especially if that player shares your view on drow, when you drop in an above ground, yet nocternal, version of the above.

Storyteller01 said:
Ever try it with 'daddy long legs and other spiders? Show gets a bit more interesting. ;)

Really? I'll have to recomend it to my brothers. Does the mantis have a chance?


First Post
mythusmage said:

Drow are like black widow spiders.

Black widow spiders eat insects.

To the drow you are insects.

Do the math.

add to that the Drow are bent on world domination and are a society of SPIDER WORSHIPER not arachnids themselves, who when twins are born [a common conception for drow] one sibling will devour the other and you will barely begin to scratch the surface.

Voidrunner's Codex

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