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(IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 1


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Eoghan thought back to what others were saying before.

::Orc,:: he barked out in the thick giant tongue, ::Have you seen a Small-Small? As tall as one of your children.::
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Eoghan thought back to what others were saying before.

::Orc,:: he barked out in the thick giant tongue, ::Have you seen a Small-Small? As tall as one of your children.::

The orc thought for a moment and nodded. When pressed, he replied simply, "Bad slave. Rotting in cellar prison."


While Jack didn't understand fully the giantish Eoghan and the orc spoke, he got the gist of what Eoghan was doing.

Turning to the same orc, Jack said quietly in orcish ::Where's Chief Nosnra's quarters?::


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
Hearing the orc's reply to Eoghan's interrogation as she retrieves her axes from the floor and removes the dirt from their blades, Bible finally breaks her silence:

"As much as I want to charge into that hall a-swingin' and teach that no good Chief Nosnra a lesson he can't ever forget, and be done with all thisk sneakin' around businisk, if there's one place me sweet Corbit ain't in this god forsaken place, it's in that hall. I might not care if I live or die today, but I ain't a-leavin' here without me Corbit, an' if there'sk a chance she's down them stairs, well tha's where I think we oughta go."

"An besidesk,"
she continues, "fightin' with the chief ain't an inevitibilisky. We done a smash up job o' layin' low an' keepin' orf the giantsk' radar with thisk fight we just finishked. I say we keep prowlin' around an' avoid that fight as long as we can, or until our job here is done. Tha's what I think."


Jack re-gagged the orc and turned to Bible. "Alrighty then. Let's see if we can't find this "sweet Corbit" of yours. The room with the stairs has two sets of doors - a pair just outside the kitchen, and another near the stone giant's quarters where we first entered. I say we go through the closest set and pounce on 'em. Maybe Quinn can fly down the chimney in the stone giants chamber and come through the other doors so we block their exits. Then down the stairs we go."

OOC: Post #220 shows the layout of the hallway and room that we'd be going in.


To test the logistics of Jack's plan, Quinn flew out the great hall's smoke-hole and across the roof. He'd done this dive before, so he swooped down the chimney without much trouble and came out in what had been the stone giant's room. The giant's body was gone and the room cleaned up.

Thankfully, it remained clear of occupants.


Voidrunner's Codex

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