D&D 5E [IC] Against the Slavelords


Quellathe looked down upon the ruined city with thinly veiled disgust. So different than the communities of home. Naeris would probably stand out in a place like this, at least during the day. She glanced at each of her new companions as she rested her hand on Naeris' head. The feel of the panther's fur, and the vibration of her barely audible purr in response to Quellathe's touch calmed the elf ranger. Her new companions had acquitted themselves well over the last two weeks, but Quellathe still felt more comfortable with animals than her fellow two-legged adventurers.

"Perhaps it would be best if Kelvyn and I do some scouting before we commit ourselves. I'm not sure if I should bring Naeris into the city, but I am loathe to leave her behind as well. I can make her invisible for a few minutes with a magical dust I carry, but I only have enough to do so twice; I think perhaps it should be saved for later when we know our intended target. The rest of you know cities better than I, what say you?"

[sblock=Action]If the group agrees to the suggested scouting mission, Quellathe will put on the hood of her Cloak of Elvenkind and follow Kelvyn into the city, taking or leaving Naeris depending on the others' input. In case you need them, stealth roll for Quellathe: [roll]1d20+6[/roll] with advantage:[roll]1d20+6[/roll]; Naeris (if she goes): [roll]1d20+9[/roll] [/sblock]

[sblock='Mini Stat Block']
Quellathe (Ranger 6)
Initiative: + 3 (w/adv.) Perception: +5
Passive Perception: 15
Speed: 30'

AC: 15
HP 46

In Hand:Bow of Warning
Off Hand: None

Spell Save DC: 13

Known Spells:
Cantrip: Booming Blade
1st Level: Hunter’s Mark, Speak with Animals, Hail of Thorns
2nd Level: Beast Sense

Spell slots remaining/Spell slots total:
1st: 4/4
2nd: 2/3

Active Spells (c) denotes concentration

Naeris (Panther)
Initiative: + 2 Perception: +7
Passive Perception: 17
Speed: 50’ climb 40’

AC: 15
HP 24

Character Sheet

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[section]In silence, Levanna listened to Quellathe's suggested a course of action. Though they had just met, traveling with the elven ranger had not given her any cause for concern. And the wizard thought that very soon they would all be in dire need of each other's trust and cooperation if even half the tales of this forsaken city were to be believed.

From where they stood, the visible breaches in the city walls and the eerie stillness in the ruins beyond set Levanna on edge again. She shivered thinking back to her experience in Elredd. She had no desire to feel so vulnerable again when she tried to blend in and compromised herself in the process. In that, she came to a decision and gave voice to her thoughts.

"Perhaps that is best. If I were to enter the city, I could only use my magic to disguise myself for about an hour at a time. I would rather not use up all my magical strength maintaining that disguise," Levanna said. She considered her fine dress, matching cloak, jeweled butterfly fastening brooch, and her staff. "I go to the city as I am. So I think it is best to minimize the time we spend wandering the streets."[/section]

[sblock=Actions]Prior to anything, Levanna will ritual cast Water Breathing. It's unlikely it will be needed, but it lasts 24 hours and is a ritual, so why not? Everyone in the party can breathe water.

Also, just before she enters the city, she'll ritual cast Unseen Servant and Comprehend Languages and then spend a slot to cast Mage Armor. Finally, she'll summon Ciymthrax from his pocket dimension.[/sblock]

[sblock='Mini Stat Block']
Levanna (Wizard 5) 5th level
Initiative: +1 Perception: +2
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Investigation: 17
Speed: 30'

AC: 16
HP 38/38

In Hand:Quarterstaff
Off Hand: None

Spell Save DC: 15

Prepared Spells:
1st: Mage Armor, Shield, Feather Fall, Magic Missile, Disguise Self
2nd: Misty Step, Suggestion, Invisibility, Flaming Sphere
3rd: Counterspell

Spell slots remaining/Spell slots total:
1st: 3/4
2nd: 3/3
3rd: 2/2

Active Spells (c) denotes concentration
Mage Armor, Water Breathing, Comprehend Languages, Unseen Servant

Character Sheet
Last edited:


Tirion Cayde, Cleric Level 6 (Life)

Tirion Cayde, Cleric Level 6 (Life)
Where: Outside Port Fury
When: 3.3/Dawn

Tirion stared out sadly over the once-proud city of Highport, now Port Fury. He had never been there, but had heard the stories and seen pictures in various books he had studied in his time as a priest. He looked over to their newest companion as the elven ranger spoke.

“The city looks quiet.” Tirion nodded. “And there are plenty of gaps in the city’s defenses. We could likely easily sneak inside,” he agreed. “But we should not split up too much,” he warned. “Let us find some place in one of the ruined buildings near the wall, something that will keep us out of the elements but allow us ease to flee the city should we need to.”

The heavily armored cleric proceeded to ready himself for entry into the city. He cast a quick spell of guidance from Pelor and then tucked the holy symbol around his neck away inside of his armor for the time being. The symbol on his shield had already been removed and stowed in his pack.

“Scout ahead and we will follow a distance behind,” Tirion told Quellethe and Kelvyn.

[sblock=Tirion’s Actions]
Casting Guidance on himself.

And for the stealth:


[sblock=Mini Stats]
Conditions: None
Concentration: Guidance

Inspiration: 2

Initiative: +0
Perception: +4 (Passive: 14)
Speed: 30
AC: 20 (plate and shield)
HP: 39/39 HD: 6/6d8
Main Hand: Mace
Off Hand: Shield

Prepared Spells:
Cantrips: Guidance, Thaumaturgy, Mending, Sacred Flame
1st: (Bless, Cure Wounds), Healing Word, Guiding Bolt, Command
2nd: (Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon), Prayer of Healing, Hold Person, Blindness/Deafness, Silence
3rd: (Beacon of Hope, Revivify), Spirit Guardians, Dispel Magic, Mass Healing Word

Spell Slots Remaining/Total
1st: 4/4
2nd: 3/3
3rd: 3/3


Kelvyn Human Rogue

"Very well, after our last foray into a hostile city I am loath to take my mount. Perhaps we can find a sheltered spot to leave the beasts and anything that might call too much attention to us? We need a reason to be here. While the walls are lacking I'm sure someone will be watching for trouble. What can we say if we are confronted?"


Tirion Cayde, Cleric Level 6 (Life)

Where: Outside Port Fury
When: 3.3/Dawn

“Well,” Tirion mused at Kelvyn’s question, “slaves are the principal commodity, so we could say we are here to examine some wares. Hopefully we will not be asked, though. Once we have an established place in the city, perhaps we can retrieve the horses.”

He glanced at the others. “Unless we should just approach openly with our story.”

[sblock=Tirion’s Actions]
Move: None
Action: None

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Conditions: None
Concentration: Guidance

Inspiration: 2

Initiative: +0
Perception: +4 (Passive: 14)
Speed: 30
AC: 20 (plate and shield)
HP: 39/39 HD: 6/6d8
Main Hand: Mace
Off Hand: Shield

Prepared Spells:
Cantrips: Guidance, Thaumaturgy, Mending, Sacred Flame
1st: (Bless, Cure Wounds), Healing Word, Guiding Bolt, Command
2nd: (Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon), Prayer of Healing, Hold Person, Blindness/Deafness, Silence
3rd: (Beacon of Hope, Revivify), Spirit Guardians, Dispel Magic, Mass Healing Word

Spell Slots Remaining/Total
1st: 4/4
2nd: 3/3
3rd: 3/3


"Either way, I think I should not be the one to do the talking. That did not turn out very well last time..." Levanna said. She looked somewhere off in the distance to try to hide a slight reddening of her cheeks.

[sblock='Mini Stat Block']
Levanna (Wizard 5) 5th level
Initiative: +1 Perception: +2
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Investigation: 17
Speed: 30'

AC: 16
HP 38/38

In Hand:Quarterstaff
Off Hand: None

Spell Save DC: 15

Prepared Spells:
1st: Mage Armor, Shield, Feather Fall, Magic Missile,
2nd: Misty Step, Suggestion, Invisibility, Flaming Sphere
3rd: Counterspell

Spell slots remaining/Spell slots total:
1st: 3/4
2nd: 3/3
3rd: 2/2

Active Spells (c) denotes concentration
Mage Armor, Water Breathing, Comprehend Languages

Character Sheet


First Post
Leaving the horses in the small gorge for now, the heroes stealthy approach the ruined town's walls. They make it inside without problems or being hailed and find a that there are a number of empty, partially burned out buildings along the northern wall. One or two appear that no one has been in recently as the snow in and around them has not been bothered. Others have a lot of tracks coming and going into them, as if they get a lot of traffic.

Looking deeper into the city it appears that the most inhabited areas are on the south side and the waterfront. The central part of the town appears to be the most devastated and destroyed, with few buildings still standing. But there are large tents, flying the flags and totems over various humanoid monsters that. It could be that the various orcs, gnolls and goblins are hold up underground in and around this area due to their aversion to daylight.

The sables are on the west side of town (opposite the port/docks) and there are a number of wagons and other still standing buildings in that area. Besides the waterfront this appears to be where most of the humans and demihumans are concentrated (maybe a few dozen, compared to a few score over by the waterfront).

GM: If the heroes wanted they can make Intelligence or maybe a Wisdom (Perception) check to figure out the best building to "hold up in". One away from the building that seem people go in and out of a lot. A TN 10 would get a good place, a 15 would get one where you could also keep a couple of horse and a 20 would allow for all of your pack animals and think it would be safe for them here.

These buildings are on the northern part of the city, somewhat away from the activity that you saw up on the hill. If you wish to go and ask around, a Charisma roll would be required, depending on how you want to "ask". There are a few shops open and what look like bars and taverns down on the waterfront or around the stables and wagons. If you would like to pretend to be looking for slaves, it would be Deception (if you wanted to bluff) or Intimidate (if you wanted to act tough).

Or you could just try and wander around town. There are people (Humans and Demihumans) who are about so it would not be suspicions unless you stick out in some way. If you wanted to do it this way, you could use Wisdom (Insight) or Wisdom (Perception) to maybe figure out where the slavers might be located.

Up to you.


Quellathe looked carefully around and she and her companions entered the ruined city. As well as getting a feel for the layout of the city, she peers carefully at the least-used buildings, seeking one that could provide a hiding place for them all. She was glad for Naeris' presence at her side, as she felt out of place here.

[sblock=Action]Wisdom Perception roll: [roll0]
Quellathe will follow the lead of the others in terms of asking people or wandering around. If the decision is to talk to people, she will let others do so.[/sblock]

[sblock='Mini Stat Block']
Quellathe (Ranger 6)
Initiative: + 3 (w/adv.) Perception: +5
Passive Perception: 15
Speed: 30'

AC: 15
HP 46

In Hand:Bow of Warning
Off Hand: None

Spell Save DC: 13

Known Spells:
Cantrip: Booming Blade
1st Level: Hunter’s Mark, Speak with Animals, Hail of Thorns
2nd Level: Beast Sense

Spell slots remaining/Spell slots total:
1st: 4/4
2nd: 2/3

Active Spells (c) denotes concentration

Naeris (Panther)
Initiative: + 2 Perception: +7
Passive Perception: 17
Speed: 50’ climb 40’

AC: 15
HP 24

Character Sheet


First Post
Quellathe quickly finds a building that is less damaged then the others, with most of the walls and the ceiling intact. She is confident that horses and pack mule could all be stabled here with little chance of discovery by the cities inhabitants. There is even a small well in the house where the can draw water from.

The elf rangers can also tell that Naeris is not comfortable in this city, even more so then a normal human city. The stench of death, uncollected garbage and unwashed humanoids festers in every corner and space here.

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