D&D 5E [IC] Against the Slavelords


Kelvyn nods at Levanna's words. "Don't beat yourself up Levanna, I for one am happy your aren't more convincing as a slave buyer. We are going to have to be more convincing this time around."

"Good eye Quellathe, I think you've found us a likely place to use as a base. I'd like to identify the slave holdings today before things get more active. But I'm guessing they do things at night, so it not be possible. We should at least get the lay of the land today."
He rubs his chin in thought. "There are a lot of different tribes, bands and races here. If we get into trouble it might be good to try and play some of them off against each other. As we explore any information we could get on rivalries and feuds could be helpful."

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Levanna nodded at Kelvyn's words.

"Indeed, this will be well suited for a haven of sorts. And I have no better suggestion for our course of action."

[sblock='Mini Stat Block']
Levanna (Wizard 6)
Initiative: +1 Perception: +2
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Investigation: 17
Speed: 30'

AC: 16
HP 38/38

In Hand:Quarterstaff
Off Hand: None

Spell Save DC: 15

Prepared Spells:
1st: Mage Armor, Shield, Feather Fall, Magic Missile,
2nd: Misty Step, Suggestion, Invisibility, Flaming Sphere
3rd: Counterspell

Spell slots remaining/Spell slots total:
1st: 3/4
2nd: 3/3
3rd: 3/3

Active Spells (c) denotes concentration
Mage Armor, Water Breathing, Comprehend Languages

Character Sheet


Tirion Cayde, Cleric Level 6 (Life)
Where: Outside Port Fury
When: 3.3/Dawn

Tirion followed the others, helping to observe the city as they circled it. Their new elven ranger found a likely looking shelter that would be away from the rest of the inhabitants and provide cover and even water. As they settled in, unpacking the animals and setting camp, he listened to Kelvyn and Levanna.

“Perhaps not slavers, but...entrepreneurs. The city is ripe for development outside of that filthy institution. Even slavers need various services. We could be scouting prospects for a mercantile interest. Why don’t we check out the local tavern and determine what the local gossip and rumors are.”

[sblock=Tirion’s Actions]
Move: None
Action: None

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Conditions: None
Concentration: Guidance

Inspiration: 2

Initiative: +0
Perception: +4 (Passive: 14)
Speed: 30
AC: 20 (plate and shield)
HP: 39/39 HD: 6/6d8
Main Hand: Mace
Off Hand: Shield

Prepared Spells:
Cantrips: Guidance, Thaumaturgy, Mending, Sacred Flame
1st: (Bless, Cure Wounds), Healing Word, Guiding Bolt, Command
2nd: (Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon), Prayer of Healing, Hold Person, Blindness/Deafness, Silence
3rd: (Beacon of Hope, Revivify), Spirit Guardians, Dispel Magic, Mass Healing Word

Spell Slots Remaining/Total
1st: 4/4
2nd: 3/3
3rd: 3/3


"Another excellent idea. I would be most agreeable with that, Tirion."

[sblock='Mini Stat Block']
Levanna (Wizard 6)
Initiative: +1 Perception: +2
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Investigation: 17
Speed: 30'

AC: 16
HP 38/38

In Hand:Quarterstaff
Off Hand: None

Spell Save DC: 15

Prepared Spells:
1st: Mage Armor, Shield, Feather Fall, Magic Missile,
2nd: Misty Step, Suggestion, Invisibility, Flaming Sphere
3rd: Counterspell

Spell slots remaining/Spell slots total:
1st: 3/4
2nd: 3/3
3rd: 3/3

Active Spells (c) denotes concentration
Mage Armor, Water Breathing, Comprehend Languages

Character Sheet


First Post
Kelvyn and Quellathe head back outside the ruined city walls in search of a location for their animals (and Naeris to guard). It takes them several hours but Kelvyn stumbles onto a well hidden gully that should remain undiscovered anything but a determined search. The pair move the horses and pack mule into the gully and the beastmaster is able to impart what she wants onto her panther companion... guard and remain hidden.

Meanwhile back in the ruined building, Levanna and Tirion, remain out of sight and discuss the best way to approach and search for the slavers stronghold here. They notice that no one really wanders into the area and it is almost devoid of life. Maybe a few stray dogs and cats, and of course rats. But no people or other sentient beings. No homeless or beggars.

Around midday the heroes are reunited, again with no alarms raised and those few humans and demihumans moving about don't come into this part of the city.


Tirion Cayde, Cleric Level 6 (Life)
Where: Outside Port Fury
When: 3.3/Morning

As the others look for safe places for the animals, Tirion and Levanna set up a little camp in the interior of a ruined building, well out of sight of anyone, yet with good sight lines for keeping watch. Tirion noticed that this part of the city was very quiet, and they saw not a single soul in all the time that the others were away.

When the others returned, Tirion said, “Perhaps we should head into the more populated areas of the city, get some real breakfast instead of rations, and see what the rumors in the city are,” he suggested. “Down the by stables, to start?” It was there, or the port. The rest of the city had appeared very quiet. He would like to get the lay of the land done before the nocturnal residents awakened.

[sblock=Tirion’s Actions]
Move: None
Action: None

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Conditions: None
Concentration: Guidance

Inspiration: 2

Initiative: +0
Perception: +4 (Passive: 14)
Speed: 30
AC: 20 (plate and shield)
HP: 39/39 HD: 6/6d8
Main Hand: Mace
Off Hand: Shield

Prepared Spells:
Cantrips: Guidance, Thaumaturgy, Mending, Sacred Flame
1st: (Bless, Cure Wounds), Healing Word, Guiding Bolt, Command
2nd: (Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon), Prayer of Healing, Hold Person, Blindness/Deafness, Silence
3rd: (Beacon of Hope, Revivify), Spirit Guardians, Dispel Magic, Mass Healing Word

Spell Slots Remaining/Total
1st: 4/4
2nd: 3/3
3rd: 3/3


[section]"Real breakfast... That would be most welcome," said Levanna. She sat at the camp in the interior upon a faintly glowing and slightly transparent wooden chair which she had conjured. Though she could also use her magic to flavor her meals to make them more palatable, she had an appreciation for the genuine article, even more so if it was prepared well.

Now that the others had returned, she took the opportunity to ask about her foremost concern.

"Are we to pretend that we are entrepreneurs then? What is our story? I'm afraid I have no mind for business." she continued, leaving out the detail that she was an awful liar, which had embarrassed her and had not gone well for the group the last time she tried.

[sblock='Mini Stat Block']
Levanna (Wizard 6)
Initiative: +1 Perception: +2
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Investigation: 17
Speed: 30'

AC: 16
HP 38/38

In Hand:Quarterstaff
Off Hand: None

Spell Save DC: 15

Prepared Spells:
1st: Mage Armor, Shield, Feather Fall, Magic Missile,
2nd: Misty Step, Suggestion, Invisibility, Flaming Sphere
3rd: Counterspell

Spell slots remaining/Spell slots total:
1st: 3/4
2nd: 3/3
3rd: 3/3

Active Spells (c) denotes concentration
Mage Armor, Water Breathing, Comprehend Languages

Character Sheet


First Post
After the heroes had dispatched the marauding orcs for the homesteaders they had directed the team to the most southern ranch in the area… old Harken’s place. There they meet an eccentric loner who raise horses in lands overrun by orcs and ogres.

They picked up horses but the party decided to split in two… one group, led by Brak Blood-Bear and including Evendur Buckman Cedric White, Alegast and a female werebear that they had meet would return to the port city of Elreed in an attempt to free the females mate.

The rest of the party would continue to Port Fury to confront the Slavelords. This group included Tirion Cayde, Levanna, Kelvyn Black and joined by a female elf ranger and her panther companion Quellathe Meliamme and Naeris.

Harken had told the heroes that they would find allies in the city at the One-Eyed Pig and he also gave them a Sending Stone that they could use to get in touch with him if need be. He said there was a band of heroes and resistant fighters who came his way fairly often. They were fighting against a powerful necromancer who was allied with the Slavelords to the west of Port Fury, and they might be able to help at times if they heroes requested it.

The heroes made their way south, through the broken hills of the land for the next two weeks before setting eyes on the fell port city. At least half of the city was still in ruin from the Night of Bloody Spears as the orcs called it when they overran the city twenty years ago. But parts of it had been rebuilt and repaired.

The port looked reasonably well with four black ships in port and at least a half a dozen moored in the bay. It also appeared that the port side of the city was the most heavily populated part of the city. The western half (inland) was still mostly destroyed or only partially rebuilt along the outer wall. Most of the middle of the city appeared to be where the humanoid invaders had set up their tents and were living. Orcs of the Red Skulls tribe, Gnolls of the Black Tongues and the Night Raiders tribes, and Hobgoblins of the Iron Masks. There were other minor tribes there also but they seemed to be close to one of the major tribes, probably in alliance or subjection.

The western wall had been mostly repaired and there were a number of large inns and a stable, with many human and demihuman residences during the day. The heroes snuck down into the city and stowed some gear in an abandoned building. They set out to do some quick recon and connect with the other heroes that they had heard about here.

Gathering what info they could they discovered that the city was indeed a stronghold of the Slavelords, although no one mentioned them by names. They did hear about the cities not so secret police called the Eyes and were warned to stay clear.

The heroes decided to have lunch at a place called the Quiets where the food was expensive but excellent. The cliental was very quiet indeed, speaking only in hushed whispers. The staff did not speak at all, instead handing the heroes notes and nodding to any request. As they were getting ready to leave they get a request to dine with the master of the place that evening and they accepted.

They found the other heroes, Uhtred a dwarf warrior and Gilliam a half-elf bard, at the One-Eyed Pig and went upstairs to discuss their plans. It seemed that there was a caravan camped outside of town from Ket, a notorious lands to the northwest that traded in demihuman flesh (slaves).

The heroes decided to check the camp out and sneaking in show that indeed the merchants were carrying slaves and excepted more to be delivered soon. Sneaking back out those that had remained behind had examined an old abandoned temple just outside the city gates. They decide the temple was not so abandoned after all and that magic was being used to sweep away any tracks around the building and that there were lookouts on the roof.

After their dinner at the Quiets, where their host had made no appearance but the group decided was probably a Mind Flyer, the heroes went to bed. The next morning the bartender told Gillaim that there had been people asking about them the night before. One was the murder that they had had dinner with, inquiring about the ladies of the party and the other from one of members of the Scarlet Brotherhood who seemed interested in the party’s wealth.

The heroes decided to check out the temple that morning and after a quick breakfast headed to the gates. The decided to go though one of the side doors that appeared to have little if any traffic. This passageway was locked but Kelvyn was able to get it open without problems. Inside was an old abandoned stable and another locked door that Kelvyn again opened without difficulty.

This door lead into an overgrown cemetery that the heroes believed once was dedicated to Pelor, the god of light, but had long been desecrated and abandoned. Through another set of doors the heroes descended into a large room with a collapsed floor and were set upon by a mutant Shambling Mount or Sundew (both meat eating plants). A quick and violent encounter ended with the heroes destroying the creatures causing it to fall back into the pit that it had crawled out of.

With light from the humans of the group the floor below was about fifteen feet and covered with garbage and mushrooms and the weird sundew/shambling mounts body. There were a small wooden plank that lead across where the floor had caved into the floor below, but no one by perhaps Levanna would be able to stand on the board without it collapsing.

Lucky, Uhtred eye for stonework noticed that one side of the wall of the collapsed floor was still partially intact and that would be able to support the weight of anyone of the party. He could also see a heavy wooden door on the opposite wall of the room.

And this is where the story beginnings anew…

GM: Sorry again for the delay. Right now everyone needs to make a perception roll if they want to look around. If you want to check out the collapsed floor and/or garbage let me know and make a roll. Searching might take time.

There is no roll to move across the floor by the wall that had not collapsed in you can without making a check if you move at ½ Speed Move. If you want to move your full Speed, make an Dexterity (Acrobatics) check of a 12. If you take a Dash across it, the Acrobatics check is a 15



Tirion Cayde, Cleric Level 6 (Life)
Where: Port Fury/The Temple
When: 3.4/Morning
Round 0

Tirion took a moment to catch his breath as they paused, looking down at the remains of the shambling mound they had killed, down in the pit.

“Everyone all right?” the cleric asked as he looked around the broken room.

[sblock=Tirion’s Actions]
Action: Perception: 1D20+4 = [12]+4 = 16
Bonus Action:
Inspiration: 2

[sblock=Mini Stats]
AC: 20 (plate and shield)
HP: 39/39 HD: 3/6d8

Channel Divinity (2/R)
Turn/Destroy Undead (CR 1/2)
Preserve Life (30)

Prepared Spells:
Cantrips: Guidance, Thaumaturgy, Mending, Sacred Flame
1st: (Bless, Cure Wounds), Healing Word, Guiding Bolt, Command
2nd: (Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon), Prayer of Healing, Hold Person, Blindness/Deafness, Silence
3rd: (Beacon of Hope, Revivify), Spirit Guardians, Dispel Magic, Mass Healing Word

Spell Slots Remaining/Total
1st: 4/4
2nd: 2/3
3rd: 3/3



Uhtred, Fighter 6

Uhtred looked around sheepishly at his new companions as they all took stock of what had just happened. He’d pretty much led them into an ambush.
“Sorry,” he said, “My scouting wasn’t that good. I’ve gotten too used to working with well practiced mercenaries and soldiers. I hadn’t meant for you to follow me into the room, just to the door. That aside, I don’t think this moving in the dark is working really well.”

[SBLOCK=Rolls]Uhtred Second Wind: 1D10+6 = [9]+6 = 15

Uhtred Short Rest HD: 1D10+4 = [3]+4 = 7

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Conditions: None
Action Surge: 1/1
Second Wind: 1/1

Great Axe +1: +7 1d12+4S
Maul: +6 2d6 +3B

Initiative: +1
Perception: +5 (Passive: 15)
Speed 25 AC: 17 (Splint)
HP: 61/64 HD: 5/6d10
Main Hand: Great Axe
Off Hand; -

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