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IC, before Wrath beats Darkwolf (Thanks, Sabaron!)


"She's waking!"
Eyes open slowly, then shut down quickly to ward off the light. A groan escapes her lips.
"Stupid! Douse the lights!"
A hissing sound, then darkness behind the lids.
Eyes open up again, blink insecurely, then stay open.
Head turns a little to regard the shadow before her.
Nostrils flare as they notice the smell of herbs and burnt incense.
Mouth opens, but only a raw whisper emerges, turning into a cough.
"Drink this. It's good for you!" An arm is shoved under her head, lifting her up a little, so she may drink.
Right hand raises between cup of soup and mouth, posing a barrier.
"You must drink!"
Head shakes. Swallows hardly.
Mouth open again, and with a concentrated effort she asks,
"Who *coughing* who are you? Tell me!"
The shadow sighs and signals backwards. A small lantern is lighted, illuminating the small room. She is lying on a small futon, dressed in an unfamiliar tunic of brown hem. The shadow before her is a very old man, wrinkled face, reddy cheeks, toothless grin. Behind him a young boy, his grin with teeth, but sheepish. Bulging forehead indicating mental illness.
"Trust us. The soup is good."
No weapons visible. Right hand drops, and she drinks. The soup is hot, but not too hot, and cleanses her from the inside.
Empties her mind.
Clears her thoughts.
Quells her voice.
"Thank you. I indeed feel much better. Now, who are you, and where am I?"
"I am but a humble servant of those in need. We found you, near the volcano. You were unconscious, and so we took you in.
I have seen many things in my life, and so I recognized the spirit within you. I prolonged your sleep and drove it out. You are yourself now."

Her first impulse: grab his throat and squeeze.
But then, she thinks. Is that really her? Is that a residue of the "spirit"?
She remembers now. A spirit, sent by her mother, to provoke her into revenge.
Her mother, killed in a fight, in this very land.
She forced her to do her bidding - why? did't she believe her daughter would have honored her wishes nevertheless?
Her mother ever was an insightful one. She wouldn't have honored her. She is so much different than her mother was.
Suddenly a thought hits her.
"My dagger!"
She holds out her left hand.
"Ah, yes. A beautiful piece. Here it is."
The cold jade of the hilt rests upon her palm, her hand closes around it. Power floods through her, dark, unforgiving power. Her blood turns icy, a shiver runs down her spine.
But power, nonetheless.
She stands up, letting her tunic fall down on the bed, and walks a few steps toward the door. Not caring for the sheepish gron on the boy's face, nor the wide-eyed stare of the old man.
"You will leave?"
She halts, and nods, back to the old man.
"Well.. I - I saved you, didn't I? Don't you think I... I..."
She smiles, turning around, sauntering towards him.
"A little reward? Of course. Just what did you have in mind?"
Standing directly before the old man, reminding him of things thought long lost.
Left hand caressing his face, gliding lower, over wrinkled neck, toards his breast.
Turning around to comb through his white hair, grabbing his head and pulling it towards her lips.
Kissing him forcefully, tongue probing inside his mouth, tasting spittle and smoke.
Right hand gripping the dagger, driving it through his right eye, into his brain, up to the hilt.
The old body convulsing, spasming.
Blood and life oozing from his eye.
Still kissing him, now with a much better taste.
Finally letting go, dropping the body, licking her lips.
"Love hurts."
Turning around to the boy, still grinning sheepishly, not understanding.
Darkness forming a fabric around her, clothing her in black silk, hiding her face in a mask.
Lifting her left hand, crooking her index finger to signal the boy forward.
"Come, my boy. You are young, you are more to my taste..."

A short while after, she leaves the small hut at the foot of the volcano.
"Now, that was refreshing."
Looking into the night sky, she shouts,
"Mother! Zhou Ling! I am free of your influence now, and yet I will keep my way. Your spell has done its work, though in a different way than you imagined... now, what's the way to the next city?"

Dark Knight out of favor
Record: 4-3
Yen: 2

Signature Style (Panther), Sneaky Trick (x1), Foul Spirit, Unholy Warrior
Dirty Trick (x2), Poison Blade, Master of Shadows
Signature Location (wetlands), Corruption
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Please state what kind of match you would like; I am open for all.

Also, it would be nice if someone could reiterate what exactly happened to sig styles and sig locations.


First Post
Brown Belt 1 (24-18)
Master of the Dojo of the Predator (10-11)
Signature Style TIGER, WOLF, THUNDER, MANTA RAY, CHOPSTICK; Dojo Style Phoenix ; Fist of Fury(x2); Chi Strike
Master of Emotions(avenging, ferocious, cautious, relentless, calm, confidant, joyful, courageous, wrathful, sad);
Master of Movement(Moving: crouching, falling, flying, falling, rolling, running, tumbling, leaping, twisting, balancing, speeding);
Yen: 1 Item: Grand Klaive - Sig Style Sword
YB Master Judge

Strat match...speed >= 6 flags or standard >=4 flags
Definately no style...


OOC: 6 styles! Plus Sword. Wow! Not to forget two masteries...
I'll take the honored path, too :)

BTW, Is that right: Sig styles only deduct one point if your opponent won the round, and dojo styles have no defensive capabilities? What about styles from an item?

In the hut, the bodies of the old man and the boy disappear, making place for two ghostly apparitions.
"You were right, father. She needs help.", the smaller one says with a female voice.
"I know. She is infused with power, but on the brink. We can't do anything now, we must wait for her to either fortify her base, or lose some of that power. Then, we must act."
The ghosts of the Darkwalker and Mianaavri disppear again.
Meanwhile, the woman known as Wrath encounters Darkwolf on the way to the city.
"Hey, you! Your appearance insults me! Fight for your honor!"
She stretches herself with a catlike motion, then nods to him.
"How about... a 6 flag strategy match - of the speedy variant, of course. Would you like your moves to be judge-generated?"
All the while smiling sarcastically at her own "friendlyness".


First Post
OOC:Sig styles still have full immunity...dojo styles do also.
It's sig locations that take away a point if I use yours.
The sword just gives extra damage..I haven't been able to afford to get immunity yet. I don't object to judge-generated.

Ah, Wrath. I wondered when we would meet. Where have you been hiding? Ah...I wonder if it was you that killed Kith. I've been tracking her killer and now I come across you!
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Wrath speaks with a mock serious and sorrowful tone.
"Kith is dead? So sorry to hear. I didn't even get to know him... her... whatever. So sad. Was a good sport, Kith. Definitely. Would have loved to meet her. Didn't kill her, though. A shame that, too. Could have used her power. Anyway, might I demonstrate what I learned without killing Kith?"

Wrath shows her first hand:
  • 1: The crane speaks through the delta; conceals the assailment of the reptile!
  • 2: The west wind removes the marsh; guards against the speed of the eyes!
  • 3: The scorpion vanquishes the glade; dodges the throw of the water!
  • 4: The wolf invades the fountain; silences the cut of the arrow as it calmly dominates the quickening of the fortress!
  • 5: The hammer prances with the vineyard; removes the edge of the invisible blade!

OOC: figures; the longest move is a wolf move... and I like long moves! :)
Now to wait for a judge...


First Post
<MeowthBot> 1: The tiger painlessly cuts the mountain; parts the thrust of the shadow!
<MeowthBot> 2: The vine moves underneath the city; leaps over the push of the stone!
<MeowthBot> 3: The staff crushes the badlands; shreds the blood of the battlements and ferociously protects against the pain of the fortress!
<MeowthBot> 4: The west wind spins before the gate; dodges the chi of the stone!
<MeowthBot> 5: The onyx monkey dances through the mesa; reduces the thrust of the willow!


First Post
A lovely young woman approaches the two fighters. She is wearing a lavender kimono and has a lotus in her hair.

"My name is Lady Wei. I would be happy to judge this fight between Honor and Darkness."

Lady Wei has decreed this match to take place at the ravine south-east of the Graveyard of the Undying on the morning of the needle.
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First Post
"Very well, Wrath. Lets begin."

The tiger painlessly cuts the mountain; parts the thrust of the shadow!

Darkwolf using his claws attempts to cut Wrath while suffering no pain from whatever Wrath uses to stop him.

Voidrunner's Codex

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