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D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Myrral helped where he could.
"Can you enable this thing again or you need to go on foot? We cannot divert from our parh or slow down, but maybe we could destroy the ghouls and send you back with my tribesmen?"
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Captain Bravewing was grateful. When Myrral began to speak of what would happen next, she said, "We have been working on a plan to salvage what we can and build a small escape-craft, but we have been unable to get up to that highest tree, where most of our balloon-canvas is stuck. We would need much of that to do the task, and we are in no shape to do it. Perhaps you cat-folk could make the climb?"


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Myrral nods and calls out to the hunters. Three tabaxi quickly ascend and clear out the canvas grom the branches and bring it down.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
The story of the winged lizard folk sends a shiver of familiarity down Miss Imogen's back. "Aye, we fought them ourselves, some weeks back," she says, remembering the clifftop experience and the rescue of Qawasha. She pulls herself off of the rope with some elegance, though perhaps not as much as she would like, and presents herself to the Captain. "You may call me Miss Imogen," she says, her eyes dropping for a second in an ocular courtesy.

"If we could help rescue you that would be ideal. What was your destination when you came here?" she asks as the tabaxi begin ascending higher in the tree.


Round 0

Kasqa frowned at the captain’s words. “But we saw the ship more than twelve days ago from the mountain.” He pointed back toward Mbala.

Dellrak looked up to the heights of the tree where the canvas was. Dwarves and heights didn’t mix well. At least they had the tabaxi with them.

“Ghouls an’ a bird-like toothed creature,” he mused. “Perhaps we can lay some snares,” the ranger suggested. “Capture or kill this creature. Mebbe catch some game. Ghouls will require a more direct ‘and in dealin’ wi’ ‘em.”

OOC: 3 points of goodberries available.

OOC: Death Curse: You now must spend Hit Dice to regain HP in a Long Rest (as well as a Short one) and you only regain 1 HD at the end of a Long Rest. Additionally, Short Rests take 2 Hours. Everything else about resting follows the usual book-rules.

Kasqa: 17/17

Free Object Interaction:
Bonus Action: Planar Warrior
Reaction: Opportunity Attack

Dellrak Character Sheet
Initiative: +1
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 15
HP: 34/40 HD: 4/4d10+2

Bolts: 18
Bolts used: 1
Arrows: 19
Arrows used:

Detect Portal (1/R): Within 1 mile
Planar Warrior: As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The next time you hit that creature on this turn with a weapon attack, all damage dealt by the attack becomes force damage, and the creature takes an extra 1d8 force damage from the attack. When you reach 11th level in this class, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
Primeval Awareness (action and spell slot): For one minute per level of spell slot, detect within 1 mile (6 in favored terrain) aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. This feature doesn’t reveal the creatures’ location or number.

1) 3/3 Protection from Evil/Good (Horizon Walker), Jump, Goodberry, Longstrider

Rodrigo Di Castalone - male human fighter
Miss Imogen - female samurai, party member, Zhentarim
Chrysagon - male aasimar paladin, Order of the Gauntlet, Kelemvor
Harb - male human monk
Myrral - Tabaxi bard?
Qawasha (NPC) - Chultan druid
Kupalue (Weed, NPC) - vegepygmy
Hu’plo (NPC) Chultan
Kasqa (NPC) - Chultan warrior


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"There are winged lizards in the jungle...just like winged monkeys. It is a quick and fairly safe way to travel through the jungle and many creatures adapted. But they usually don't come down into the canopy. Obviously, you came too close to their home."
Young shaman comes back from the branches above as his friends bring down the baloon canvas between them.
"It is not undamaged, but it may be repaired given time."

He talks to the hunters. After a quick discussion, the two leave through the leaves.
"My friends will try to catch something for you to eat. I warned them not to come down to the jungle floor if not necessary so they may not come back with anything. But you never know."


The tabaxi began the long, difficult task of rescuing as much of the sky-ship's balloon canvas from being caught in the high trees. The captain and a crewman, who's name was Veliod, oversaw the operation, with Kasqa acting as their muscle (exhausted as they were). The tabaxi would free a piece of canvas, and pass it down to Kasqa, who would fold it with Veliod's assistance. Weed climbed out on a long branch to help, and Qawasha leaned over the rail, asking his little friend to be careful.

This was going to take some time, so Chrysagon, Hup'lo, Dellrak, and Rodrigo went to the ground, to set traps for the surrounding ghouls. Harb and Imogen saw to Ra-nas the navigator's health, which was the worst among the crew. They were watched suspiciously at first by Falx, the ship's man-at-arms, but he began to come around to friendly as the day wore on. Imogen made the acquaintance of another crew member, a woman named Nhar, who was in good spirits in spite of her predicament.

Dellrak and Rodrigo where returning to the ship, with the help of the youngest crewman, who's name was Brax. Hup'lo and Chrysagon were still on the ground, when Ukee the winged monkey began to screech. Nearby, the tops of the trees bounced as if something heavy were upon them. Then, four large, four-armed ape-like creatures swung into view. From their drooping, skinless faces, it was clear that they were undead, though they moved with purpose, coming for the already beleaguered living folk aboard the wreck.

OOC: I'm going to leave Chrys and Hup'lo on the ground. Already more than enough NPCs.

GM: Encounter: The Sticks vs Girallon Zombies at the Wreck of the Star Goddess

(BGs) GirallonZombie1 (D6); GZ2 (N3); GZ3 (C21); GZ4 (L23)
(PCs) Chrysagon (Ground); Dellrak (L16); Imogen (Y13); Harb (W13); Myrral (AM11); Rodrigo (L13);
(NPCs) Braapp (AP16); Grrol (AJ9); Hup'Lo (Ground); Kasqa (Ah17); Qawasha (Z12); Weed (AC9); Ukee (J18)
(Crew) Captain (AG18); Man@Arms (X15); Navigator (W12); Crew1 (M15); b]Crew2[/b] (AA13); b]Crew3[/b] (AG16)
(General Features) Visibility: "Misty" (Clear but you can't see the ground);
Terrain: "Stern" (50' up); "Middle" (65' up); "Bow" (75' up); "Balloon" (85' up);
(Acrobatics check to move across branch/rope/balloon (dc <5 = fall; <10 = stuck; <15 = half move; 15+ = full move.)
Name * AC * HP * Hit Dice * PasPrc * Spells * (Notes)
Chrysagon AC18* HP 36/36 HD 3/4 PP10* SS 2/3 CD 1/1 LoH 20/20 (Res Nec&Rad)
Dellrak AC15 HP 40/40 HD 4/4 PP14* SS 2/3 (Res Psn) (Protection From Evil)
Harb AC15 HP 27/27 HD 3/4 PP14 KI 1/4
Imogen AC16 HP 31/31 THP 5/5 HD 4/4 PP12 SS 2/2 FS 2/3
Myrral (Dew) AC14 HP 26/26 HD 3/4 PP14* SS 4/4 3/3 Ins 3/3
Rodrigo AC18* HP 36/36 HD 3/4 PP14 SD 4/4
Braapp (Climbing Vine) AC14 HP 33/33 HD 6/6 PP13*
Grrol (Rockmoss) AC14 HP 33/33 HD 6/6 PP13*
Hup'Lo AC12 HP 16/16 HD 3/3 PP12*
Kasqa AC13 HP 17/17 HD 2/3 PP11
Qawasha AC11(16) HP 27/27 HD 5/5 PP14 SS 3/4 3/3
Kupalue (Weed) AC13 HP 9/9 HD 2/2 PP12*
Ukee AC12 HP 3/3 HD 1/1 PP13
(Ship's Crew)
Thas Bravewing (Captain) HP 15/29 EX4
Falx (Man-at-arms) AC13 HP 19/38 EX4
Ra-nas (Navigator) AC13 HP 9/18 EX4
Brax (Crew1) AC11 HP 8/16 EX4
Nhar (Crew2) AC11 HP 8/16 EX4
Veliod (Crew3) AC11 HP 8/16 EX4
Name * Damage Taken * (Notes)
0; GZ2 0; GZ3 0; GZ4 0

End Round Zero; Begin Round One


Round 0

“Moradin’s knickers!” Dellrak cursed as he saw the girallon zombies leap to their tree. He pulled out his heavy dwarven crossbow and ratcheted in a bolt, aiming at the monsters. “Ready yourselves!” he called out in warning, then fired.

Kasqa grabbed up his spear and started to shimmy his way along the branch toward the monsters.

OOC: 3 points of goodberries available.

OOC: Death Curse: You now must spend Hit Dice to regain HP in a Long Rest (as well as a Short one) and you only regain 1 HD at the end of a Long Rest. Additionally, Short Rests take 2 Hours. Everything else about resting follows the usual book-rules.

Kasqa: 17/17
Move: Double move to Z19
Athletics: 1D20+4 = [9]+4 = 13

Free Object Interaction: Draw heavy crossbow
Action: Heavy Crossbow Planar Ally: 1D20+5 = [9]+5 = 14
1D10+1D8+1 = [3]+[4]+1 = 8

Bonus Action: Planar Warrior
Reaction: Opportunity Attack

Dellrak Character Sheet
Initiative: +1
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 15
HP: 40/40 HD: 4/4d10+2

Bolts: 18
Bolts used: 1
Arrows: 19
Arrows used:

Detect Portal (1/R): Within 1 mile
Planar Warrior: As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The next time you hit that creature on this turn with a weapon attack, all damage dealt by the attack becomes force damage, and the creature takes an extra 1d8 force damage from the attack. When you reach 11th level in this class, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
Primeval Awareness (action and spell slot): For one minute per level of spell slot, detect within 1 mile (6 in favored terrain) aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. This feature doesn’t reveal the creatures’ location or number.

1) 3/3 Protection from Evil/Good (Horizon Walker), Jump, Goodberry, Longstrider

Rodrigo Di Castalone - male human fighter
Miss Imogen - female samurai, party member, Zhentarim
Chrysagon - male aasimar paladin, Order of the Gauntlet, Kelemvor
Harb - male human monk
Myrral - Tabaxi bard?
Qawasha (NPC) - Chultan druid
Kupalue (Weed, NPC) - vegepygmy
Hu’plo (NPC) Chultan
Kasqa (NPC) - Chultan warrior


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Looking up, Myrral needs a moment to reorient from the canvas to the threat in the trees. This is something dangerous for the ship since the height will not save them. And he and tabaxi hunters are too far!

He starts toward the ship and slips on the fabric. Catching himself is easy with his claws. But the care he needs to take not to rip it effectively immobilizes him for the crucial moment.

He uses it to call out to his hunter companions in tabaxi:
"Avoid the canvas go for the branches immediately and shoot the outliers as soon as you can. And be careful there may be others from other trees!"

Getting his feet under, Myrral slides to the branch keeping the canvas taut and then runs along the branch as if on solid ground. The swaying doesn't visibly bother him as he calls out to the party and the survivors
"Sailors! Back into the shelter! Miss Imogen, this is where your shooting shines! They cannot get to you as fast as you can shoot them down! Fighters, protect the sailors! We're coming!"

The hunters obey the shaman and both run what is essentially four-legged sprint across the branches, going long way around, but with that incredible short sprint that seems normal to tabaxi.

Grrol even manages to shoot two arrows after landing after a daring jump from higher up to the middle ship level. But landing even on the solid branch is a good way to make your shots go wild while the branch sways back and forth in an unpredictable way as the ship part and still interwoven canvas pull it this way and that.

Acrobatics to land on AJ13: 1D20+4+1D6 = [5]+4+[5] = 14 yay! Saved by the inspiration except I cannot inspire myself...so stuck!
Action: dash
Acrobatics to land on AJ13: 1D20+4 = [15]+4 = 19
with tabaxi speed
From AJ13, move normally (climbing speed) to AD16
Bonus: inspiration to Miss Imogen @Kobold Stew (shoot one with good damage :) )

Move with Tabaxi speed: AI10 --> AG10 --> jump to AD10 (assuming height difference, otherwise no need to roll for 10' jump)
Grrol Athletics : 1D20+3 = [19]+3 = 22
--> Y9 following the branches (yes, I counted every second diagonal as 10' :) )

Groll shooting GZ2; damage: 1D20+5 = [3]+5 = 8
1D6+3 = [5]+3 = 8
1D20+5 = [2]+5 = 7
1D6+3 = [3]+3 = 6

- better than rolling this 'good' on the jump :)

Move with tabaxi speed: AP25 (with jump of 10' needing no roll due STR 12) --> AM26
Action: dash still with tabaxi speed to AC22
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen swings herself around to the gunwale, and balances herself in a niche, as she draws an arrow to the sound of Muyrral's humming.

One of the large creatures moving through the trees [GZ4] shifts its weight and with the lowered branch comes into view. She breathes in and releases, but the shot goes wide. She draws another, and it appears to find home.

OOC: Bonus Action: Fighting Spirit. +5 thp. Advantage this term (2 uses left)
Move: to W15.
Attack (with Sharpshooter): best of 2 1d20+2=8. Ugh.
Second Attack: best of 2 1d20+2=16. Damage= 1d8+13=21.

Has Inspiration die from Myrral.

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