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D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly


The wreck's defenders exploded into action, calling out warnings to each other and scrambling for safety. Dellrak shot a quarrel into one of the undead four-armed apes, only to have another one land with a thump on the deck behind him. This brute smelled terribly and it tore into the dwarf, who did a solid job defending himself against the onslaught of tearing claws and chomping teeth.

The tabaxi moved into better positions, their movements impressing the sailors, who normally considered themselves very good at getting around in precarious surroundings, but even at their best (which they were not) they would have been hard-pressed to keep up with the catfolk, who bounded, climbed, and shuffled, sometimes on all fours, to arrive at various positions with great speed.

As her new friend Nhar helped Ra-nas the navigator to his shaky feet and moved him behind the capstan for cover, Miss Imogen moved over next to Falx, the man-at-arms, and she shot the undead creature just before it leaped over to attack Dellrak. She noticed Falx, who had taken cover at the rail, pull a brightly-coloured stick from his vest, and point it toward the creatures. It appeared to be a wand - but he was no wizard - and he held off firing whatever spell it might contain, as if it were only a last resort.

Ukee the winged monkey flew away from the creatures, while Kasqa grabbed his spear and moved toward them, carefully making his way along a branch.

Down in the stern-section, another of the creatures landed on the deck and tore at Rodrigo. The crewman there, Brax, threw a spear with some skill, but in his weakened state it came up short, so he began the climb toward the midsection, leaving Dellrak and Rodrigo alone with two of the creatures.

OOC: @Ancalagon Rodrigo is doing well for being crit TWICE. He was also missed, so you have some good options for his maneuvers. He and @gargoyleking Harb still have to go, along with some more NPCs and two more Girallon Zombies!

Dellrak did 8 (xbow) damage to GZ2
dashed to (Z19)
Myrral inspired Imogen & moved, eventually to (AD16)
Grrol moved to (Y9) & missed (bow)
Braapp dashed to (AC22)
Imogen moved to (W15) & did 21 (bow) damage to GZ4
moved to (U15) & readied a wand of fireballs!!!
Nhar moved to (X12) then to (Y15) helping Ra-nas
stood & moved to (Y14)
Brax missed (spear) GZ1 & moved to (P16)
Ukee dashed (flying) to (V24)
GZ1 moved to (J11) & did 9 & 8 (claw) damage to Rodrigo
moved to (L17) & did 5 & 7 (claw) & 10 (bite) damage to Dellrak

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Dusty Dragon
Qawasha had been quietly exulting in the power of Ubtao's revelation - not only had he seen at great distance, but in the future as well! He blamed this for not noticing the approaching attackers.

this looked... bad. Very bad. They were split, with some of the others on the ground. The best he could do... Yes, split the foes!

He called upon the Tree Spirits, and they responded. Before one more of the undead being could jump into the fight, branches snaked around it!

Action: Cast Entangle
Strength save DC 12 or be restrained. 20 by 20 area around the creature becomes difficult terrain (he will try to place it so that the undead is at the edge, not the centre of the zone, ie has more of entangle area to cross to reach the party)

AC:11 (16 With Barkskin), Hit Points 27/27 (5d8 + 5)
Speed 30 ft.
STR 10 (+0) DEX 12 (+1) CON 13 (+1) INT 12 (+1) WIS 15 (+2) CHA 11 (+0)
Skills Medicine +4, Nature +3, Perception +4 (passive 14), Survival +4

Magic: DC 12, to hit +4.
4/4, 2/3
Cantrips: druidcraft, produce flame, shillelagh
Spells: Level 1 entangle, longstrider, speak with animals, thunderwave, Level 2: animal messenger, barkskin

Attack: +2 to hit (staff), 1d6/1d8 dmg. Shillelagh: +4 to hit, 1d8+2 dmg


Dusty Dragon
Rodrigo had been keeping quiet, trying to better assess these travelers. The damage to the ship was far greater than he had hoped, but if they could re-assemble it somehow... it could be a potent tool.

He gasped when the undead showed up in the trees - he didn't know they could climb! - but he did not falter. He had faced too many of their ilk already - although he wished that Brother Chrisagon was with them! He had barely drawn his blade and they were upon them.

He gritted his teeth at the onslaught, stabbing into one as it missed him - the thing was a whirlwind!

riposte vs girallon zombie: 1D20+6 = [10]+6 = 16

riposte vs girallon zombie dmg: 1D8+6+1D8 = [2]+6+[1] = 9 (OOC: this should be GZ1)

He felt his adrenaline pumping, blinding him to the pain.
Bonus action: second wind
second wind: 1D10+4 = [1]+4 = 5

He bellowed as loudly as he could "Archers! Focus Fire! Don't scatter your shots!" He would have loved to go to Delrak's help, but they had waited too long to link up. He just had to kill this one as fast as possible

Action: Action surge, double attack
first attack vs girallon zombie: 1D20+6 = [10]+6 = 16
dmg maneuver vs girallon zombie: Trip: 1D8+6+1D8 = [5]+6+[4] = 15

The Girallon must make a DC 14 save (strenght) or be tripped.

@FitzTheRuke OH! If I trip it, does it fall out of the tree? That would change my second action :D Let me know and I will complete the round :D

Rodrigo Di Castalone, Human Fighter (battlemaster, criminal(spy)), level 4
HP: 25/36, Hit dice: 4/4
AC: 18
Passive Perception 14
Rapier: +6 to hit, 1d8+6 dmg
Main Gauche (if used main-handed and not to parry) +6 to hit, 1d4+4 or +6 dmg
Crossbow: +6 to hit, 1d8+4 dmg, range 80/320
Darts: +6 to hit, 1d4+4 dmg, range 20/60
Saves: Str: +3, Dex: +4, Con: +4, Int: +1, Wis: +2, Cha: 0
Superiority dice: 2/4, Action surge: used, Second wind: used
Maneuvres: Riposte, Parry, Trip (DC 14)
Potions of healing remaining: 2 [/spoiler
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Dusty Dragon
OOC: I just figured out how to easily complete the second action in a simple either/or format:

IF the Girallon zombie falls down the tree Rodrigo will move and make an attack vs the other one attacking Dellrack, OR the Girallon zombie doesn't fall at all:

attack vs girallon, second from action surge: 1D20+6 = [14]+6 = 20

OOC: that is definitely a hit. So let's do damage and you apply it to the proper one:

Damage from second action surge attack: 1D8+6 = [3]+6 = 9

OOC IF the Girallon falls prone but not off the ship, I have advantage with it. I will roll again to see if I land a crit:

crit fishing on that 2nd action surge attack: 1D20+6 = [18]+6 = 24

OOC: as this is a better roll but not a crit, no need to roll crit damage.


Harb was busy with the injured crewman when the attack began, he had little chance to act at first as he had to finish tying the knot on the man's bandages. Then he was up, bow in hand as he moved to a hood vantage point and fired off an arrow, striking the nearest of the creatures and watching his arrow sink into it's flesh.

Acrobatics: 1d20+5 21
Shortbow: 1d20+5 21 1d6+3 8

Probably don't need the acrobatics check but I thought I'd be able to get across the gap in one move when I rolled it. Maybe it'll be important as ge is moving to T14 which could prove to be a rather precarious position depending on what happens next.


Qawasha raised his walking-stick and caused the tree branch under one of the undead ape-creatures to grow writhing vines which grasped at the thing and very nearly held it - but its four powerful arms tore the vines to pieces and it struggled through them, leaping from one branch to another and heading for the middle-ship section. Weed squeaked as it moved toward his friends, and he slung two stones into the thing with a pok pok sound.

The captain came to the rail of the bow and called, "Get Ra-nas into the focsle!"

She pulled a hand-crossbow and loaded it with shaking hands and fired a small quarrel over the shoulder of one of the creatures, much to her frustration. Harb fared better, moving down the midsection to where it's torn deck barely held his weight and he fired an arrow into the back of the creature that was harassing Dellrak.

Rodrigo performed some deft foot-work on the uneven stern deck, lunging in with his rapier and carving at the big ape-like creature. It grunted, but clearly felt no pain, even as Rodrigo knocked it on the deck. It swiftly lifted itself on one of its four arms and raised itself back to its feet.

Another of the undead ape-things passed the lower, stern-deck and climbed up toward the midsection along a large branch of the same tree that held that section aloft.

Qawasha cast entangle at (N3)
Weed did 5 & 6 (sling) damage to GZ2
did 9, 15 & 9 (sword) damage to GZ1 & healed 5 (2nd wind)
Harb moved to (T14) & did 8 (bow) damage to GZ4
moved to (AE17) & missed (hand xbow)
Veliod moved to (AG15) & dodged
GirallonZombie2 saved & dashed to (T8)
GirallonZombie3 dashed to (O21)
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GM: Encounter: The Sticks vs Girallon Zombies at the Wreck of the Star Goddess

(BGs) GirallonZombie1 (J11); GZ2 (T8); GZ3 (O21); GZ4 (L17)
(PCs) Chrysagon (Ground); Dellrak (L16); Imogen (W15); Harb (T14); Myrral (AD16); Rodrigo (L13); (Spells) Entangle (N3)
(NPCs) Braapp (AC22); Grrol (V9); Hup'Lo (Ground); Kasqa (Z19); Qawasha (Z12); Weed (AC9); Ukee (V24)
(Crew) Captain (AE18); Falx (U15); Ra-Nas (Y14); Brax (P16); b]Nhar[/b] (Y15); b]Veliod[/b] (AG15)
(General Features) Visibility: "Misty" (Clear but you can't see the ground);
Terrain: "Stern" (50' up); "Middle" (65' up); "Bow" (75' up); "Balloon" (85' up);
(Acrobatics check to move across branch/rope/balloon (dc <5 = fall; <10 = stuck; <15 = half move; 15+ = full move.)
Name * AC * HP * Hit Dice * PasPrc * Spells * (Notes)
Chrysagon AC18* HP 36/36 HD 3/4 PP10* SS 2/3 CD 1/1 LoH 20/20 (Res Nec&Rad)
Dellrak AC15 HP 18/40 HD 4/4 PP14* SS 2/3 (Res Psn) (Protection From Evil)
Harb AC15 HP 27/27 HD 3/4 PP14 KI 1/4
Imogen AC16 HP 31/31 THP 5/5 HD 4/4 PP12 SS 2/2 FS 2/3
Myrral (Dew) AC14 HP 26/26 HD 3/4 PP14* SS 4/4 3/3 Ins 3/3
Rodrigo AC18* HP 24/36 HD 3/4 PP14 SD 4/4
Braapp (Climbing Vine) AC14 HP 33/33 HD 6/6 PP13*
Grrol (Rockmoss) AC14 HP 33/33 HD 6/6 PP13*
Hup'Lo AC12 HP 16/16 HD 3/3 PP12*
Kasqa AC13 HP 17/17 HD 2/3 PP11
Qawasha AC11(16) HP 27/27 HD 5/5 PP14 SS 3/4 3/3
Kupalue (Weed) AC13 HP 9/9 HD 2/2 PP12*
Ukee AC12 HP 3/3 HD 1/1 PP13
(Ship's Crew)
Thas Bravewing (Captain) HP 15/29 EX4
Falx (Man-at-arms) AC13 HP 19/38 EX4
Ra-nas (Navigator) AC13 HP 9/18 EX4 (Diseased)
Brax (Crew1) AC11 HP 8/16 EX4
Nhar (Crew2) AC11 HP 8/16 EX4
Veliod (Crew3) AC11 HP 8/16 EX4
Name * Damage Taken * (Notes)
33; GZ2 19; GZ3 0; GZ4 29

End Round One; Begin Round Two


One of the creatures was coming their way. Harb had just a moment to fire another arrow at his target, then stowed his bow and called Ukee to come as he climbed onto the giant branch which held the ship and slipped into his defensive stance, ready to 'hopefully' dodge the creatures attacks when it got to him.

Shortbow: 1d20+5 18 1d6+3 5

Using a Ki point to dodge, also not sure it matters, but he'll move up just enough to make himself a target and otherwise let the zombie come to him. Also, meta, I'm guessing slashing would be best, would this be obvious to Harb being basically another 'fleshy' undead creature?

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Falx, is it?" Miss Imogen asks. She's not spoken to him much, and always in groups.

She draws an arrow and fires it, and the string of her bow whistles like a swallow, singing in the same key as the song she has been humming.

The arrow flies straight, and seems to go straight through the approaching creature.

"Are you firing that thing?"

OOC: (5thp)
(move as needed for clear shot vs. GZ 4)
Attack vs GZ 4: 1d20+2=8, if a hit damage = 20. Roll the inspiration die: 8+1d6=6= 14 to hit, 20 piercing damage.


Round 2

With the great undead beast in his face, Dellrak tossed aside his crossbow and pulled out his greataxe. “Noo we’re talkin, beastie,” the dwarf grinned, swinging the axe at the girallon.

Kasqa tried to move onto the center section of the ship, but lost his footing.

OOC: 3 points of goodberries available.

OOC: Death Curse: You now must spend Hit Dice to regain HP in a Long Rest (as well as a Short one) and you only regain 1 HD at the end of a Long Rest. Additionally, Short Rests take 2 Hours. Everything else about resting follows the usual book-rules.

Kasqa: 17/17
Move: Acrobatics: 1D20+1 = [1]+1 = 2
Free Object Interaction: Drop crossbow and draw greataxe
Action: Attack girallon in front of him
Greataxe, Planar Warrior: 1D20+6 = [14]+6 = 20
1D12+1D8+4 = [10]+[2]+4 = 16

Bonus Action: Planar Warrior
Reaction: Opportunity Attack
Greataxe, Planar Warrior: 1D20+6 = [10]+6 = 16
1D12+1D8+4 = [7]+[6]+4 = 17


Dellrak Character Sheet
Initiative: +1
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 15
HP: 18/40 HD: 4/4d10+2

Bolts: 18
Bolts used: 1
Arrows: 19
Arrows used:

Detect Portal (1/R): Within 1 mile
Planar Warrior: As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The next time you hit that creature on this turn with a weapon attack, all damage dealt by the attack becomes force damage, and the creature takes an extra 1d8 force damage from the attack. When you reach 11th level in this class, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
Primeval Awareness (action and spell slot): For one minute per level of spell slot, detect within 1 mile (6 in favored terrain) aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. This feature doesn’t reveal the creatures’ location or number.

1) 3/3 Protection from Evil/Good (Horizon Walker), Jump, Goodberry, Longstrider

Rodrigo Di Castalone - male human fighter
Miss Imogen - female samurai, party member, Zhentarim
Chrysagon - male aasimar paladin, Order of the Gauntlet, Kelemvor
Harb - male human monk
Myrral - Tabaxi bard?
Qawasha (NPC) - Chultan druid
Kupalue (Weed, NPC) - vegepygmy
Hu’plo (NPC) Chultan
Kasqa (NPC) - Chultan warrior

Voidrunner's Codex

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