D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly


The Captain looks excited at Rodrigo's querry, eager to share rumour, "Yes, there is the usual troubles, but also..." he is, unfortunately cut-off by the boat bumping into the dock. He quickly mentions his regrets, and becomes busy dealing with issuing orders and negotiating with the dockmen on how best to retrieve his ship's cargo.

The new arrivals disembarked at the quay and were soon greeted by the Harbormaster - a Golden Half-Dragon by the name of Zindar, he was polite and cordial, but his questions took time and by the time the group was dismissed into the city, the sun was high overhead and oppressive. The walk to the Market District took them up a long hill, and the air was thick and humid. The view of the harbour, on the other hand, was spectacular.

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On the way to the tavern, Chrysagon try to locate the cemetary. If there is a Kelemvor temple, it's most likely there it should be located. It could be a good fall-back point if it become necessary.


Working their way through a crowd of hagglers, gamblers, and urchins, the group rounds a bend in the sloping road They are nearly taken aback by the sight of a huge maw rowed with sharp teeth. "Clear the way!" shouts rider, seated on the back of the terrifying giant lizard-like creature - a surprisingly normal sight, they would find, on the streets of the Port.

Port N Mount.png

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen always liked to ride horses. Miss Enna felt that equestrian skills were essential in any young woman's education, and Miss Imogen had supplemented that experience by learning as much about hoof care as any one else. She wasn't an expert, though, and her experience of mounts had been limited to the equine variety. When this new lizard (was it?) stalked by her, she immediately looked at the bridle placement and the saddle. Could I read one of those? she asked herself, considering how to mount and dismount without being endangered. Was the rider carrying a weapon, or was the creature itself the weapon?

After it passed, she commented to her companions, "Maybe we can rent one of those."


Dusty Dragon
Rodrigo wasn't exactly surprised by the sight, he had heard stories, but still. It was one thing hearing the story, but *seeing it*, now...

Getting out of the way seemed as a polite and very wise thing to do, and he promptly made way. He also pulled back any companion too surprised to move.

He raised an eyebrow as Miss Imogen's suggestion. "Perhaps? I am sure that many questions will be answered in the tavern..."

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Dellrak rubs his hands together in excitement. "YES!" he roars at the sight of the huge creature with large claws and a row of sharp teeth. "I'm taking one of those back to The Graypeaks. Then I want any of those craven ogres to get in my way again."

The dwarf steps out of the way, but just barely to get a full view of the creature.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen nods at Rodrigo, letting him lead on. She has met some of the group walking with her towards the tavern on the journey, but they had not all been clearly tending towards the same mission. A formal introduction is called for.

"I am Miss Imogen," she begins. "It's clear we are all heading the same way." She speaks loud enough to command the attention of all. "I am here at the request of my Uncle, and am sure you all have your own reasons for coming here in such a tropical season. I have not visited Chult previously, though of course the jungles and swamps surrounding this place are notorious. Have any of you suggestions for a new visitor?"

Miss Imogen's voice is musical, but not airy. Her posture is, by any standard, perfect, and the stride she is using is shorter than that which nature gave her. The clothes she wears of high quality, though one would admit that the sleeves are impractical for fighting, and despite the heat she has drawn a shawl over her shoulders, apparently to hide any signs of perspiration.


"Well lass, me name is Dellrak Bruttinheim," the dwarf says proudly. "I hail from the Galena Mountains near Vaasa. But I have transversed nearly every range in the Realms. Sep' maybe the Spine o' the World." he says the name with a sense of awe and longing at the prospect.

"I am here by order of the Emerald Enclave. Those pointy eared bas-- umm... elves, said my skills be needed, and I owed them, so I agreed. Maybe the trouble is in those mountains to the west we saw as we came to port. I wouldn't mind a new range to explore, just as soon as I find some proper gear."


Dusty Dragon
Rodrigo nodded to the others. His broad hat shielded him from the harsh sun.

"I am Rodrigo Di Castalone. I am of a city state not too far from Chult. I've never been here but I've heard stories... and if half of them are true, Chult may be the most dangerous wilderness in Faerun. Advice for a visitor? Don't look for trouble... it will come soon enough."

"... so we have a dwarven ranger trained by elves, two followers of gods of death, a swordsman and an ... archer? I think that this meeting in the tavern should prove... illuminating. "

Voidrunner's Codex

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