D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly


"Trained by elves!!??" the dwarf sputters. "That hat isn't as much protection from the sun as you think it is. I learned everything I know in the wilds me'self."

He thumps his walking staff a little harder a they continue on, muttering... "Damn, them and this get up. I know Kayloith is snickering in his sleeve even now, about all this."

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Speaking in a calm and quiet voice, "Chrysagon of Mir. The Gauntlet asked for the presence of a Brother of the Eternal Order in this place and my Fathers gave me this honor. I hope that my humble services will be useful to this enterprise and I pray to prove myself worthy of your confidence. For once, Death will be on our side, fellow companions."


The Nameless had done his best to avoid his fellow passengers through the voyage and attempted to forge his own path upon entering the port. But it seemed that he couldn't quite shake this small group of them. Now he was caught up with them by mere chance, and an encounter with a startlingly large lizard creature. To him, the creatyre was only interesting in how it's death might occur, though this particular specimen looked far from achieving that state anytime soon. Now they were blocking off an entire corner, introducing themselves to each other, and perhaps him?

The nameless considered Rodrigo' comment with some small consternation. He had no symbol or other outwardly visible connection to Jergal or any other god. Not sure who this man was, The Nameless decided it best to avoid him when he could, and watch him when he couldn't be avoided.

But now they seemed to be looking to him for an introduction. Well, he wouldn't want to dissapoint them.

"You can call me Harb, just a traveling medicine man. I hear there's some interesting herbs in yonder jungle."

The nameless flashes a toothy and unassuming grin at them, hoping to throw them off the trail.

[Sblock]Deception:: 1D20+4 = [19]+4 = 23

Not necessarily expecting to deceive anyone in the party unless they choose to be. But definitely don't want to be singled out especially in public as being anything other than what he's currently claiming to be.[/SBLOCK]

Squirrels are evil!
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Nameless was happy to find that before anyone could ask him any questions, the enormous beast had passed by and the group continued their way through the throng of comers-and-goers. Soon they arrived at their destination: The Thundering Lizard. An oasis from the oppressive heat, the Inn-and-Tavern had many rooms stretching along a covered walkway, and a central courtyard shaded by trees. It used only light curtains for doorways, and the patrons sat on the ground, on pillows.

Immediately young women brought them water, and porters took whatever belongings they were willing to part with. A man was talking loudly with some friends and got up as the group finished drinking their water. "Leave the new-folk alone, Soggy!" one of his friends said in a thickly accented version of northern common. The man ignored him and approached the group.

"You lot look fressh-off-th'-boat! Come an' join me fer a drink! I know what th'good shtuff is here." he slurred and staggered.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen accepts the help of the porters (her exploration pack), and tastes the water, which she receives gratefully. She declines, firmly but politely, Soggy's help, and approaches the bar. "I am seeking a room, please."


"Suit yerself, hic! Howabou' th' rest o'yeh?" said Soggy while waving his arms in a strange way, drunkenly.

OOC: Nameless will recognise his waving as a signal to Harpers that he is a contact. Can this lout really be "the Wren"?

Miss Imogen secures herself a room for 5 silver a night. It's on an upper floor with a balcony overlooking a fountain. Again, doors and windows are only covered with thin colourful cloth drapes.


Still muttering to himself as the rest of the group introduce themselves he barely catches some of what is said. "Wait what? Death is on are side? Whose death? When did this happen?"

Questions only answered with a look as the troupe continues on the dwarf decides not to press the issue just watch for further comments or other strange behavior.

At the Thundering Lizard....

And speaking of strange behavior what was with the wavy arm guy. Dellrak steers clear and finds himself a comfortable cushion to relax on and ponders what he needs to exchange out from the gear he was provided.

OOC: Trying to post and work asks me tp clock back in. Darn! drat! and comfounded luck!


Staying in character, The Nameless makes the counter sign as part of accepting the offer. "A little drink sounds good about now."

Squirrels are evil!
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"Yer prolly hot, from th'walk up the hill. Lets get sum shade o'er here by th'fountain." Soggy staggers off, leading the way to a secluded spot while calling to a serving girl, "Marriska! Bring us sum wine! None of us is wet enough!"

When everyone who follows him is settled, and wine is brought, he makes loud jokes and tells people to "Drink up! S'good, inninit?"

...but between loud outbursts he says more quietly, "I'm the Wren. I'm part of a group of concerned people with wide connections - an agreement called the Open Hand between otherwise disparate factions. We were hoping you'd get here soon. One of our number, a businessman by the name of Klevin Van'Sharen has an urgent mission for anyone who cares about this Curse that afflicts the area."

As someone passes by, he claps Nameless on the shoulder and says, Haw! Thass a good'un, Stranger!"

He most certainly is drunk, but maybe not as drunk as he appears...

Voidrunner's Codex

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