D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly


"I'm afraid so, mate." said the Wren softly, "At least until we find out what's goin' on here."

Then, "Wassya all leavin' for, ya've barely had a sip! Fine, fine. I guess there's more fer me!"

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The porter that carried Miss Imogen's bag to her room slipped her a small note in exchange for a copper tip.

It read, in code:


If you are reading this, then you got my invitation, for which I am glad. It will be very nice to see you again! But if you have arrived in time, there is urgent business to be taken care of. For our gain, I have allied myself with some others. One of which is Klevin Van'Sharen at the Weave of Life in Merchant Ward. Please seek him out. Afterwards, if time permits you, come and visit me by asking for Pock-Marked Po in the Old City.


OOC: She is curious how Pock-Marked Po could be her Uncle. He is a very handsome man.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen thanks the porter and smiles kindly. Languidly she rolls her body around the house post and places her full weight on her feet again, as she slips the message away. She is the first to the door, and holds it open for the others as they leave, and follows them.

Outside, she says to the others, "I was heading to the Weave of Life myself. I hope you don't mind if I accompany you."

As they journey, she tries to get her bearings -- Hotel, port, Weave, and old city.


Gulping down his wine Dellrak stood after the others, then as he walked towards the door he grabbed Rodrigo's cup and gulps that down as well.

"Ahhh," he gasped when he could breath once more.


"Sorry," he said as he hurried past the door held by the bowmen. bow-woman, archer.


Dusty Dragon
Rodrigo's stern look broke into a half smile at the dwarf's antics. "It would be a shame indeed to waste the wine".

Looking around he adds "So good of you to rejoin us Miss Imogen. Are we all here? I am sure that you are as eager as I to, ah, get to business, and perhaps gain some clarity as well. Based on what the good captain said of the city layout, we must retrace our steps back to the harbor and then continue west to the Merchant Ward. That is where we will find our goal... the carpet merchant. Let us hope he doesn't send us to see a cobbler or somesuch ..." he ended with a sniff.


The group returned to the streets of Port Nyanzaru and the oppressive heat. They travelled downhill toward the Harbour Ward, and back up toward the Merchant Ward. Here the streets were wide and crowded with palanquins, servants, and enormous long-necked beasts of burden, weighed down with crates and saddle-bags. Some carried ten or more people while comfortably stomping along.

They found the Weave of Life rug and tapestry shop, and Rodrigo was relieved to find that his Alliance contact was no simple weaver. The shop held a large workhouse with many hands weaving, hooking, and spinning while Klevin Van'Sharen greeted customers in a large, airy covered pavilion draped in a colourful assortment of his wares. It was a simple thing to find a spot amongst the beautiful hanging tapestries where one could have a private conversation, while Van'Sharen's many assistants ran about helping the shop's 'real' customers.

Klevin Van'Sharen bowed in the local style and offered the group a sweet, fruity beverage from a colourfully painted ceramic decanter. "I am glad you have arrived, I have put some agents on my... case, but I do not trust them to effectively pull it off. You see, the local group of thieves and smugglers (no relation the honest merchants of the Zentarim, of course) is bringing in some contraband by their usual route - some tunnels dubbed 'the Serpent's Coils' that connect the Tiryki Ancorage to the Harbour Ward under the city walls. The group I have hired plan to try to capture the contraband as it arrives by boat, but if you could venture into the coils, we are sure to get it before it disappears into the city."


"Going underground, 'eh?" The gruff dwarf comments with a little delight. "Sounds good ta me."

"But if ya plans on hirin us, ya best be talking in gold, and not in flowery thank yous."


Van'Sharen looks insulted at the very idea that he wouldn't pay, "Of course there will be gold. Nothing happens without there is gold."

He snaps his fingers an a servant arrives with a dark-stained box. Inside the box is rows of neatly-stacked coins on a blue-satin inlay. "Ten each to start, fifteen more when you return. I am looking for an artifact secreted within the usual contraband. It should be ancient, metal - an amulet or brooch. Finely crafted. I'm afraid I can't give you much more than that."

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Miss Imogen," she introduces herself. "Do you have a sense of when the cargo is due to arrive?" she asks, clearly revelling in the thought of dank corridors. She reaches over and takes one stack of coins, advance payment for the advice she is about to give. "We can -- or I can -- of course follow your instructions. But the chokepoint is the harbour and the unloading of ships. Placing a second team there increases your chance of recovery, especially if you know the cargo has not yet arrived." She works hard not to roll her eyes. "Is the other team trustworthy? Will they know of us? If there is any reason to suspect them, they might choose to avoid the tunnels and the your artifact for themselves. In addition to the access to the Coils, we should keep an eye on the other group."

She falls silent.

Voidrunner's Codex

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