D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly


Dusty Dragon
Rodrigo raises an eyebrow to the dwarf back - a strange introduction indeed.

"My apologies for my earlier comments sir dwarf, the equipment did indeed throw me off... I look forward with working with you"

He is sitting on the cushions, but as always, his sword is positioned for an easy draw. He merely sips at the wine. There are no signs of his contact, and he is... displeased.

He laughs politely at the joke that never occurred, and leans in

"We are here to help but we... weren't told much about this Curse to be honest. To put it plainly, what is going on?"
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen takes the room, and has her backpack taken up. She returns soon after -- it appears that her companions are still on their first drink, even if Soggy has numerous empties in front of him, and she leans against a post, behind the others seated around the table but close enough to join the conversation if needed.


The Nameless sits back, pretending to be pleased at his well told joke. In actuality, he was perturbed by the assumed familiarity and continued presense of the others. At this rate his cover was probably useless. "What curse do you speak of?"

Squirrels are evil!


"The Death Curse, they call it. It has everyone who knows of it terrified. It affects the poor, in that the sick are more likely to die. Then there is the rich - who have used magic to bring them back when they have died. Anyone who has come back from the dead is rotting away. People fear that those who have never died will be next." said Soggy, who then flagged down a servant for another decanter of wine.


This caught The Nameless's attention as never before. He leaned in, forgetting to play his part and spoke earnestly. "Death curse you say? I see now why I was sent here. I shall need to study this."

After a moment, he remembered himself and leaned back again as the server approached. "I have heard stories, but it was quite a surprise to see one of those great lizards in the flesh. And those teeth!"

Squirrels are evil!


Dusty Dragon
Rodrigo glanced at "Harb". His report had been vague - there were two death gods worshipers, and he thought he had figured out whom was whom- and "Harb"'s denials had made him doubt - was miss Immogen the second death god worshiper? - but that sudden burst of interest confirmed his impression. He frowned briefly, trying to mask his irritation. The Death Curse's description was infuriatingly vague. It took the sick poor who were likely to die... and did what exactly? Made them more likely to die? What? The people previously raised starting to rot well... that was clear enough, but the poor mattered too...
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Soggy grew animate again with talk of the enormous beasts, "Yeah, they take sum gettin' used to, I tell ya that!"

... then he says, "Van'Sharen has the details on the mission. He's at 'the Weave of Life' in the Merchant's District just past the Grand Souk. It's a rug-and-tapestry shop of some repute."


Dusty Dragon
"Rodrigo's eyes widened slightly - he hadn't heard the name right the first time - and he hoped that finally they would get some answers.

He nodded faintly at the agent and then said loudly "Well I grow weary of hearing drunken rambles. I have a cousin twice removed in town, he may have better conversations." He tried to make eye contact with all the others - the worse thing now would be to get separated! - put a coin on the table for the barely drunk wine, and rose up.


The curse... It confirms what the High Lord Doom said. Chrysagon stands up and follows Rodrigo. "It is true. All of it... Dark forces are at work. We better move fast. Gentlemen? Miss? We are leaving."


The Nameless returned Rodrigo's look for a moment. He's blown his cover as far as that one was concerned, at least. And in any case, it seems he was stuck with the man as well. He waited for the others to get up and walk away before leaning in to ask soggy. "Am I to work with these people then? 'The Open Hand'?"

At Soggy's reply, The Nameless stands and follows the others, leaving a silver coin on the table for the single glass of wine he'd drunk.

Squirrels are evil!

Voidrunner's Codex

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