D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly


Dusty Dragon
Rodrigo was at first pleased by the circumstances and drank the beverage with pleasure. Now this was civilized! But afterwards... he grew a bit didquieted. The mission was not what he expected. Was Van'sharen testing them?

"I thank you for the most excellent beverage, capital in this heat. But... I have questions. "

"First, do we know when they will go by? Timing will matter here. Second, what is their usual contraband, and what is to happen of it? Third, will this trigger a conflict between us - or you - and the local thieves' guild or whatnot? And fourth... is this linked to the curse?"

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"I don't want to speak fo the others but I didn't cross the sea to become an henchmen. I'm here for the curse and your mission involving thugs or ruffians doesn't concern me. So, with all the respect, I don't care about your money. Do you have any information about the curse or are we loosing a precious time?"
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"That is very good advice, but it may be too late. I was forced to act quickly. I don't think my hirelings will betray me, but there is a great possibility that they will botch the job. I will give you instructions on how to find the entrance to the Serpents' Coils, but I'm afraid there is not enough time for much reconnaissance. By the time you arrive, the cargo will most likely be on it's way into the city."

He gives a hand-drawn map to Rodrigo.


"The Curse is on everyone's mind, constantly. The only lead we have has to do with this artefact, though I know not in what way it connects - yet. The artefact must be retrieved before that can be properly determined."

He has a sip of his juice and continues to answer questions. "I will not lie. The information I have regarding this shipment comes from my allies in the Zentarim. I suspect that they will follow up your raid with securing the Coils for their own operations. This could possibly annoy the local underworld."

He sounds like he doesn't consider it too great a concern.


Dusty Dragon
Rodrigo showed a faint smile - the conversation had been enlightening - both about the local situation but also his companions. Silence, enthousiasm, focus, questions... all good traits, at the right time. He turned towards the Templar of Kelemvor.

"Brother Chrysagon, I trust this addresses your objection? Besides, should this prove a dead end - no pun intended I assure you! - it will be beneficial for us to work together and learn each other's tactics and capabilities. We may have greater foes ahead, and such experience will benefit us.

Thank you Van'Sharen for the information, I believe we will do ask you ask... beside I know I can use the coin. We should move quickly then and get in position - hopefully we can find a good ambush position...

... although... any ideas on their numbers? Or the nature of the regular contraband?"

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen nods at the explanation, silently accepting the mention of the Zentarim without acknowledging her connection. "Very well, then," she says. "I for one accept the commission. How will we learn that the artefact is recovered by the first team, which is (presumably) what you expect to happen?" She is curt, but sincere in the question, and she waits for a response.

She's prepared to go to the Coils.


"I hear you Sir Rodrigo, but I'm not here to make one's fortune or extend the Black Network's grasp on the Realms. I count on you to stay on course and focused on our mission, with the hope that this artefact will help us to understand what we are confronted with. Now that this point has been cleared up, how do we find this Serpents' Coil?"


"Ummm... I be ready too 'sept," the dwarf starts to say then lowers his eyes. "Since we be in the area maybes we be able to shops for a few things first?"

His question comes with a squirm as he adjusts, the tight scalemail around his hips.

[sblock]Just want to grab a battle axe nothing serious. I have a great post in mind to grab one on the way to the coils.[/sblock]


"To answer the lady first, if my other group gets there first then you will either meet them or you will not find it. Return to me and I will let you know if they succeeded. I'm afraid that is the best we can do. The leader of my hirelings is a Calishite man by the name of Manollo. He has a great moustache that you can't miss. Don't shoot the man with the moustache and all will be well." (He sounds like he doesn't much care if you mess that part up.)

Some customers came between the hanging rugs and Van'Sharen shuffled the group away under the pretense of 'showing something finer'. An assistant was quick to intercept the new customers. When the group was alone again he continued, "I have found the Black Network, even with all their illicit dealings, to be superior to any local thugs and ruffians. Their greater ambition keeps their operations further from the lives of regular honest folk and they are more concerned with threats to the status quo - threats such as this Death Curse - and are willing to invest vast resources toward them. I would not be so quick to judge them."

Finally he turned to the uncomfortable dwarf. "The vast market of the Grand Souk is just over there. If you are quick, it should not effect the outcome of the mission for you to be dressed more... comfortably. In fact, you all should try the local dress, it is much better for the climate. But perhaps that can wait."

Voidrunner's Codex

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