D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly

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Nameless & Rodrigo

Harb strode forward and let a dart fly, which struck the zombie in it's outstretched arm as it reached for Chrysagon. The creature barely seemed to notice. Then Rodrigo thumped it on the head hard with his blade, and it staggered, but still it stood. More creatures poured out of the little hut, stumbling through the jungle and soon Chrysagon and Rodrigo found themselves positively surrounded. One of the horrible creatures scratched at Rodrigo, leaving shallow but painful gouges on his flesh.

GM: [sblock=rolls]Attack: 1D20+3 = [16]+3 = 19
1D6+1 = [4]+1 = 5
Zombie3 vs Rodrigo
Gone: (PCs) Nameless, Rodrigo; (BGs) Zombie3,4,5
Damage Taken: (PCs) Rodrigo 5; (BGs) Zombie1 7 & 11
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Chrysagon said:

"What?! Where-?" the dwarf twists and turns about. He darts out of the hut and follows his fellows gaze. Seeing one of the creatures attacking Chrysagon he rushes to help. "Sieg oder Tod! Sieg oder Tod!" Dellrak yells in giantish.

OOC: Dash to M13, far as my little legs can get me.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
At the sight of the Zombies, Miss Imogen takes a sharp inhalation. She has heard of undeath, but not seen it until now. It holds no fascination for her, only revulsion and a desire that she had attended to her lessons a little better: is it contagious? do arrows have an effect on them? She will find out.

The looses her first arrow, and follows it up with another. She keeps her distance.

OOC: Round 0 (?): At the second zombie [since I'm slow, it won't be the one attacking Chrysagon]:
Longbow (sharpshooter): [roll0]. If a hit, damage = [roll1].

Round 1: at the same zombie if standing, or the one attacking Chrysagon if not.
Longbow (sharpshooter): [roll2]. If a hit, damage = [roll3].

AC 14, Init +3, HP 18


Dellrak & Miss Imogen

Dellrak rushed back out of the larger hut and followed Harb, running to the aid of Chrysagon and Rodrigo. Miss Imogen stood in the shade of a large-leaved tree and calmly fired an arrow. The undead staggered as the shaft pierced it's throat and it gurgled but continued to lunge forward. She raised her aim and let another arrow fly; this one embedded itself in it's left eye-socket and the creature fell to the jungle floor.

The last of the creatures lunged forward from the darkness inside the shed, and they shuffled their way quickly through the underbrush to join the throng surrounding Chrysagon and Rodrigo.

GM: You're lucky that with the difficult terrain of the jungle they just have to dash to get to you.
Gone: (PCs) Dellrak, Imogen; (BGs) Zoombie7 & 8
Damage Taken: (PCs) ; (BGs) Zoombie5 16 & 19 (Destroyed)
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Location: Old City Outskirts, Huts Encounter: Zoombies

End Round One; Begin Round Two

Name * (Position) * AC * HP
Chrysagon (L8) AC18* HP 20/20 (Resist Nec & Rad)
Dellrak (M13) AC15 HP 20/20
Imogen (E7) AC14 HP 18/18
Nameless/Harb (K11) AC15 HP 15/15
Rodrigo (N9) AC17* HP 15/20
Mayni (O20)
Louzo (O21)
Zoombie1 (M7) HP less 18
Zoombie2 (L7)
Zoombie3 (O8)
Zoombie4 (M8)
Zoombie5 (K6) HP less 35 (Destroyed)
Zoombie6 (N7)
Zoombie7 (O7)
Zoombie8 (O9)


Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen fires a third arrow, and then steps back to maintain a certain distance between her ant the zombies

OOC: Round 2:
Attack zombie at L7
Longbow (sharpshooter): [roll0]. If a hit, damage = [roll1].
Move 30' west (away from Zombies)

AC 14, Init +3, HP 18

The arrow misses the creature, and Miss Imogen curses herself for rushing. She pauses, inhales, and lines up her next shot.


Miss Imogen

As her arrow flew toward the zombie, it lunged at Chrysagon, and the arrow harmlessly fell wide. The creature reacted to the paladin's protective magic by recoiling as if it had been stung, but it paused only a moment before reaching for the paladin again.

GM: Stupid things will keep attacking Chrysagon once they start, even if they can't get him. Chrysagon can attack, BTW.
[sblock=rolls]Attack: 2D20.LOW(1)+3 = [4, 19]+3 = 7
1D6+1 = [4]+1 = 5

Gone: (PCs) Imogen; (BGs) Zoombie2
Damage Taken: (PCs) None; (BGs) None

Voidrunner's Codex

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