Qawasha was clearly an eccentric. He and his vegepigmy companion constantly argued (by pounding on their chests and making strange popping noises, as well as various hand gestures - vegepigmies did not have voices).
He said, during the interview at the Thundering Lizard, "The Chwinga have guided me to you. I had only just returned to Port Nyanzaru from Fort Beluarian when you summoned me here. I have heard of the violence perpetrated by Jobal against guides who operate outside of his influence - beatings, blindings, even beheadings. I do not have his permission, but I have the protection of the Flaming Fist. Unofortunately for you, The Flaming Fist can be similarly brutal to adventurers who operate without their Charter."
He argued with the vegepigmy for a moment and said, "You may avoid their patrols in the west, but if your travels take you east, you may regret it if you do not first go to Fort Beluarian and purchase a charter. I can take you there, or we can go west and if we run into a patrol, I can perhaps speak on your behalf."