D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly


Low on funds Dellrak sighed as he looked over the "elvish" gear he would have to take into the jungle. At least in the jungle their would be less staring eyes and mocking grins.

He finished repacking his own gear and then started on the supplies. It had been tough not knowing what they would face or what they would need, but at least Volo had come through with the canoe, the dwarf was sure he and his friends would not be able to afford much of anything else had they had to pay for the thing.

He bedded down nearly exhausted from the busy day and dreamed of cold mead and the soft whiskers on a dwarven maidens cheeks.

OOC: If the gear list is ok I would like to add in (2) 10' poles 1sp to use (with an extra blanket) to make a sled to pull the extra gear with. That would leave us with 14gp, 9sp.

We could use 10gp of that to pay the boat off, and still have 4gp, 9sp in group funds.

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At sunset, Chrysagon proposes a simple gathering and, with anyone joining him, thanks Kelemvor for the blessing he gave them today. Concluding the prayer, he sanctifies a vial of oil and gives it to someone sharing this moment with him.

OOC: Chrysagon casts Ceremony: Holy Water.

Holy Oil: This oil empowers your weapon with divine radiance. During 1 minute, your weapon attacks against Undead and Fiends deal an extra 1d4 radiant damage on a hit.
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The following day began pleasantly enough - and early. The morning air was relatively cool with stiff breeze off of the sea as the group made their way to the Harbour Ward carrying their canoe. The long boat was awkward for those not accustomed to carrying it, but Qawasha insisted that they would have to learn, and it was far better to get the hang of it here than in the jungle, where they would have to watch for zombies in the underbrush and poisonous snakes underfoot, all while being eaten alive by mosquitoes and worse.

They eventually made it to the docks, in spite of a few difficult moments, such as when they were negotiating a steep incline that also rounded a corner where an immense long-tailed beast was going up while they were going down. The creature had nearly swept the legs from under them with its tail, and the canoe had nearly been lost over the ledge.

But it was safely in the water now, to be towed behind the larger sailing vessel that was the Brazen Pegasus. The gnomish captain, Ortimay Swift-and-Dark, welcomed them aboard and introduced them to her mate, Grig Ruddell, a hulking man with a face almost totally obscured by a heavy beard streaked with grey.

"Ruddy doesn't say much," Captain Swift (as she was known for short), "But he's got a nose for rain. He says we'll be expecting a mighty downpour. We'll see how long we can outrace it for, but expect to be soaked to the skin by nightfall."

She nodded to Ruddy who yelled, Cast off!" and the six crewmen of the small vessel went about their work, raising the sails (rather large for a small ship) and coiling the mooring lines.

The ship moved slowly as it passed by the statue in the middle of the harbour and it began to pick up speed as it sailed past Fort Nyanzaru. By the time it rounded the lighthouse, the crew had unfurled a mass of canvas which caught the wind and the ship heeled far over to its port side and slid through the choppy water at ever increasing speed.

They passed the beautiful Temple of Sune on its high rock that jutted from the sea and pretty and pampered worshippers waved at them as they passed. A sailor called out a rude remark, which could not have been heard from the shore, but Ruddy yelled at him and he shut his mouth, though continued to smile.

OOC: The Temple of Sune is like a spa on a rock with overly made-up french-court style worshipors. I suspect the sailors might have something to say about them.

Feel free to talk to NPCs if you like, then I'll rush us forward a bit.


Dusty Dragon
Rodrigo looked pensively at the temple of Sune

"A strange place for such a temple - these are harsh lands after all... or perhaps that is precisely the point"

He turned to their guide "Do you think it will rain as the sailor said? And will the increase water flow impede our progress upstream?"

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Permission to come aboard?" Miss Imogen inquires as she approaches the Brazen Pegasus. When Captain Swift nodded, she boarded the ship and introduced her companions. A small bag held the fee she had agreed to, and she handed it to the gnome right away.

When she hears the news of the rain, she peers up at the sky, but discerns nothing particular. The skies in Chult change so quickly, she has found: clear every morning, with the rain settling in by the afternoon and lasting until after dusk.

She works with the deckhands securing the canoe they have brought on board. She wants to ensure it is treated well, since it will be providing them transport for most of their journey. That done, she is intent to enjoy the trip as best she can. She is wearing one of her new outfits, with two others tied tightly in leather satchels that should keep the rain out. She is under no illusions: since her arrival, her clothes have been far below the expectations of a graduate of her school.

She introduces herself to ruddy, and wonders at his huge, calloused hands. Hers are tiny in comparison to his. She asks him about what he knows of what awaits them further upriver, once the Pegasus has let them off.


Dellrak was a miserable grump when they had finally reached the Brazen Pegasus. His stature made it so he had to help carry the canoe with his hands over his head most of the way. And then their was the long-tailed beast that tried to toss him into the water.

'What a way to start out.'
He thought to himself as he was introduced to the captain of the boat. Captain ha! She looked more like a child than a sailor, Dellrak figured he was going to drown for sure. Before the ship was to cast off he went to the bow that was pointing out to sea. He tried to remember the story of the Sea God and the drunken dwarf.

'What was his name? Erman? Ear-do... umm', Eadro the mefolk god of the sea. Ha' < [roll0] He remembered his name and the spiral design that was his symbol, like a whirlpool that drug the old drunken dwarf down to the bottom of the sea, so he spun his hand to make the sign and offered a small prayer to Eadro for the safe passage of him, his friends, and the crew of the Brazen Pegasus.

Later he stood near Miss Imogen as she talks to the first mate. He helps with any chore needing done as they talk, although he isn't the best at being a sailor.

OOC: Will Help if there is ever a chance someone needs to make a Persuasion check, as Dellrak's -1 will not be useful lol.

And still working on my cleric nature levels, again he will prayer, invoke, curse to a number of different nature gods.
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In response to Miss Imogen's querry, Ruddy answered, "Bugs. Rain. Plants." and he shrugged. Then he added kindly, "Be careful. Be safe."

Qawasha sniffed the air and answered Rodrigo, "It will indeed rain and much of it. If this ship can take us as far as she says, we will have to carry the canoe up the first of the falls. It will be hard going, and we will be glad for the extra drinking water. The ground water is unpalatable."

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Thank you, Ruddy," Miss Imogen says, simply. She reaches out her hand, which is able to squeeze only two of the large man's fingers, which she does. She pulls her hand back into the folds of her flowing sleeve. "I can handle rain and plants. I shall learn to deal with the bugs."

As she says it, she almost believes it.


The Brazen Pegasus positively flew through the increasingly rough water. From the stern, dark clouds could be seen rolling in from the north across the Bay of Chult. The mountains to the west were already awash with rain.

"We will make great time to your disembarkation." Captain Swift told Miss Imogen and Dellrak, "But we'll be beating our way back with a storm in our faces. Still, I'll be back in the 'Lizard having a drink while you lot are hacking out a less-wet spot to raise a tent. I don't envy you."

About an hour-and-a-half later, they reached the wide mouth of the River Shoshenstar. The mouth of the river was so wide that the less-travelled members of the party did not recognise it for what it was: It could have been yet another inlet within the Bay of Chult. Only the experienced sailors could feel the slow-drag of the current made by the mass of water that flowed into the true bay. Of course, they had been "feeling" it for miles already.

By this time, rain was falling hard on the deck of the Brazen Pegasus and running from its scuppers. The ship had no cabins on its clear decks, but Captain Swift was willing to allow her guests to shelter in her quarters below - a tight room full of crates and boxes, with only a small hammock for a bed. It was stuffy in the Chultan heat and her hatch-like window had to remain closed or water would pour in with no end.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen accepts the shelter warmly, and though she does not find it comfortable (for the Captain's hammock is rather small), she is pleased to be dry for the moment.

She is first on deck, though, when it is time to disembark, and she supervises the filling and the lowering of the canoe. As the craft hits the water, the current begins to pull it until the painter is taut. It is then drawn in towards the Pegasus, and then pulled alongside, so that the party can climb in.

Miss Imogen is embarrassed, but she doesn't want to row. She wants her hands free on her bow. She knows she is not strong, and lacks the experience that her companions do. She fears callouses on her hands, or worse, blisters. Nevertheless, nothing has been said, and so she seats herself in the bow, places her equipment (including her bow and quiver) within reach nearby, and picks up a paddle.

Voidrunner's Codex

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