Once dispersed Shendra takes a leisurely stroll through the Circle while searching for the appropriate vendors. Clothiers, tailors, and whoever might have a mix of goods for sale. She is initially met with disappointment but while thumbing through some dresses in a mobile wardrobe a swath of rich red fabric catches her eye. Sendra gently pulls the other items to the side so that she may get a closer look, and then her eyes begin sparkling as they open wide. This is just what she had been hoping for! Now, what about the price...
Seeing that something has caught Shendra's eye the merchant steps up beside her. "You have excellent taste, madam, but unfortunately this item has been damaged." He pulls a small key from his pocket which he uses to unlock a drawer in an adjacent cabinet. "There is some jewelery that goes along with it, but surely a refined woman such as yourself would prefer something in proper condition." He pulls out a number of rings, bracelets, and a striking necklace.
Shendra bites her lip in a decidedly unrefined fashion. It was just what she wanted, a dress like none she had ever had before in this life or her previous one. If there was damage or a defect, perhaps she could mend it with a spell or otherwise make do with the rudimentary sowing skills her mother had impressed upon her. "How much?" she asked, feigning confidence.
The merchant looks her up and down with an appraising look. "Well, for you I think I could part with these for, say, eighty silver. A bit of a loss for me all told but it is not doing me any good just sitting there either."
Shendra's eyes twinkle as she says with her biggest, warmest smile, "I'll take it."