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D&D 5E (IC) Rise of the Dracolich


The Wizard smiled, "That might just do the trick, if your performance continues to be as compelling. I have just thing thing to complete the picture."

He opened a chest below his desk and lifted a stack of Waterdhavian Harbour Moons, enormous platinum trade coins worth fifty gold pieces each. The stack was held on a wooden platform with a stick through the hole in the coins, holding the stack in place. In the end, he produced four stacks of fifty: Two hundred Harbour Moons, (ten-thousand gold pieces).

"I want you to purchase ten tons worth. Enough for several ships, and the vast majority of their supply." instructed the Wizard, "When the deal is made, I can organise delivery myself. If there is any monetary surplus, you can keep it as a gesture of good faith between us."

Finally he warned, "I am trusting you with a lot of money. I hope that you understand that it would not be wise to betray me."

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Dusty Dragon
Kalorn nodded faintly. "I like this approach. I am loathe to attack or steal from the dwarves. This? . He shrugged. Far cleaner.

He then glanced sideways at Luco, curious to see how the kid would react. It would be a bad time for him to get silly ideas...


The sheer amount of money and magic in the room made Luko's head spin. For the first time since he had met the strangers on the dock, reality crept into his ambitious young mind: what had he gotten himself into? It was overwhelming when he thought of it. He felt himself begin to shake, and he did his best to hide it.


The noble smiled arrogantly as he replied to the wizard, Mord was obviously practicing his part. "Of course, I'll have to arrive in style, with my own entourage, guards and such. I assume you would have the ability to provide such transportation here? I'll also need to leave my actual guards here, they are a bit too 'dim' to play the part."


"I think it would be best if your friends play the part of your entourage. It is my experience that the best cover-story remains close to the truth: You arrived yesterday, as I assume you did. You have a small army of adventurers for protection. You'll have to have stayed at a south-side Inn, where you will have hired a coach to take you to the Mirabar Shield (this I can provide). Your transport of the items will be from hired locals, which again I will provide." Andruss the Dusk seemed to like this plan.


"Exellent! In that case, let's hammer out the details over a spot of wine shall we?"

OOC: I'm thinking the son to a lower, (this obscure), but wealthy enough waterdeep family who owns a small merchant fleet and is looking for an advantage to help them expand their business. That should be enough of a potential feather in the cap to anyone trying to market a new product.

Someone will need to handle the 'business' aspect of the deal while our noble basically breaks the ice and gets the ball rolling.


Primus (who probably noticed Luko's shaking considering his epically high passive perception :p ) looked to the kid and winked.

Don't worry, kid, he said to the boy's mind. We'll take care of you. Do you have any family in the city? Or elsewhere, for that matter? Maybe we can get our patron, a powerful wizard, to take you on as an errand boy. Everyone can use a good errand boy. Prove yourself useful to him, and he might let teach you a thing or two about magic. You tell us anything you think we need to know about the city and the people, and you'll earn a place with us.


Dusty Dragon
Unaware of Primus' message, Kalorn muttered

"Steady boy. I know this looks like a pickle, but I'm already thinking of ways out for you. Just don't do anything dumb. Besides, looks like more silver coming your way - and more at the end too."


Luko nodded and tucked his hands away.

Their business being mostly decided, Imani's Agents left the Host Tower and the urchin led them to a posh tavern as part of their cover-story. "Posh" by Luskan standards would not have measured up in Waterdeep and Mord's cover character would naturally complain about everything. The others worked out their 'bodyguard' characters over lunch and they called for the best coach that could be hired.

The coach had special permission to cross the Harbour Cross Bridge (usually exclusive to Ship members) and took the group back to the north side of the icy River Mirar and it rolled up to the gates of the Mirabar Shield trade-post. The walled compound had many guards, mostly dwarves, and they opened the gate cautiously.

A tough looking Mirren dwarf with a wide, blonde beard and a greying braid which hung down his back, stepped forward and said, "State yer business in the 'Shield, friends, an' I'll direct ye ta the right plaice."


Dusty Dragon
During the day, Kalorn had paid Luko 3 more silver pieces - once per location. He also spoke to him in low tones

"Now boy, you could do the dumb play. Run back to your gang, tell them about the money. It's a bad idea and you know it, it's just going to end in lots of bloodshed.

But... there are other plays. The simplest one is... the almost truth. You soon saw we meant business. Hardened warriors, magic users, business with the Tower. People to keep *away* from your gang. The fact that those people paid well, and maybe that you managed to snag something valuable on the way out... just bonus right? You might get a thumping out for that, and that bauble they'll take from you... but they'll take you back"

He rubbed his ill shaved chin, and fixed Luko with bloodshot eyes

"But it's just short term. You might decide not to go back to them now - but you need an exit, some kind of plan. You're too young yet to run out on your own. Maybe we can help with that. But if you decide to stay with them... remember, you can't stay forever. Because sooner or later your gang *is* going to bite on the wrong target and ... the end. This is no life boy" He punctuated with a harsh cutting gesture from the hand.

Later, at the dwarven enclave, Kalorn replied

"We are here for trade. My employer wishes to purchase copper. Lots of it"

Voidrunner's Codex

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