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D&D 5E (IC) Rise of the Dracolich


The shadows of the carriage hid quite a lot of the visitor who had come to deal. He seemed to be ignoring the dwarf, but as he spoke to the others in the carriage, his hand danced momentarily into the sunlight. Upon this hand, for all to see was a signet ring with a stooping hawk emblazoned upon the turquoise setting. The lordling glanced outside for a moment, as the dwarf seemed to take his time. (About 2 seconds) "Grendal, what is taking so long? I simply MUST see this 'sheathing' for myself!"

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After receiving their directions, the carriage moved along to the business in in question. Simply disembarking from the carriage was a bit of a procession as a pair of servants hopped down and moved to either side of the door. One of them opened it and stood aside to allow the tall, slender man step forth. He was obviously a noble of some sort. The same heraldry was emblazoned in a few places about his person, a hawk in flight above a ship on a field of blue. Following him out, a priest an another two servants came. One carried a lockbox, which bore with some caution. A moment later, the noble strode into the business with his entourage, being announced as Sir Gregory Hawkshroud. He didn't look particularly knightly, but bore himself with the the arrogance of one who usually got what he wanted.

Being so obviously important he was swiftly offered a meeting with the owner of the operation where he explained that his family owned a fleet of merchant ships based out of Waterdeep. They were looking for a way to get an edge on their competition and he'd heard some amazing things about the copper sheathing that could be found in Luskan. So here he was, looking to buy ten tons of the stuff with which to fit out some of his ships as a test. If successful, they'd be more than happy to get their entire fleet worked up.

When informed that the sheets were already spoken for, he exclaimed that this simply wouldn't do. He waved his servant up and they opened the lockbox to show the Waterdhavien coinage. "Would you rather have gold in hand, or a promise in the wind? I'd much rather cut a deal than go home empty handed, but if I can't buy them now, I shan't return."

As they negotiated he occasionally took a moment to confer in whispers with his priest, who seemed to be advising him about certain matters.



The negotiator was a Mirabarran human named Dravorn, who kept his hair and beard in the dwarven style. He spoke with anaccent that was a mix of northerner with dwarven intonation and he began by informing the nobleman that he could only part with two tons (enough to sheath one mid-sized ship's hull, he promised) and that any more would negatively effect his reputation as a trader.

OOC: @Prickly Pear, give me your own Insight check to advise.

Prickly Pear

Sesto followed Sir Gregory Hawkshroud at a close distance. He was dressed in his best priestly garments that ought to be fit for a nobles advisor. His alb was white as snow and the chasuble was cinnabar decorated with symbols in gold. The stole was a matching red.
Sesto listened carefully to the negotiation, looking out for intonations and facial expressions on Dravorn that might hide non-friendly intentions. Was he truthful? Sesto occasionally whispered advice to Mord.



Sesto judged that the negotiator was ambitious and could be swayed with false promises. The priest of Lathander found it distasteful as he listened to Mord make promises of much future business for the Mirabarrens in Waterdeep - that this transaction was just the first of many, but he kept it to himself. Their overall mission was more important than a disappointed merchant house.

In the end, Dravorn agreed to the request and details of the transfer were quickly hammered out. It was tough negotiating and they had done well, but no so well as to have much in the way of funds left over.

As Imani's agents left in their hire-coach, Mord held only five remaining Harbour Moons. (250 gp)

Prickly Pear

Sesto did not enjoy being part of series of lies but the negotiations had ended well. Now they would be able to learn the whereabouts of Maccath the Crimson and maybe get hold of the horn.


Lord hawkshroud smiled as he shook hands with Dravorn. The man was a shrewd negotiator and it had taken every bit of Mords cunning and a lot of advise from Sesto to pull it off. As they settled into the coach and rolled away, he grimaced for a moment. "I hate this face..."

Realizing he'd spoken, he frowned in annoyance. Then he cast the spell to return to his normal outward appearance. "It seems I've let something slip in my annoyance. It would be best to keep this to yourselves. There are powerful people searching for me and their motives are not so pristine as they might claim..."


When they returned to the Host-Tower, they were not greeted by Andruss the Dusk. Instead, a servant directed them to a floating platform that raised them high into the central tower. In a large chamber adorned with only a few tapestries depicting large, open underground caverns, they were met by a severe-looking dark elf in black robes. The Drow Archmage's amber eyes sized up each of Imani's Agents individually as he spoke to the point, "You find yourselves in the presence of Gromph Baenre, Grand High Archmage of the Arcane Brotherhood. I understand that your employer, a Sage called Imani, has made a bargain with one of our number, Maccath the Crimson. In exchange for your services, you were promised the use of the Draakhorn."

He paused to judge any reaction to his words, his face expressionless.


Dusty Dragon
Kalorn had found the negotiation caper to be more entertaining than he had expected. All he had to do was behave almost exactly the same as he would have normally. The best lie was the truth. He gave Lukko another silver coin - the job wasn't done yet.

Kalorn's expression grew grimmer as they were brought to the very center of the tower. *Another* wizard? Ugh. A dark elf to boot. What did *this* mage want? Fetch something most likely. Oh he was well informed ... he... he hadn't actually *asked* anything had he?

"Kalorn" he rasped. Might as well be polite.


Mord studied the Archmage just as stoicly. He wasn't terribly surprised to not see Andruss again. Either he had been a gatekeeper to draw a favor from them before being granted an audience, or an opportunist, looking to take advantage of their visit. In either case, he was now attempting to avoid paying for services rendered.

"You may call me Mord. Your information is correct, though we do have some small unfinished business with your Andruss the Dusk now as well. A simple matter of payment for services rendered. As for our primary mission, I can contact Imami at need should you wish to confer with him on this matter."

Voidrunner's Codex

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