D&D 5E (IC) Rise of the Dracolich


I have to be able to see them and they need to be within 60 ft. I can teleport them to a spot I can see within one mile.

Right. But it's an action, right? So next round (you used your action to move the eye this round).

Question, is the dragon walking himself off in an area where it wouldn’t be able to easily escape if we all teleported next to it? Is there a floor under it, or is it in the air?

Yeah, it's on the ground ATM, but it hasn't acted this round (though I may just have it stay if it doesn't recharge it's breath). It's about halfway up the ridge, so there's not even ground to surround it, and it's got its wall-of-ice surrounding part of it, but there's room for chaos, sure. All moot if it recharges it's breath weapon though... then it'll probably fly out and kill everyone...

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Right. But it's an action, right? So next round (you used your action to move the eye this round).

Yeah, it's on the ground ATM, but it hasn't acted this round (though I may just have it stay if it doesn't recharge it's breath). It's about halfway up the ridge, so there's not even ground to surround it, and it's got its wall-of-ice surrounding part of it, but there's room for chaos, sure. All moot if it recharges it's breath weapon though... then it'll probably fly out and kill everyone...

OOC: Yeah. It’s an action. I’ve gotta wait till the next round to do the teleportation. Let’s hope it’ll last one more round...


Dusty Dragon
Kalorn found himself, once again, far from any foe. This fight was a disaster, although he was glad to see that Alhana had shaken off her dragon fear or whatever, and that Sesto was back up. Perhaps there was still a chance?

Out of the gloom, Lorenn appeared. "grab a lift grandpa!" Kalorn snarled but grabbed on to the flying contraption anyway, which groaned and lurched under his weight. Lorenn dropped him off near a skragg and veered off. Kalorn grumbled, seeing himself facing the Skrag alone. "Thanks for the help" he muttered sarcastically. "Anytime! You said to spread out!" shot back Lorenn, as a burning ball of flame hurled forward and hit the scragg

Lorenn: Action: Give a lift to Kalorn
Bonus action: Flaming sphere onto T41 Scragg (save DC is 14)
flaming sphere damage: 2D6 = [6, 6] = 12

Kalorn lifted his blade - time to test this giant slayer out...

attacks vs scragg: 1D20+8 = [2]+8 = 10
1D20+8 = [11]+8 = 19

(I'm pretty sure the first attack missed but I'll roll damage anyway

first and second attack dmg vs scragg, bonus damage due to giant slayer: 4D6+5 = [6, 4, 2, 4]+5 = 21
4D6+5 = [5, 5, 4, 1]+5 = 20

(because of fighting style, reroll 1 and 2s)
d6 rerolls: 1D6 = [4] = 4
1D6 = [4] = 4

Final damage: Attack 1: 23; Attack 2: 23

Kalorn broke in a thin smile -the sword worked!

Kalorn of Mulmaster, the cursed sell-sword (Fighter(eldrich knight) 3/Warlock(hexblade) 5; alt-human, soldier)
HP: 63/63, Hit dice: 3/3 fighter, 4/5 warlock
AC: 16 Temp AC:
Passive Perception 15
Saves: Str: +5, Dex: -1, Con: +5, 2Int: +0 , Wis: +2, Cha: +4
Warlock slots remaining = 0/2. EK slots remaining = 2/2
Action surge = 0/1. Second wind = 1/1, hexblade curse = 1/1
Potions of healing remaining: 6
Last edited:


Western Lair

Having torched the drowned troll, Loklafd moved toward the ice-shelf to climb down to where he could see Sesto's light and more undead trolls moving through the mists. Oggsbruff leaped off the ledge and the big troll and one of the undead creatures tore into one another, neither falling, but both looking near the end. Alhana and Sesto helped him, with the archer putting an arrow into the undead and the cleric sending his flying mace, and a prayer.

Then Sesto had his own troubles, as out of the fog came another undead troll. The two remaining berserkers came to his aid, though for the moment there was more running than there was fighting. Similarly, Oogabooga, who was no longer struck with the slowing magic, chased down another undead troll while his brother very slowly threw a chunk of ice, which slowly missed and slid along the floor.

Lorenn picked up Kalorn and he dropped him a level up on the ice-shelf while driving his rolling flames into the undead troll who was searching for Primus. Kalorn had the advantage of higher ground, and he plunged his giant-slaying sword into the creature, very nearly finishing it off. Unfortunately, it reached out for him and got him by his good leg, scratching and biting at him.

Primus was aware of most of this, as he focused on finding the Dracolich. He found the creature on the other side of the spine-of-ice that bisected the lair. The dragon was building a fort of ice from which to defend itself, and a dense, swirling fog filled the walled space, obscuring the area.

Loklafd did 4 & 6 (torch) damage & moved to (AN32)
Alhana did 18 (bow) damage to Skragg2 & moved to (AS31)
Oggsbruff moved to (AG31) & did 14 (claw) & 6 (bite) damage to Skragg2 (resisted)
Sesto moved to (AI41) & did 11 (toll) damage to Skragg2
& moved i]Spiritual Weapon[/i] to (AF33) & missed
Berserker1 dashed to (AH40)
Berserker3 dashed to (AH36)
Primus moved his Eye to (AP50) & moved to (AK37)
Oodnadatta missed (ice hunk) & moved (slowed) to (BN36)
Oogabooga dashed to (BD40)
Lorenn carried Kalorn to (AP37)
& rolled flaming sphere to (AS42) doing 6 (fire) to Skragg3
moved to (AU40) & did 23 (sword) damage to Skragg3
Skragg2 moved to (AG32) did 14 & 13 (claw) damage to Oggsbruff
did 14 & 13 (claw) & 8 (bite) damage to Kalorn
dashed to (AG41)
Skragg5 dashed (slowed) to (BB40)
Icy Death fails to recharge his breath & keeps building ice fort
Lair fills Dracolich's ice-fort with Freezing Fog


GM: Encounter: Imani's Agents & Oggsbruff vs Old Icy Death in his Lair on Oyaviggaton

(BGs)IcyDeath (AN55); Skragg1 (Dead); Sk2 (AG32); Sk3 (AT41); Sk4 (AG41); Sk5 (BB40)
(PCs)Alhana (AS31); Kalorn (AU40); Lorenn (AP37); Primus (AK37); Sesto (AI41)
(NPCs)Oggsbruff (AI32); Loklafd (AN32); Berserker1) (AH40); B3 (AH36);
(Spells) Sesto's Mace (AF33); Lorenn's Flaming Sphere (AS42); Primus Psychic Eye (AP50)
Encounter: Mord & Ice Trolls vs Cult of the Dragon in East Lair of Oyaviggaton

(BGs)Arrufel (CQ28); Skragg6 (Dead)
(BGs)DF1 (CM25); DF2 (CS34); DW1 (CL33); DW2 (CN32); DW3 (CQ33); DW4 (Dead);
(PCs)Mord (BX41); (NPCs)MT1 (CE36); MT2 (Dead);
(Trolls)Sargloth (CM33); Blurcho (CS35); Oodna (BN36); IT3 (CO33); IT4 (CT33)
Visibility (Dark & Foggy) Darkvision 60'=40' (120'=80'), Light (Sesto & Loklafd) 30'ra (15/15).
Terrain Difficult (Everywhere) (Crampons/Claws ignore) (Slide w/ dc11 Acrobatics).
Elevation 8' per colour (darker at bottom) (Down = 15' move; Up = 15' & dc15 Athletics)
(See OOC post#1034 for details)
Name * AC * HP * Hit Dice * PasPrc * Spells * (Notes)
Alhana AC17 HP 31/68 HD 8/8 PP14* 2W 0/1 (No Fear)
Kalorn AC16(21)* HP 30/63 THP 0/5 HD 8/8 PP15 WSS 1/2 EKSS 2/2 (No Fear)
Lorenn AC17(20) HP 54/54 HD 8/8 PP14* SS 2/4 1/3 3/3 Song 2/2 (Mirror)
Mord AC14 HP 45/51 HD 8/8 PP11* SS 2/2
Primus AC12(16) HP 35/59 HD 8/8 PP19 Psi(6) 25/44 (No Fear)
Sesto AC18* HP 48/59 HD 8/8 PP15 SS 4/4 2/3 2/3 1/2 CD 1/2 (Light, No Fear)
Loklafd AC14 HP 15/58 HD 9/9 PP12 (No Fear)
Eko AC11 HP 0/1 PP13* (Gone)
Sooty AC12 HP 0/1 PP11* (Gone)
Mordtroll1 AC12 HP 18/39 PP9*
Mordtroll2 AC12 HP 0/39 PP9* (Destroyed)
KoboldZombies AC9 HP 0/13 PP8* (Destroyed)
Oggsbruff AC17 HP 13/105 PP13* (No Fear)
Sargloth AC18 HP 10/84 PP12* (Regen on)
Oogabooga AC16 HP 84/84 PP12* (Not Slowed)
Blurcho AC16 HP 50/84 PP12*
Oodnadatta AC16 HP 84/84 PP12* (Slowed)
Ice Troll3 AC16 HP 83/84 PP12*
Ice Troll4 AC16 HP 84/84 PP12*
Berserker1 AC13 HP 9/67 (No Fear, Ex2)
Berserker3 AC13 HP 4/67 (Fear, Ex1)
Name * Damage Taken * (Notes)
Old Icy Death 68;
Wyrmsoul Arrufel 100;
Dragonfang1 0; DF2 88 (Dead);
Dragonwing1 0; DW2 0; DW3 0; DW4 38 (Dead);
Skragg1 86 (Dead); Sk2 80; Sk3 53; Sk4 0; Sk5 68; Sk6 82 (Dead);
End Round Nine; Begin Round Ten


Dusty Dragon
OOC: Note: Kalorn has Armor of Agathy up. The scrag takes 15 points of cold damage twice (the first attack isn't strong enough to bring the spell down). ... if it's able to take cold damage that is. (I know this may not be the best spell vs these foes, but Kalorn doesn't have a long list of protective spells).

If it does take damage, this may kill it before all the hits land. Kalorn will also take 15 less damage because of the protection afforded by the spell.


Primus glances around and mentally reaches out to the people around him. “Time to move! I’m going to get us above the dragon!! Don’t resist! He’ll be below us, so be ready to attack!”

With that, he grabbed six of them and shunted them in the space between worlds.

When they all appeared, that were above the dragon on the ledge.

OOC: Imma hold off on the Truesight, as that’s a lot of points. I’m down to 18. I need to conserve them for big blasts, and the dragon will just auto save those at the moment.

Me and six people teleport above the dragon.


Loklafd suddenly found himself on top of a ridge over an oddly square-shaped pocket of mist. He could see the swirls inside as if of something large moving around in it. He wasn't sure what the cause was, bit decided to try and shed some light on the situation. Not wanting to risk their only light source, he hurled only one of the torches into the mist, hoping mainly to illuminate the dracolich, but also aiming to strike it. Then he drew a javelin.

Thrown torch: 1d20+1 4 1d4+1 5
disadvantage: 1d20+1 6
Horrible throw, but I had no illusiins of doing anything truly significant. He definitely shouldn't be trying to go down to fight. He'd freeze on first contact with the mist.


The fog was thick, cloying, and very nearly impenetrable. Loklafd's torch briefly showed the barest outline of a large, skeletal shape before disappearing into the mist.

OOC: Disadvantage on attacks, but you can tell that the dragon is definitely there.


Dusty Dragon
Kalorn felt Primus's contact and - grudgingly - allowed himself to be taken by the magic. He was taken aback by the result - this was no quick passage via an alternate dimension, or a lacuna in space connecting two points, but a startling dissolution and reconstitution - what on earth was this power?!?

He was in fog. Briefly he saw a torch fly by, illuminating the dragon. There would be time to ponder Primus's powers later, if he survived....

He pointed his sword to the drake. "I, Kalorn, curse you, with one voice. Thus". He advanced and hacked at the creature's bony leg, hoping to sheer it off at the knee

Kalorn attack vs drake with disadvantage. first 2 roll is first attack, 2nd are 2nd attack: 1D20+8 = [7]+8 = 15
1D20+8 = [15]+8 = 23
1D20+8 = [18]+8 = 26
1D20+8 = [7]+8 = 15

OOC: something tells me that AC 15 won't cut it and rolling for damage is complicated for this character, so I'll skip. Also, checked math on HP given discussion on armor of agathy, I think it should be 39?

Kalorn of Mulmaster, the cursed sell-sword (Fighter(eldrich knight) 3/Warlock(hexblade) 5; alt-human, soldier)
HP: 39/63, Hit dice: 3/3 fighter, 4/5 warlock
Temp HP: 0
AC: 16 Temp AC:
Passive Perception 15
Saves: Str: +5, Dex: -1, Con: +5, 2Int: +0 , Wis: +2, Cha: +4
Warlock slots remaining = 0/2. EK slots remaining = 2/2
Action surge = 0/1. Second wind = 1/1, hexblade curse = 0/1
Potions of healing remaining: 6 [/soiler]

Voidrunner's Codex

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