D&D 5E (IC) Scourge of Daggerford


Angis Honack
Floshin Estates/Main Gate roof
Round 1

Angis saw the horde of orcs charging after Escella and Tommi. “‘Urry it up,” he urged them quietly into his beard as he lined up his bow on the largest target, the ogre. It was a long shot, but maybe he could give them. pause and buy his two companions a few seconds.

The crossbow wire twanged, and Angis was already cranking the string back and loading another bolt, grinning as he heard the wail of pain from the ogre he’d just hit.


1d6 Inspiration die (99r)

Mounted Crossbow: +6 2d6 100/400
Bolts: 58
Bolts used: 1

Marauding gnolls (Ardeep Forest, noble hunting party hostage)
Orcs in the north (Harpshield Castle, Floshin Estate, Newfield)
Lizardfolk with steel weapons and armor (Rock Tower, Crom’s Hold)

Free Object Interaction:
Action: Attack nearest ogre
Mounted crossbow range disadvantage: 2D20.LOW(1)+6 = [19, 9]+6 = 15
2D6 = [2, 4] = 6

Bonus Action:
Horde Breaker:
Reaction: Opportunity Attack
Hunter’s Mark (if needed):

Initiative: +1
Perception: +5
Speed: 30
AC: 14/15 (dual wield)
HP: 49/49 HD: 5/5d10+2

Bolts: 51
Bolts used:
Handaxes: 2/2

1) 4/4 Absorb Elements, Cure Wounds, Hunter’s Mark
2) 2/2 Pass Without Trace
4/4 Boon of the Elk. Can cast Knock four times (without the loud sound) as an Action. Until he uses the last one, non-good aligned Fey count among his Favoured Enemies.

Vairar - elven cleric
Tommi - human rogue urban bounty hunter
Dandin - halfling bard guild merchant
Enseth - warforged war cleric shield guardian
Angis Honack - dwarven ranger outlander merchant
Titus - human Waterdhavian noble fighter
Lionel - halfling rogue folk hero
Escella - Human sorcerer

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Dandin decided to speak up, using the elven language as well. "Vairar, I know we haven't known each other that long, but I'm surprised at you. Even I know that something like this is sacred to your people. Don't ever sacrifice on your beliefs just to win. That's how you become the villain in your own story."

Vairar turns toward Dandin, his (fairly quiet) discussion with the elf interrupted. He sighs.
"Dandin, you must understand that 800 years is NOT a long time. I mean, sure, even elves know it is not quick. If you said to someone this was planted by my mother that would be what? Thirty years? Fifty? It is less time than it takes an elf to grow out of childhood. And the tree would already be imposing. The trees are valuable and take time to grow, yes, but elven lives matter more than trees.

I agree with you, it would be a shame to sacrifice them, but I have no will to sacrifice my beliefs. Orcs need killing. The trees can help. Although since they are already close, we don't really have time to do it properly. This here field will have to suffice.

Please do NOT doubt my conviction and do NOT presume what is and isn't sacred to us. I am a priest of Winged Mother, she of highest peaks, of coldest winds and unlimited freedom. But even other elves don't hold them sacred in a divine sense, we just hold deep reverence for things enduring in time."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
But then he turned on the other elf, his ire rising at the things he'd said about the Daggerfordians. "And you! So rude! I've met Prince Alagarthas and dined with your lord and lady. None of them are nearly as disrespectful as your words just now."

"You may be old, and have a lot of experience fighting orcs. But that doesn't give you the right to treat us as inferiors. You don't have to like it, but Lord Darfin has asked for our help. So maybe you should focus that anger on the enemies rather than on the people who are here to help you. Now..."

Dandin's words cut off at the sound of a not so distant battle cry. With a frown, he moves to the nearest unoccupied arrow slit. "Think they saw Escella?" He asked, not knowing that Tommi had snuck out to scout as well.
The elf stopped and turned along with Vairar so Dandin now has two grave elves looking at him.
Sargeant shakes his head.
"You are of course right, warrior. I fought rarely among less...erm...nature oriented races. I apologize for my ignoble speech, we have to work together to survive this. And nothing brings people together better than killing orcs. But Vairar is also right, what people think they know about the elves is often a fabrication."
One cannot escape the impression that "less" with the pause was supposed to be lesser races, but he did recover from faux pas fairly well. And he does seem gratified with Dandins support for the trees.

As the sounds of orcs reach them he goes into combat mode.
"People, man the holes. Move as soon as you shoot so others can join. Wyndaess, get your bow yonder and target the meanest one. Ignore the rabble. Priest, what can you do at range or here?"

IIRC, @MetaVoid complained at some point he has no ranged option - so...bless?

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Tommi had been seen, and Tommi had been running. It might almost have been funny, if he weren't the one presently running for his life. He felt the water still in his shoes, and he was inordinatlely proud that he had climbed the falls, even though it had led to this situation. Him, running for the gatehouse, and Escella compromised because he had been seen.

On the roof of the building that he approached, he could see the crossbow mounted. This is where they would make their stand. The stonework was solid, the arrow slits a solid defensive position. Behind the battlements he could see some elves getting into position. No doubt there were others there too.

And the gate was open, waiting for him and Escella to find safety within the walls. Angis beckoning them in to safety.

Tommi looked, and he knew that inside he would be able to contribute nothing. What might he do outside? He didn't know. But at least here he could do something, and so he turned, veering left as he ran into the cover of the trees and then makes his way back, towards the approaching army.

OOC: Tommi is hiding, and hoping to get to the rear of the advancing forces. Is everything Green difficult terrain, or only the trees?

If just the trees: Move+Hide+Move = 60' will get him apparently into the tree at AA24, but in fact at the tree at AJ 25. Hide = 1d20+5=20.

If any thing Green is difficult: the same sequence, but to the tree at the bottom, AC 28.

Escella rushes for the gatehouse door when she spies Vairar on the roof casting a spell. It washes over her. She hears Tommi behind her dash off into the woods and hesitates for a second continuing for the door. Turning to take a glance, she sees where he has hidden himself and prays Tymora is with him. She rushes through the door and takes a short breath as two of the elves secure the door. They don't need the help of her weak arms, she decides, before finding an arrow slit to share. To the sergeant, whom she knows is rolling his eyes at her, she says, "I'd tell you how many are coming, but you can obviously see that now."

Actions: double move
Perception: 1D20+8 = [19]+8 = 27 to notice Tommi (and anything else that might be important).


OOC: I forgot to mention...

While Sergeant Ryallan had been arguing, then making peace with the Daggerfordians, one of the Sun Elf Guards had been making sure that they had whatever they needed. He offered Vairar a spot to hang his shield by the door, in case he needed it when things got close, and a longbow if he desired to use one. In addition, he managed to produce some smaller bows, which he referred to as "children's bows" (though he did not mean it unkindly - it's what they were to the elves). He offered one to Dandin, and another to Lionel. Next to each of the arrow-loops quivers hung from steel pegs. The elf guards instructed their allies with a quick drill on how to move up to the loop, fire an arrow (or two) and move out of the way while grabbing arrows from the hanging quivers.

This, they were practicing, when Escella and Tommi came running around the bend in the road in the growing light of dawn while calling them to be ready.


Angis Honack
Floshin Estates/Main Gate roof
Round 1

Angis watched with satisfaction as his large crossbow bolt caught an ogre. While he reloaded, he noticed Tommi veering off and shook his head. “Fool boy. Get a guid, strong stone wall b’tween ye an’ a horde o’ orcs,” he muttered as he reloaded the crossbow. “Ain’t nae one t’ come t’ yuir rescue, boy, when ye get in trouble.”


Bless (10r): attacks and saves +1d4 (10r)
1d6 Inspiration die (99r)

Mounted Crossbow: +6 2d6 100/400
Bolts: 58
Bolts used: 1

Marauding gnolls (Ardeep Forest, noble hunting party hostage)
Orcs in the north (Harpshield Castle, Floshin Estate, Newfield)
Lizardfolk with steel weapons and armor (Rock Tower, Crom’s Hold)

Free Object Interaction:
Action: Attack nearest ogre

Bonus Action:
Horde Breaker:
Reaction: Opportunity Attack
Hunter’s Mark (if needed):

Initiative: +1
Perception: +5
Speed: 30
AC: 14/15 (dual wield)
HP: 49/49 HD: 5/5d10+2

Bolts: 51
Bolts used:
Handaxes: 2/2

1) 4/4 Absorb Elements, Cure Wounds, Hunter’s Mark
2) 2/2 Pass Without Trace
4/4 Boon of the Elk. Can cast Knock four times (without the loud sound) as an Action. Until he uses the last one, non-good aligned Fey count among his Favoured Enemies.

Vairar - elven cleric
Tommi - human rogue urban bounty hunter
Dandin - halfling bard guild merchant
Enseth - warforged war cleric shield guardian
Angis Honack - dwarven ranger outlander merchant
Titus - human Waterdhavian noble fighter
Lionel - halfling rogue folk hero
Escella - Human sorcerer


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Elves take positions on the arrow slits and shoot. But the first round totally dissapoints. It seems they are not used to move after each shot and the rotation doesn't suit them. The elves are creatures of patience and once they set in their bow stance (which takes time) they are not to be moved.

The arrows fall among the advancing horde, but not one orc so much as staggers.

The exception is their sargeant whos first arrow flies true and embedds itself in the orc rider. But this one is made of sterner stuff and one arrow is not about to kill it.



The horde charged forward while arrows flew from one side to the other. Most did not find their mark; the range was long, the light dim, and the targets moving (on the one side) and behind solid stone (on the other).

Most of the orcs ignored Tommi, had they seen him at all, as he climbed into the branches of a short, but thickly-grown old tree. Its gnarled trunk and limbs provided easy hand-holds for him to get up, and its thick growth provided much cover for him to hide in. ORB5 flew over to join him. The curious little orb was in stealth-mode: Its usual little lights were out and its usual buzzing and squeaking were silent. Tommi found it a great comfort to have a friend nearby, strange as it was.

An orc archer stopped running not far from the tree, and she scanned the branches, looking for them. Tommi could feel his heart beating and he held his breath, but the orc couldn't see him.

Angis saw his quarrel strike the ogre and he began to reload. He was glad for his bale of hay, as an arrow that was flying for him struck it and lost all momentum before bouncing off the mounted crossbow.

An elf guard fired out the arrow-loop and then moved aside for Lionel to take the position as arrows clattered off the stonework outside. Lionel wondered just how safe he would be peeking out. The arrow loop was narrow, to be sure, but it was not impossible for an arrow to find its way through. As Lionel peeked out, one struck the edge and he ducked reflexively. The elf guard nodded grimly to him in support.

Viarar chanted blessings to the others as he held the door open for Escella. When Tommi failed to arrive, he closed the door and they sealed it tight.

GM: Resolutions
Angis did 6 (xbow) to Ogre
inspired Angis
Lionel readied
Tommi hid (dc20)
Vairar blessed Angis, Escella, & Ryallan
Ol'Sooty waited
Sgt.Ryallan did 15 (bow) to OAR
SunElf Guard1
missed (bow)
SunElf Guard2 missed (bow)
SunElf Guard3 missed (bow)
ORB5 flew, hid (dc14)
Auroch dashed
OrcAurochRider rode
DireBoar1 dashed
DireBoar2 dashed
DireBoarRider1 rode
DireBoarRider2 rode
Ogre dashed
Ogress dashed
OrcEyeofGruumsh dashed
Orog1 dashed
Orog2 dashed
OrcArcher1 failed to spot Tommi
OrcArcher3 missed
OrcArcher4 missed
OrcArcher5 missed
Orc1 dashed
Orc2 dashed
Orc3 dashed
Orc4 dashed
Orc5 dashed
Orc6 dashed
Orc7 dashed
Orc8 dashed
Orc9 dashed

Voidrunner's Codex

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