D&D 5E (IC) Scourge of Daggerford


GM: Encounter: Doughty Daggerfordians & Elf Guards vs Orc Attack at the Floshin Gate

(General Features) Difficult Terrain: the trees & bushes;
Elevation: Cliff (30 foot drop); Visibility: Dim light (dawn)
Name * AC * HP * Hit Dice * PasPrc * Spells * (Notes)
Angis AC14(15) HP 49/49 HD 5/5 PP15* SS 4/4 2/2
Dandin AC14 HP 31/31 HD 5/5 PP15 SS 4/4 BI 3/3
Escella AC14 HP 29/29 HD 5/5 PP18 SS 4/4 3/3 SP 4/4
Lionel AC14 HP 43/43 HD 5/5 PP14
Tommi AC14 HP 33/33 HD 5/5 PP17
Vairar AC18*(20*) HP 38/38 HD 5/5 PP13* SS 4/4 3/3 2/2
ORB5 AC13(18) HP 10/10 PP14* Shock+4,1d8; SS 3/3 fly60
Ol'Sooty AC16 HP 20/20 PP13*
Sgt Ryallan (EEG) AC15 HP 52 PP14* AE 3/3
SunElf Guards AC16 HP 16ea PP12*
-SEG1 HP 16/16; SEG2 HP 16/16; SEG3 HP 16/16
Name * AC * HP * PP * (Notes)
Auroch AC13 HP 38/38 PP11
OrcAurochRider AC16 HP37/52 PP13*
DireBoars AC14 PP8*
-DB1 42/42; DB2 42/42
OrcBoarRiders AC15 PP11*
-OBR1 32/32; OBR2 32/32
Ogres AC11 PP8*
-Ogre 53/59; Ogress 59/59
OrcEye AC16; HP 45/45 PP11*
Orogs AC18 PP10*
-Orog1 42/42; Orog2 42/42
OrcArchers AC13 PP13*
-OA1 16/16; OA2 16/16; OA3 16/16;
-OA4 16/16; OA5 16/16;
Orcs AC15 PP10*
-O1 15/15; O2 15/15; O3 15/15;
-O4 15/15; O5 15/15; O6 15/15;
-O7 15/15; O8 15/15; O9 15/15;
GM: End Round One; Begin Round Two

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
The whirring of Orb5 above Tommi makes him smile. In amongst the tree branches and their rich foliage, it appears to disappear. Tommi holds his breath, and watches the attackers march past him.

OOC: No new action for this turn -- is it sufficient for stealth to "let it ride" or do we re-roll each turn? In any case: no move; continue to hide; dodge if anyone sees him.


Angis Honack
Floshin Estates/Main Gate roof
Round 2

Angis took aim again, sending another of the oversized crossbow bolts at the male ogre again, ignoring the arrows falling around him. It hit the ogre, but didn’t seem to penetrate as far into its blubbery hide.


Bless: attacks and saves +1d4 (9r)
1d6 Inspiration die (98r)

Mounted Crossbow: +6 2d6 100/400
Bolts: 58
Bolts used: 1

Marauding gnolls (Ardeep Forest, noble hunting party hostage)
Orcs in the north (Harpshield Castle, Floshin Estate, Newfield)
Lizardfolk with steel weapons and armor (Rock Tower, Crom’s Hold)

Free Object Interaction:
Action: Attack nearest ogre
Mounted crossbow bless: 1D20+6+1D4 = [17]+6+[2] = 25
2D6 = [3, 1] = 4

Bonus Action:
Horde Breaker:
Reaction: Opportunity Attack
Hunter’s Mark (if needed):

Initiative: +1
Perception: +5
Speed: 30
AC: 14/15 (dual wield)
HP: 49/49 HD: 5/5d10+2

Bolts: 51
Bolts used:
Handaxes: 2/2

1) 4/4 Absorb Elements, Cure Wounds, Hunter’s Mark
2) 2/2 Pass Without Trace
4/4 Boon of the Elk. Can cast Knock four times (without the loud sound) as an Action. Until he uses the last one, non-good aligned Fey count among his Favoured Enemies.

Vairar - elven cleric
Tommi - human rogue urban bounty hunter
Dandin - halfling bard guild merchant
Enseth - warforged war cleric shield guardian
Angis Honack - dwarven ranger outlander merchant
Titus - human Waterdhavian noble fighter
Lionel - halfling rogue folk hero
Escella - Human sorcerer


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Orc auroch rider is shot for 17
Orc Archer 1 is hit for 9

The quick barrage of arrows continues and this time, one of the elf guards actually scored a telling hit.
Their sergeant continues with slower, but more powerful hits, grouping his two shots in the chest of the orc leader

"Guards, get those archers! And keep an eye out for any casters. You know what to do!"


Prickly Pear

Lionel has trouble reaching up to the arrow slit. You elves are too tall and don't build for small people, he muttered to the sergeant, as he placed a large log from beside the fire place under the arrow slit. That's better, he said when he stood up on the log. He took careful aim at the ogre and let the bolt go. He then stepped aside and let the sergeant have a shot while Lionel was reloading the crossbow.

I will roll for two attacks, one for round one and one for round two (if that's ok?).
Round 1
Bonus Action: Insightful Fighting — Wisdom (Insight) check: 1D20+7 = [4]+7 = 11
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to decipher an opponent’s tactics and develop a counter to them. As a bonus action, you make a Wisdom (Insight) check against a creature you can see that isn’t incapacitated, contested by the target’s Charisma (Deception) check. If you succeed, you can use your Sneak Attack against that target even if you don't have advantage on the attack roll, but not if you have disadvantage on it.
This benefit lasts for 1 minute or until you successfully use this feature against a different target.
Action: Light crossbow attack and damage: 1D20+7 = [18]+7 = 25
1D8+4 = [4]+4 = 8
and Sneak attack: 3D6 = [6, 4, 3] = 13, if applicable.

Round 2
Bonus Action: Only if the first round failed. Insightful Fighting —Wisdom (Insight) check: 1D20+7 = [4]+7 = 11
Action: Light crossbow attack and damage: 1D20+7 = [2]+7 = 9
1D8+4 = [2]+4 = 6
and Sneak attack: 3D6 = [1, 3, 3] = 7, if applicable, but I think this is a miss. 😟


As the orcs charged forward, the defenders took turns firing arrows from the arrow-loops. The ogre took the brunt of the fire, and though the large brute looked like a pin-cushion, with arrows sticking out all over, he did not fall. The beast riders sank low in their saddles as they charged forward. The orcs covered a surprising stretch of ground in a short time, and some were able to throw a volley of javelins. As Dandin was retreating to his place near the north tower's fireplace, to let the elf guard take a turn, a javelin flew through the arrow-loop, struck the stone of the floor, and flipped over, striking him across the cheek with the flat side leaving a welt.

It was worse at the south tower: The elf guard was struck in the side by a javelin. Though her armour stopped the tip from going in, it nearly knocked the wind out of her. As she was leaning against the wall wheezing, Lionel tried to look out and a javelin struck him as well, knocking him back. A rain of arrows struck about the arrow-loop's opening, but none came inside.

On the roof, Angis was reloading his crossbow as arrows struck into his hay bale. He was glad for its protection, but his thoughts turned dark as he considered that it would only be a matter of time before one made its way over.

Out there, in a tree, Tommi stayed quiet and still, watching the orc archer move around the tree. The archer peered up into the branches searching for him. Suddenly the archer drew and fired two arrows in quick succession. But the movement it had spotted was ORB5, not Tommi, and the little orb was struck once as it tried to dodge. It made a squeaking noise that sounded to Tommi like a cry, but it seemed that it was still intact.

Just inside the door, Vairar could see through a nearby arrow-loop that some orcs had come up. They would be trying to break through soon enough.

GM: Resolutions
Angis did 5 (xbow) to Ogre
did 5 (bow) to Ogre
did 11 & 5 (EB) to Ogre
did 8 (xbow) to Ogre
hiding (dc20); readied to dodge
Vairar did ??
Ol'Sooty waited
Sgt.Ryallan did 9 (bow) to OA1 & 8 to OAR
SunElf Guard1
missed (bow)
SunElf Guard2 did 9 (bow crit) to OAR
SunElf Guard3
missed (bow)
ORB5 hiding (dc14); dodged
Auroch dashed
OrcAurochRider dodged
DireBoar1 dashed
DireBoar2 dashed
DireBoarRider1 dodged
DireBoarRider2 dodged
Ogre dashed
Ogress dashed
OrcEyeofGruumsh dashed
Orog1 missed (javelin) Dandin
Orog2 did 10 (javelin) to Lionel
OrcArcher1 did 5 (bow) to ORB5
OrcArcher2 missed
OrcArcher3 missed
OrcArcher4 missed
OrcArcher5 missed
Orc1 did 9 (javelin) to Dandin
Orc2 missed (javelin) Escella
Orc3 dashed
Orc4 dashed
Orc5 missed (javelin) Lionel
Orc6 did 8 (javelin) SEG3
Orc7 dashed
Orc8 dashed
Orc9 dashed


GM: Encounter: Doughty Daggerfordians & Elf Guards vs Orc Attack at the Floshin Gate

(General Features) Difficult Terrain: the trees & bushes;
Elevation: Cliff (30 foot drop); Visibility: Dim light (dawn)
Name * AC * HP * Hit Dice * PasPrc * Spells * (Notes)
Angis AC14(15) HP 49/49 HD 5/5 PP15* SS 4/4 2/2
Dandin AC14 HP 22/31 HD 5/5 PP15 SS 4/4 BI 3/3
Escella AC14 HP 29/29 HD 5/5 PP18 SS 4/4 3/3 SP 4/4
Lionel AC14 HP 33/43 HD 5/5 PP14
Tommi AC14 HP 33/33 HD 5/5 PP17
Vairar AC18*(20*) HP 38/38 HD 5/5 PP13* SS 4/4 3/3 2/2
(NPCs - Party)
ORB5 AC13(18) HP 5/10 PP14* Shock+4,1d8; SS 3/3 fly60
Ol'Sooty AC16 HP 20/20 PP13*
(NPCs - Manor)
Sgt Ryallan (EEG) AC15 HP 52 PP14* AE 3/3
SunElf Guards AC16 HP 16ea PP12*
-SEG1 HP 16/16; SEG2 HP 16/16; SEG3 HP 8/16
Name * AC * HP * PP * (Notes)
Auroch AC13 HP 38/38 PP11
OrcAurochRider AC16 HP20/52 PP13*
DireBoars AC14 PP8*
-DB1 42/42; DB2 42/42
OrcBoarRiders AC15 PP11*
-OBR1 32/32; OBR2 32/32
Ogres AC11 PP8*
-Ogre 19/59; Ogress 59/59
OrcEye AC16; HP 45/45 PP11*
Orogs AC18 PP10*
-Orog1 42/42; Orog2 42/42
OrcArchers AC13 PP13*
-OA1 7/16; OA2 16/16; OA3 16/16;
-OA4 16/16; OA5 16/16;
Orcs AC15 PP10*
-O1 6/15; O2 15/15; O3 15/15;
-O4 15/15; O5 15/15; O6 15/15;
-O7 15/15; O8 15/15; O9 15/15;
GM: End Round Two; Begin Round Three

Voidrunner's Codex

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