D&D 5E (IC) Scourge of Daggerford


Enseth & Angis

Enseth found a weak point in the barn's wall between the two growing fires. Time was more important than finesse, he calculated, and he smashed a large hole in the barn's wooden wall with his battering ram. Angis saw light through the smoke and headed for the hole. He had breathed in far too much smoke and his eyes were watering. His voice was gruffer than ever when he thanked Enseth, and he ducked as he moved to avoid goblin arrows.

As he left, he had seen the fire from the burning hay and the liquid that was pouring from the barrel move across the barn floor on a collision course... Suddenly the barn exploded in flames, with fire shooting out of the hole that Angis had come through, and out the loft door where Drui was still perched.

Damage Taken:
Angis, Enseth, & Drui: 13 Fire (6 if you make a dc12 Dex Save)
Drui: If you fail a separate dc11 Dex Save, then 3 from falling, and you are prone.
Angis, Enseth, & Drui Explosion
Drui Falling (if he does)
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
[round 2]

A few seconds earlier, Tommi had thought that a burning barn would be an advantage to them. Something that would draw together the occupants of this village. But he hadn't meant for the team to be caught in the middle of it all. As the second explosion rocked everyone, Tommi felt the impact of the superheated air.

I'm not very good at this, he said to himself. And I'm not sure I can survive getting better at it.

As he saw the fire hit his comrades, the boy loaded another stone and whipped it at the bugbear. That was the biggest threat for now.

OOC: Round 2: HP =13 (poisoned).

Attack: [roll0]. If a hit, damage (with sneak attack) = [roll1].

The stone flung loose, but he didn't wait to see if it hit. He ran to hide against the side of the next barn. There were goblin snipers about, and he wanted to avoid them.

OOC: Move: 30' and attempt to Hide (cunning action).
There seems to be debris at T 5-6. I see that's right by a goblin, but I think he's on the inside (?). Stealth: [roll2].


OOC: The 'poisoned' condition gives you disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks, so not only that, but you can't get sneak attack if you have disadvantage. So disadvantage on stealth too! I'll roll here: [roll0]

Tommi kept coughing from the smoke he'd inhaled, and it his eyes were still watering, but when he found a spot to tuck himself into, he held back the coughing as best he could.


Enseth disappeared, engulfed into the fire ball... before stepping out of the flames , walking surrounded by an energy shield which prevented his internal mechanism to melt down by absorbing the extreme heat.

OOC: Reaction: absorb element.
Dex save missed so 6 dmg.
[sblock=Statblock]HP: 8/14 HD: 2/1d8+1d6
AC: 19 (21 Shield of Faith, 24 Shield, 26 both)
PP: 14
Arcane Devices: Tier 1: 2/3
War Priest: 2/2
Arcane Recovery: 1/1
Darts: 20/20
Javelins: 4/5
Caltrops: 100/100
Health Potions: 0
Coins: 198 gp, 9 sp.
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The explosion caught Dandin by surprise. He huddled for a moment against the burnt wreck if the building next to him, watching fiery debris fly past. But then he noticed Hanar starting to stomp in fright and dashed back across the gap to grab the reigns and settle his friend. Looking back over the fight from this new vantage he noticed the bugbear struggling with Titus and called out to it.

"Ohh you've done it now! Titus'll make short work of your pig-face!"

OOC: viscious mockery at the Hob, DC 13, Inspiration for Titus.
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Tommi & Dandin vs The Bugbear

Tommi's stone hurtled past the bugbear and he tucked himself behind some of the collapsed ruins of the burnt-out cottage. He could hear a goblin on the other side of what was left of the cottage wall, but he held off coughing and remained motionless. He could tell that the goblin did not know that he was there.

Dandin mocked the bugbear, who grew frustrated and swung his spiky club at Titus, who easily ducked to the side. Then the halfling ran back to his mule, to keep her from panicking.

Maingalad & Ulaqui vs goblin 2

Maingalad began to search the ruined farmhouse for the goblin he had seen dive in there. He flipped a burnt table and the goblin leaped out, cutting him with a rusty cleaver.

"Why you little..." Maingalad cursed and he chased the creature into the open as it ran, slashing it on the arm as it spun and spat at him.

Ulaqui stepped out as well and began to juggle three daggers. One by one, she threw them at the goblin, but the creature danced one way and then the other, and her daggers skidded across the ground.

GM: I guess she shouldn't have shown off.
Damage Taken:
(BGs) Bugbear 1 (Mockery); Goblin2 4
(PCs) None
(NPCs) Maingalad 4
Dandin Mockery vs Bugbear
Save: 1D20 = [6] = 6
1D4 = [1] = 1

Bugbear vs Titus (disadvantage from mockery)
Attack: 2D20.LOW(1)+4 = [6, 6]+4 = 10
2D8+2 = [5, 2]+2 = 9

Goblin2 vs Maingalad
Attack: 2D20.HIGH(1)+5 = [8, 12]+5 = 17
1D6+2 = [2]+2 = 4

Mangalad vs Goblin2
Attack: 1D20+4 = [15]+4 = 19
1D6+2 = [2]+2 = 4
1D20+4 = [5]+4 = 9
1D6+2 = [5]+2 = 7

Ulaqui vs Goblin2
Attack: 1D20+4 = [1]+4 = 5
1D4+2 = [3]+2 = 5
1D20+4 = [8]+4 = 12
1D4+2 = [3]+2 = 5
1D20+4 = [10]+4 = 14
1D4+2 = [1]+2 = 3


Archon Basileus

First Post
Seeing that both his companions are led to safety, Drui jumps down, bracing himself for the impact. As he reaches the floor, he glances around, studying the general condition of his companions and preparing for battle. Drui caughs heavily, hs lungs filled with ashes and smoke, but still he struggles to continue.


CON Save at advantage -
1D20 = [8] = 8
1D20 = [10] = 10

Acrobatics roll (to reduce damage, if possible) at disadvantage:

1D20 = [19] = 19
1D20 = [12] = 12]


OOC: Wow, I poisoned two dwarves! Actually, Drui still has his actions, [MENTION=6855545]Archon Basileus[/MENTION]. What you posted was just saving throws. He can still go. And I still need Titus to go, too. [MENTION=6855204]tglassy[/MENTION]? C'mon, man!


OOC: I assume Titus is near the bugbear?

Titus ducked the bugbear, bringing his sword around, aiming for the creatures neck.

[roll0] or [roll1]

Voidrunner's Codex

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