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[IC] The Trouble at Durbenford


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"Green beer huh? That'd be a sight to see, almost as good as the red paste that the folk of the far south use to color their food and lips. They make that out of bugs, pregnant bugs."

Jasper thanks the child and gives him triple his fee to make up for the lack of food.

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Konstantine, appearing largely unphased by the sudden circumstances, chuckles mirthfully in the direction of the vanishing youngster. Turning his attention to the halflings, the bard's facade shifts drastically.

"You'd best not have been involved in that," he says in a fierce whisper, drawing quite close to the pair. "From a child, I can accept ignorance, but from adults, I will not accept failure to notice the signs. Understand?"
[sblock=OOC]Bluff +19, Diplomacy +25
And if the stuff I said doesn't make sense, its because it probably shouldn't... yet.[/sblock]


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The halflings, identical at a closer look but for a scar on one's brow, are taken aback at the bard's approach. After a quizzical look at one another, the unscarred twin responds, "We were only involved in order to make sure you didn't loose too much, which seems to be the case. As for signs, the only one I see reads, 'I have gold'." At this point he is silenced by an elbow to the gut, the other halfling obviously upset that he was so easily enamored of the smooth human stranger.


"Ah, have no fear that I'd take offense at you for merely stating the obvious. If you cannot see the more subtle signs, then 't would be best to avoid the issue at all, I suppose. You mustn't be who or what I'd taken you for, or you'd surely have realized my place, if not my identity. Yes?" Konstantine flashes a bright but slightly crooked smile at the pair.


Zagnak followed the group in silence. He hated cities! Too many sights, too many smells. An endless cacophony of noise that threatened to drive him insane. And the people! So many...TOO many!

As the hybrid walked he glared threateningly at any who dared to approach him.

He did not protest when the party arrived at the Ox and Hammer. He knew he wouldn't stay in some stuffy confined room. In such cases he often stayed with the steeds in the stables. He prefered the smell and sometimes...the company.

Vigwyn the Unruly

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Padraig, Male Human Veteran (Fighter)

"Paste from crushed up bugs, huh?" chuckles Padraig. "Once, when I was training new recruits, we had a boy come in from somewhere westerly. Claimed that he grew up near a settlement of orcs that colored their lips red with their own blood.

"Perhaps we can take a seat and slake our thirst,"
Padraig suggests to his companion. He then tries to find a table near a pair or group so that he can eavesdrop on the local gossip. Assuming he finds a likely place, he sits and listens while awaiting the attention of a serving maid.

OOC: Listen check (1d20-1=6)


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"Thank you, sir!" exclaims the child to Jasper before running off, clearly more fond of the copper than any chance of scraps.

Clearly flustered by the ramblings of the bard, the halflings mumble non-commital answers to his rhetorical question before stepping back and beginning to turn their attention on more lucritive "clients".

Zagnak finds the inn not entirely uncomfortable, as the patrons are mostly concerned with their own quiet conversations. It seems clear that things must become much busier in the later hours, or the inn would not warrant such a large building.

Jasper and Padraig are able to easily find a table in a suitable spot and are quickly waited on by a pleasant, though terse, serving woman. "Meals are 1 gold each, gentlemen, and you'll be having a pitcher of ale for 4 silver I presume?"

After giving their order, the two overhear a number of conversations, but nothing of much interest. The locals are speaking mostly of how business is going (suitably well), the weather (it is fine and warm), and the state of the poor quarter (it stinks).


Bah! They probably didn't know anything anway.

Konstantine, finding no reason to pursue the halflings, spends some time gossiping with the locales, learning what he can, and thereafter makes his way to the Ox and Hammer.
[sblock=OOC]Gather Info +19[/sblock]


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Konstantine's attempts to gather some information about Durbenford are incredibly fruitful. He comes upon an unsavory fellow crying the local news who immediately accosts him thusly, "Ah, there! You're not from around here, you must certainly need someone to show you around! I'm Shubryn, pleased to meet you."

While it's obvious that paying the fellow to show you around would be worthless, it's easy enough to draw a large amount of information from him by stringing him along for a short time.

"Those two halflings you were talking to work for the Fat Man, you'd better watch out around them. They won't be up to too much trouble, though, for everyone's talking about the fact that Prince Geoffrey is planning a visit. I don't know why, but my guess is that it's to check up on Lord Durben and all the troubles around here. The biggest one, of course, is that there's an entire nation of giants on the other side of the Kal'lugus mountains ready to invade. Good ole' Durben sure ticked off someone. As far as that goes, Master Orin knows more about the mountains, and old castle Durbin, than anyone else.

"You know, those kids wouldn't be so keen to rob folks if the poor quarter was better off. The whole reason it's so out of control is Durben's perverse fancies. That and the Fat Man, he's behind most of the crime. He's got competition, now, though. The Grey Rook Guild have set up shop and aren't too shy.

"If you're looking for some real info, though, you should talk to Juptal. He's an old hermit, lives near the lake. He's been here as long as the town, 'least that's what I say."


"Dear Shubryn, many thanks for your trouble. I'll certainly keep in mind your thoughts. Here's something for your time," Konstantine slips the fellow some coins. Not enough to look wasteful or foolish, but enough to show genuine appreciation. "And if you keep an ear to the ground for me, maybe get some more information like that, we can do business again. Don't worry about finding me. I'll not likely be easy to miss."

Not that I actually expect any more than that, but extra eyes and ear won't likely hurt...

With that fruitful work done for the time being, and knowing that its best to not be seen prying too much too soon, the bard makes his way to the Ox and Hammer, hoping to find his companions and a drink.

Voidrunner's Codex

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