[IC] The Trouble at Durbenford

Vigwyn the Unruly

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"I'm in," sighs Padraig, slapping his gold and silver on the table. "The first pitcher is on me, friend," he tells Jasper.

As the pair wait for their food and drink, his eyes wander about the room, looking for anything unusual or out of place.

Recalling the stage, he remarks to the cleric, "I wonder if there'll be any entertainment tonight. I'd bet Konstantine could give a heckuva show on a stage like that, wouldn't you say, Brother Jasper? Speaking of Konstantine, I wonder what the rest of the group are up to..."

OOC: Spot check (1d20-1=5)
Should we keep track of our own money on our character sheets?

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Not bad. Not bad at all, thinks Gwennath as she takes a seat.

"So what do you think?" she asks Padraig and Jasper conversationally. "What are we going to run across in a place like this?" She eyes the crowd casually. "My money's on a missing child before the night's out. And Konstantine finding something pretty that likes the sound of his voice..."


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On cue, Konstantine and Gil rejoin the group at the Ox and Hammer. At the group settles in and the day turns toward evening, the inn begins to fill with other travellers, townsfolk leaving their dayly work, and a few interesting folk.

As you finish what is a lovely meal, only enhanced by your recent jouney, a group of travellers enter the inn, and Jasper and Zagnak both hear what sound like screams coming from some nearby street through the open door.


michael_noah said:
On cue, Konstantine and Gil rejoin the group at the Ox and Hammer. At the group settles in and the day turns toward evening, the inn begins to fill with other travellers, townsfolk leaving their dayly work, and a few interesting folk.

As you finish what is a lovely meal, only enhanced by your recent jouney, a group of travellers enter the inn, and Jasper and Zagnak both hear what sound like screams coming from some nearby street through the open door.

Zagnak cocked his head at the screams and regarded Jasper. He would have preffered to mind his own business. But he knew the priest was a do-gooder and likely to go running out the door. Despite his disdain for getting involved he prepared himself to follow his companion.

It was against the Hybrid's code to abandon an ally. Oh yes the unpredictable Savage had a code he lived by, though it was twisted and difficult to understand, it was still his....


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Jasper regards Gwennath ruefully, "I guess I should have taken you up on that bet." Nodding to Zagnak and his sigh, Jasper stands and walks out the door to see what the commotion is.

Vigwyn the Unruly

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Padraig, Male Human Veteran (Fighter)

"Zagnak, where is Jasper going? Gwennath, what did he mean by that? Is it something in the drink making our friend act so cryptically?" he asks, examining his flagon. Padraig is clearly confused and concerned by this strange turn of events.


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As some members of the party go to investigate, they see a crowd gathering a few streets away, just inside the poor quarter. Some townsfolk are running away from the area, clearly frightened.


Konstantine turns to Padraig. "Search me. But whatever he's been drinking, perhaps it would be worth a try. I know some of the lord's back home used to lace there drinks with several varieties of herbs."


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"Maybe he knows something we don't, boys," says Gwennath. Sighing a bit, she hops down from her seat and follows Jasper out of the door, calling his name.

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Padraig, Male Human Veteran (Fighter)

"Let's go see what's wrong with him, then," says the veteran. Placing his drink back on the table beside the remains of his dinner, he heaves himself to his feet and makes for the door.

Seeing the scene on the street, Padraig begins to get excited. "Well, now, this looks interesting! So this is what made you start, eh Jasper? Come, friends, let us go see what makes these people run!" With this, Padraig cinches up his sword belt, and wades off into the crowd, moving toward the commotion.

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