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Near Maran
Round 0

“Aye, I’ll come wi’ ye, lad,” Morgrym told Marius. “Let’s see ‘ow the snakes ‘andle when their ‘ead is cut off.” He grinned wickedly, slapping his axe against his hand. He followed the monk to help him set up his cavalry trip line.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

HP: 39/39 NL: 0
AC: 17 FF: 11 T: 16 (+4 vs Giants)
CMD: 15 (+2 vs bull rush, trip)
Fort: 7 Ref: 2 Will: 7 (+2 vs poisons, spells, SLA)
Armed: MW Cold Iron Battleaxe
Ammunition: 10/10 bullets
Storm Burst 7/7


Spells Prepared
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
1. Obscuring Mist (Domain), Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame, Entangle, [Summon Nature’s Ally 1 (Spontaneous)]
2: Fog Cloud (Domain), Barkskin, Flaming Sphere, [Summon Nature’s Ally II (Spontaneous)]

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Archon Basileus

First Post

Sneaky! But I have a surprise ready - I'll remind you of Heightened Awareness elixir I drank before entering the caves. I get bonus to perception and initiative roll gets a bonus, but ends the spell
[Yeah, it was a delicate strategy, hehehe! Nice anticipation!]

As soon as he feels the contact, his arms snap together hoping to capture the caster.

Desperation fills the creature as Hagadark advances, trying to reach out for her. Her steps resound as she tries to retreat, making his job only easier. As he embraces her, she attacks with what she holds in hand – her grimoire! The thing bashes against Hagadark’s forehead, making no damage at all as he grabs the giantess by the waist, her arms flinging around as he immobilizes her further.

Both Klutha and Ho-og jump against the giantess, cutting her without mercy as Hagadark’s grasp controls the giantess’ movements. She yells loudly, but her beasts are engaged with the other hunters.
“Relese me noooow!” – she continues as she fights against Hagadark’s massive shape. Klutha and Ho-og retreat a bit, weapons raised as if to weaken a prey. The giantess’ struggle is in vain.

[It is a battle to be solved even before it starts… For the second time in this game, if I might add. :)]


After gathering some last-moment resources, the trio leaves the lines to prepare the trap. Scrap metal and stones are employed by Arvana as she builds the necessary contraptions to raise the rope and keep its strength and tension against the attackers. Boulders are in no short stock, and Marius finds them easily enough. The scouts help get the trap in place as well, and soon enough the cavalry is in range.

As their hisses and howls raise to the moon, they advance, dust and thunder all around them. All of a sudden, Marius triggers the trap using his talents! As expected, the mounts are detoured, and as the rope is raised, many of them trip and fall to the ground, the saurian beasts of war first among them! After a strepitant fall, the giant leaders begin to rise, only to bring two more lines of riders down with them. Only the fourth line realized what was happening, and even then their riders jump over and trample the others, moving on under the command of a lizard captain.

The large, saurian leaders, begin to brush the others aside, rising as their beasts begin to regain their footing. Despite being harmed, they still hold some strength, as some of the riders, but a third of the cavalry got lost from the main charge.

Behind the lines, the reptile archers reduce their pace as they see the commotion in front of them. On the other side, beyond the remaining riders, dwarven infantry yells in challenge and celebration, bashing weapons and shields while a volley of bolts, coming from the crossbowmen, rain over the fallen riders – particularly against the heavy saurian knights!

[Hehehe! Lovely! Now what are you guys going to do?]

[MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] [MENTION=6801311]KahlessNestor[/MENTION] [MENTION=87106]MetaVoid[/MENTION]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Good thinking, [MENTION=87106]MetaVoid[/MENTION]

Marius smiles at the plan well executed. And the infantry held the position and the archers shot where there would be best effect. Everything went perfect. Now to assure that archers from far off don't do any damage, he motions his companions and slinks into the boulders shadows and toward the archers.

He moves in slight curve to avoid the direct line between archers and the cavalry since that is where all attention is focused right now.
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Near Maran
Round 0

Morgrym followed Marius as quietly as he could, sneaking along past the archers. That was quite a few soldiers they were going to be taking on alone. He hoped Marius had a plan.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

HP: 39/39 NL: 0
AC: 17 FF: 11 T: 16 (+4 vs Giants)
CMD: 15 (+2 vs bull rush, trip)
Fort: 7 Ref: 2 Will: 7 (+2 vs poisons, spells, SLA)
Armed: MW Cold Iron Battleaxe
Ammunition: 10/10 bullets
Storm Burst 7/7


Spells Prepared
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
1. Obscuring Mist (Domain), Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame, Entangle, [Summon Nature’s Ally 1 (Spontaneous)]
2: Fog Cloud (Domain), Barkskin, Flaming Sphere, [Summon Nature’s Ally II (Spontaneous)]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: What plan?! We run in, shoot the commanders / casters and run for our lives :) That is, you shoot, Arvana shoots, I mix it up in melee and try to make them shoot each other :)We just need to cause mayhem and confusion for couple of rounds until cavalry arrives

Archon Basileus

First Post

"You stand no chance. Surrender immediately!" he growls tightening his grip, pulling her over and across and ending atop of her back, pressing her arms on the sides.

There’s a moan from her as the creature tries a final burst of strength against Hagadark’s strong grip. She fails, though, and her body weakens, her gaping mouth menacing in vain her smaller attackers.

“Why, cousin, why do this to me??? Have we not enough with dwarves trailing through our sands? Please cousin, release your kin!” – she says, trying to pass for an ogress, for what it seems.

As she continues, Tugg-Mhuagra walks from the back of the cave, a pair of blood-red eyes shining within the orc’s skull. The giantess immediately falls silent, glancing at the hybrid with a trembling visage.

“What was my command to you, creature?” – Mhuagra says, her eyes blazing more and more as she approaches.

“… … I…. I-I…” – the giantess’ eyes widen as Tugg-Mhuagra faces her.

“You. You took the idle and left it behind. Used my secrets. Abused my gifts. Kept me for a PET!” – her eyes explode in red as she yanks Ho-og’s axe from his hands, ignoring Tugg’s blades.

“I-I… Mercy! MERCY!” – the giantess begins to agitate herself once more, but Hagadark’s grip is too powerful.

Tugg-Mhuagra tests the axe’s blade, rising it towards the giantess’ neck. “You have twisted my blessings… And now… You’ll pay… Creature.” – Tugg-Mhuagra presses the axe against the creature’s neck. Hagadark feels as the creature pisses herself in fear. The hunters around glance in satisfaction, understanding the brutal legacy of their spirit-gods. Even Ho-og, now unarmed, forgets his distrust, eager to see the end of such story.

“Rejoice, Giantess… We shall give a good end to your blood. Nobler than you’d deserve.” – Tugg-Mhuagra presses the axe against the creature’s neck. With a last chuckle, she bleeds, her dark humors running down through Hagadark’s arm and the giantess’ body. Tugg-Mhuagra plunges the axe at the floor, cups her hands and drinks vigorously from it. Once done, the hybrid points towards the tome. “Take it, shaman. You’ve earned it. The secrets you might seek, it shall reveal in due time. Feed it with blood, and it will embrace you and teach you.” – she looks around, retrieves the axe to Ho-og once more, the blazing stars in her eyes pulsating hypnotically.

“Now… We were hunting for something. What was it?”


As the companions sneak towards the archers, they realize the trap had a second impact. The archers still run forward, but they have become far more attentive to their own flanks. Outside the column, at each side, eight lizard swordsmen can be seen, running along and glancing around, as if decided to find the culprits of the sudden crash of their cavalry. Behind the lines, the captains and horn-bearers issue commands from within a circle of varied lizardmen (ten in total), vigilant and ready to attack as well.

[Ok, if you guys wish to sneak, go ahead and give me some stealth! Obviously their perception will suffer, since they’re engulfed by the sounds of battle.]

@KahlessNestor @Neurotic @MetaVoid


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"The plan: We set up you two so that they will pass close enough that your weapons work their best. i will provide the distraction at the moment they might notice you. Use it well! My life may depend upon your precision. Mourgrym, keep the blade safe."

After they each find their spot, Marius picks up a stick that might pass for a bow if one is distracted. His clothes changes to some average of enemy soldiers and he slides seemlessy into shadows.

He comes from the side and behind lizarda riders using his superior speed to go around. At right moment, he join as the last of the group of archers that most resemble his human build (if any, let me know if I need to change this part).

[roll0] - add two more if darkness provides concealment

[MENTION=6801311]KahlessNestor[/MENTION], you are ranged so I suggest you keep back - be careful not to get knife in the back - that's why I try to set you up separately from Arvana, but you may have other plans.
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Near Maran
Round 0

Morgrym took his position, eying the saurians as they passed. He crouched in the sands, and pulled out his druidic totem and his sling, settling his battleaxe on his back again. Quietly he spoke a spell and his sun-browned skin darkened, getting rough and hard like bark. He waited for Marius’ distraction.

Stealth: 1D20-1 = [12]-1 = 11

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

HP: 39/39 NL: 0
AC: 17 FF: 11 T: 16 (+4 vs Giants)
CMD: 15 (+2 vs bull rush, trip)
Fort: 7 Ref: 2 Will: 7 (+2 vs poisons, spells, SLA)
Armed: MW Cold Iron Battleaxe
Ammunition: 10/10 bullets
Storm Burst 7/7

Conditions: Barkskin: +2 AC (300/300r)

Spells Prepared
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
1. Obscuring Mist (Domain), Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame, Entangle, [Summon Nature’s Ally 1 (Spontaneous)]
2: Fog Cloud (Domain), Barkskin*, Flaming Sphere, [Summon Nature’s Ally II (Spontaneous)]

Voidrunner's Codex

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