
Near Maran
Round 3

Morgrym crawled out from under the wyvern, covered in gore and grit, clutching the dagger. He grinned wickedly and turned to kick the beast. “That’ll teach yeh t’ mess wi’ dwarves!” he said. For good measure, he stabbed it a few more times with the dagger before cleaning the weapon and slipping it back away.

“I need a bluidy drink. An’ hells. It looks like I’ll need t’ take me yearly bath early,” he sighed with annoyance.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

HP: 22/39 NL: 0
AC: 17 FF: 11 T: 16 (+4 vs Giants)
CMD: 15 (+2 vs bull rush, trip)
Fort: 7 Ref: 2 Will: 7 (+2 vs poisons, spells, SLA)
Armed: MW Cold Iron Battleaxe
Ammunition: 9/10 bullets
Storm Burst 6/7/day

Conditions: Barkskin: +2 AC (289/300r); Entangle (22/30r)

Spells Prepared
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
1. Obscuring Mist (Domain), Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame, Entangle*, [Summon Nature’s Ally 1 (Spontaneous)]
2: Fog Cloud (Domain), Barkskin*, Flaming Sphere*, [Summon Nature’s Ally II (Spontaneous)]

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Marius approaches warily, clapping the dwarf on the shoulders before looking around.

"Do we lob few more surprises into the battle or let the dwarves sort them out now that the main enemy has been dealt with? We messed them up, but the dwarves might use some extra help."

Turning to the orc shaman and the arcanist
"And we seem to have plenty of introductions to do so maybe a quiet getaway would be better?."


First Post
The arcanist's head poked out from behind the rock and, seeing that the battle was moving away from the wyvern's body, a moment later she emerged completely.

"Just a moment!"

Her robes billowed a bit in the wind as she hurried out to the fallen creature and knelt down over it, humming to herself. Her back was to the party, so the specifics of what she was doing wasn't immediately clear. She did keep more than half an eye on the dwarves and their foes though.

It didn't take long. She then stood up again and went to where Marius, Morgrym and the others were standing.

"All right. Introductions. I'm Shayuri. Ready for the getting away part?"

With her hood pulled down a bit, her mouth and chin were the only parts of her face clearly visible. Her skin tone was a little dusky-hued...darker than most humans of this particular land, but nowhere near the rich brown of desert-dwellers or the like.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Not quite yet, Shayuri. I'm Marius. Who are you, where did you come from, why did you aid us? And can you show your face, please?" Marius looks hard at the arcanist. For some reason, much harder than he had at the orcs. True, this is not in the middle of the fight, so maybe he has some free time now?

While talking, he walks to the wyverns body, putting both hands on it. As he finishes questioning Shayuri, he murmurs something else
"Rest in peace, old one. I hope the dagger didn't get you."


First Post
"Ugh, must we do this now?" the woman protests. "There's still a rather pitched struggle going on very close by!"

With a sigh she takes hold of her hood and lowers it.

[sblock] Shay1.png[/sblock]

Long red hair...actually RED hair though, not the orange that people usually mean when they say red. Her eyes are a peculiar shade of yellow, but that is far from where the peculiarities end. Her ears are long, longer than elf ears even, and pierced with several gold hoops. She has small brown horns poking vertically upwards from high up her forehead, under her bangs. And a patina of red scales along her cheekbones, and forehead. When she grimaces, several of her teeth are visibly sharp, though don't look long enough to be 'dangerous.'

"There. I'm not from Maran, but I'm here to help. You're Grontar's seekers, yes?"

"We were sent to recover them and the artifact. They were being overrun so we joined." even as he speaks, shaman returns to normal size
"I am Hagadark and these are my hunters. The rest can wait. Unless you want to risk even more by joining the general struggle? We're wounded, the dwarves wouldn't welcome us and we're running out of time. Let's use the battle to get through."

OOC: [MENTION=6855545]Archon Basileus[/MENTION], where are we supposed to deliver them? I mean, which way, back the way we came?

"We can talk once we're away from here. We found a safe passage two days from here. Mage Dram awaits." Hagadark puts away the sword and motions for the hunters to gather around the group. They are not actively menacing, but they to surround the small group of humanoids. For protection or as prisoners guards? Hard to say.
"Come, we cleared the way on our way here."

Archon Basileus

First Post
As the companions look towards east, the flames at the northern tower can still be seen. War rages out there, even though this front has been controlled. It is just a matter of time before the dwarves are realigned - not so numerous as before - and proceed to help at the tower. The cries of several other wyverns are heard in the distance, as well as the cries of war.

Despite the scenario, Hagadark remembers the path through the southern ruins. They can hide in the shadows of the southern keep, choosing to sidestep the confrontation, if they so wish. North might be an option as well, but a risky one: more saurian troops might wait in there, and the desert city rests in that direction. Who knows if the party wouldn't be ambushed by new lines of soldiers... South still roars with the flames of bruised Maran, and west would take them even further away from Dram - but also away from the conflict.

"So... Where to, boys?" - a shambling Arvana leans against the rocks as she approaches, slowly recovering her strength.
[MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] [MENTION=6801311]KahlessNestor[/MENTION] [MENTION=87106]MetaVoid[/MENTION] [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"We can talk once we're away from here. We found a safe passage two days from here. Mage Dram awaits." Hagadark puts away the sword and motions for the hunters to gather around the group. They are not actively menacing, but they to surround the small group of humanoids. For protection or as prisoners guards? Hard to say.
"Come, we cleared the way on our way here."

"That assumes we were on the way to Dram, Hagadark. Lets move from the battlefield, we can talk later. "
Turning toward the sorceress
"We're the seekers. Coming?" he motions southward.

Voidrunner's Codex

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